I think Preservation feels fine with the extra 5 yards and lots of instant casts.
Devastation, however, feels significantly less mobile when you account for the channeled nature of Disintegrate and the extremely long cast time on Living Flame.
I think Preservation feels fine with the extra 5 yards and lots of instant casts.
Devastation, however, feels significantly less mobile when you account for the channeled nature of Disintegrate and the extremely long cast time on Living Flame.
Over the last 2 days I’ve decided that healing pugs with 3 range DPS on some of these m0 bosses is masochism.
Every one of them wants to stand at 30+ yards on 3 different sides of the boss.
The difference between healing a melee cleave and a heavy range group is night and day.
Mid Range options for a melee based spec works really well with Enh, Havoc, Survival and Unholy.
This really does not translate well into putting such a restriction on a ranged spec.
While the official reasoning for why it isn’t a problem, is that now encounters are catered for this requirement, it completely ignores the issues of human interaction.
Mid ranged caster PvPing against a spec with full range and superior kiting abilities is clear example of where this breaks apart.
Not to even mention that while new encounters have been modified to cater for mid ranged careers, there are time-walking options which are going to expand further.
It’s simply a bad design decision with very little in the way of providing a positive explanation of why Evoker have reduced range.
I think this has to do with reduced ad targeting ability due to companies like Apple providing consumers more privacy options.
Really though, I agree. The specs you mentioned are gaining functionality (melee → ranged) while Evoker is losing something that then has to be compensated.
My autocorrect…
Givin myself an uppercut on that one.
It’s an important factor tbh.
It feels good for a melee to have that added range incorporated into thier kit.
Through encounter mechanics (likewise PvP) they are able to adjust, and close the gap when needed.
Evoker needs to close the gap as a caster, makes for a very different scenario.
It’s less about if the class can be played at this range and more about why should it be? Looking at it from a pvp perspective, melee characters have an advantage in melee range. Ranged characters have an advantage at a range. What advantage do we get for being in the middle? None. We’re just less effective ranged characters. There’s nothing we have that normal ranged characters don’t have at 40 yds. Just having a 25 yd ranged class isn’t fun or interesting. There needs to be a reason for it and I’ve yet to hear or see one. The same can be applied to healing. What do we have over other healers to justify our shorter range? Is it enough to make up for that disadvantage? I don’t see it but if someone does I’m happy to hear them out.
This is it right here, yup. Not fun.
Today, I felt like I was beating my head against the wall just trying to quest in Waking Shores, Ohn’ahran Plains, and Azure Span.
Quest: kill x number of peacocks for your profession. Can’t reach most of them, and they evade-bug.
Quest: wrangle proto-dragons. Can’t reach the flying ones, from anywhere. I tried over a dozen different points on the flight paths.
Quest: kill drakes somewhere else. Drakes are all high up, in odd places, really far from each other, etc. still can’t reach.
Oh, and we still don’t have a tag/pull ability, so when we soar/hover/dragonride to the add, it’s already tag-capped or dead, and we never got a hit in.
This just doesn’t work. I still have a bunch of campaign stuff to complete to start collecting Spark of Ingenuity, and I’m considering begging a guildie for help so I can stop doing quests other than dungeon and profession quests.
How do you think Melee classes got these quests done? I’d love to know your guesses
I am PREEETTTY sure melee all have a ranged ability that they can use to tag these ‘far away’ flying mobs that reaches more than 25 yards… but what do I know XD
Our present range makes us melee class whether we like it or not. How about a big slow?
Ugh this makes me sad how underthought this class is. It really is just a super squishy melee without a ranged pull. D:
I agree with you! Take a look at my post and tell me what you think!!
Like @Cindrozal said, every melee has at least one ranged ability. Tested it with some melee classes today. Those quests are much easier on melee characters. The mobs I couldn’t hit no matter what I did? Warriors, rogues, paladins, demon hunters, and death knights are able to hit them. And melee specs that have spellcaster off specs have even more tools.
I think it would be great if mid range works but because blizzard was so lazy and slow in the first place at implementing new ideas/combat mechanics, its probably too late. Idk really. I hope not but if so. All the more reason for this poor class to have a melee tank spec. Or be the first mid to close range tank since guard druids could sling more range.
True but also kinda funny cause kiting is how people traditionally kill dragons in pretty much everything hahahah. Books, movies. Games. Kite the dragon
In had that issue yesterday trying to complete a quest where I had to kill drakes flying around in the sky. It was a nightmare. I wouldn’t have been able to complete it without dragon riding.
I also ran in to a rare mob flying around in the Maw yesterday too and didn’t have enough range to aggro the thing.
They all have a ranged taunt or throw for this exact reason. Blizzard forgot to give us one.