Evoker's Range

Lol I dont know why people keep parroting this lie. No reasonable person thinks evoker mobility is good enough to justify having significantly less range than every other class in the game. That range is the standard the game is built blaround. Gaining it would not be a power increase, just parity to whats normal.


It was to compensate to balance them but it’s always been poorly received. It’s an outdated mindset by the devs. Like hpals being a “melee healer”


evokers range feels like blizzards monkeys paw to the lie that they would be highly mobile like they originally sold it as. i feel like every other ranged class has better mobility than a evoker does. in a game that has bm hunters you cant say something is going to be highly mobile and throw in a turret that can move while casting with a cooldown. its also hard to justify wasting hover when ill probably end up needing it to do mechanics/avoid damage.

what instant cast spells? pyre and azure strike? if 2 spells is the reason there the only class with such short range then either whoever designed the class is awful at their job or just throw those spells away and replace them with something else. usually when blizzard added a class it was op because they wanted people to play them. evoker feels like were still beta testing them while nobody listens to feedback. it is weird that i can play my feral druid and ret pally at the same range as a evoker whos suppose to be range

Right, so what negative does a BM Hunter have to balance out their unlimited mobility?

Not one person has been able to answer this question yet. I’m all ears.

Being unwanted for mythic raszageth, mythic sarkareth.

The entire class lol.

I appreciate bliz trying something new, but this short range for evokers thing didn’t work out, the players don’t enjoy it.


BM hunters dont have a healing spec. Now you know.

The search for an answer continues, I guess…

Any channeled spell is instant when tapped on an evoker.

because you block anyone with a counter argument.

You have the answer. Just because you want to put your fingers in your ears, doesnt change that. BM hunters cant heal for beans, all specs of evoker can.

Your answer is the dumbest one I’ve seen so far. More so even than the “lower damage” one that someone tried to vomit at me earlier.



BM loses:
A fun and interesting rotation that lets skill expression come through? (Barb shot refreash frenzy, hit all your cds, cobra filler)
Being relaint on npc pathing for majority of your damage, issues reaching and attacking eneimies.
Massive dps loss if npcs die.

For unlimited movement, BM gives up player damage and puts it all onto pets.

Swap the npcs for humans and you have Aug =P

Edit: the ability to hit a target over a small chasm =P

So, your argument is that BM is boring, and has bad pet AI? Not disagreeing with either point, but if we’re using that as a trade off for their mobility, then it falls apart a little bit. Mostly because Aug is just as boring as BM is, if not more so, and Blizzard isn’t going to balance anything around the fact that their pet AI is from 2004.

Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but the only fight that comes to mind in recent memory where the pet AI was so bad that you couldn’t play BM was Carapace of N’zoth.

The way they tried to gimp the evoker at every turn is what turned me off of them. Short range casts, soar being totally lame. It’s pretty obvious they intended to make them something more than the compromised version that ultimately shipped.

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At least they’re finally fixing the Soar part.

Just need to fix the range, and our god awful transmog situation, and Evoker might actually be a real class.


To what the OP asked originally, the question doesnt make sense. Evokers having a shorter range was never advertised to be a benefit or perk, so why would anyone like it? The shorter range being something you have to deal with is sort of the point (and from what i can tell the class is doing way more than fine).

Aug would be brought to the RWF even if it had a 10 yard range. That doesn’t mean it’s well designed. Quite the opposite, actually.

Also, for context, I asked if people like it or not because I have another thread on the Evoker forums, where people said they liked the range. This confused me, so I wanted to see more opinions. You’re right though, liking the short range doesn’t make sense.

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Warriors are melee, how is this a benefit or a perk? Go to 40 yards and start throwing your weapon.

Does not compute, brain overloading

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