The racial passive tied to it requiring us to be in Visage form to spread the out-of-combat regeneration seems tedious and ineffective, especially in uses of PvP and watching our GCD use in mythic + keys (I played beta). Please, make it so the racial is constantly active and does not require us in Visage to initiate.
It is truly a letdown to only have our visage show transmog. I do not know your plans as a company in addressing this issue that restricts player customization and capability to show off hard-earned gear and unique collectible transmog. I would love it if the visage had unique animations that allowed us to be in Visage form casting while hovering, blowing fire out of our mouth, utilizing a deep breath, azure strike, or dream breath. Now I understand that may be counterproductive in being a dragon. I really would just love to wear transmog in the dragon form but that is looking more and more unlikely for a blizzard. Being stuck in a form in a preset of armor that we cannot choose is truly devastating. Perhaps taking the ability off GCD or advancing it to auto-shift you in combat right after a dragon form needed spell but I feel like that will be especially complex for Devastation evokers and will create bugs because we constantly use Pyre, Azure Strike, and Disintegration.
WTB Belf Female and Male Human model option for Visage. As well as many more
Tail Swipe & Wing Buffet: Please remove the talents Heavy Wingbeats and clobbering Sweep. Make these passive in the racial.
Walloping Blow: Talent should be passive.
These talents are just additions and solidification to ensuring the Dracthyr will not be a race for other classes like Warrior and mage in the future as these abilities are in the TALENT tree for the Evoker class.
As well as these abilities are just bloated and I noticed while playing it is not effective to choose these talents over the most needed abilities.
- Would love a Soar-like ability that is similar to running wild (Worgen ability) perhaps call it flying wild? That allows us to fly in our non-visage form.
double jump given since the glide interaction was taken away.
Changethe cast range to 40 yards
Cauterizing Flame should dispel magic as well.
Leaping Flames Make it baseline after casting Firebreath to hit 4 additional targets. We like to utilize the fire debuff don’t punish us for doing so.
Rescue and Twin Guardian combine the two talents to reduce talent bloat.
Quell makes it 20 second Cool Down baseline for both specs.
Emerald Blossom Bloom time for 2 seconds to 1 second.
Obsidian Scales: Castable while casting abilities. Castable while CC and Silenced.
Renewing Blaze: Castable while casting abilities. Castable while Silenced and CC.
- Foci of Life and Fire Within talents should be baseline in the spell Renewing Blaze and scrap these talents.
Sleep Walk change from 15-second Cool Down to no Cool down.
Oppressing Roar and Overawe: combine this talent bloat.
Landslide and Forger of the Mountains combine this talent bloat.
- 30-second cooldown, please. One minute is way too long for our only root.
Quell and Roar of Exhilariotion combine this button bloat.
Verdant Embrace: has a reduced cooldown in Preservation but does not benefit from the modifier to reduce the cooldown in Devastation. For example, my healing Verdant Embrace is a 16 sec cool down. the DPS is 24 seconds cool down.
Hover: Allow this ability to be cast during spells. Allow it not to interrupt the spell if the player caster uses it while casting. For example, if I cast hover to refresh my hover buff while casting Disentergrate I’m punished because it interrupts my channel and yeah, ew.
- would be cool if hover makes us immune to roots, I mean our feet are not touching the floor anymore.
Disintegrate: Allow us to cast while moving Passively. ALL THE TIME. Please, I hate burning hover to utilize this spell. It is an essence ability, do not punish the class, please.
Tip the Scales: Casting Tip the scales mid-cast of an ability will no longer cancel the ability.
Source of Magic Rework: Casting an empowered Spell restores a selected ally player 2% of their mana, Energy, Rage, Runic Power, focus, and demonic fury and grants the evoker 2% mana back 50% increase in essence regeneration for 2 seconds and can stack once.
The spell can be cast on DPS, Tanks, and Healers.
Regenerative Magic Amplifier Talent: This will now increase the restorative power by an additional 2% and also in addition grants additional healing restore to the target and the evoker it will also allow the essence regeneration to stack twice. So the spell will heal and restore a resource of 4% when the evoker casts an empowered ability and they will also gain a 50% increase in essence regeneration for 2 seconds and it will stack twice.
Protracted Talons Baseline instead of a talent.
Inherent Resistance Talent removed.
Bountiful Bloom talent will be removed and is the baseline for the spell.
Exuberance talent changed to be active all the time regardless of HP health %.
Talent Ancient flame reworked Living Flame cast time reduced by .5 seconds. Giving it a 1.5-second cast time baseline.
Swoop Up- PvP Talent is actually bugged and when used on another Evoker player using a Deep Breath will stun them, interrupt the spell, place them in a buggy glitch state for 5 seconds and Deep Breath will be placed on cool down, and will not do damage. Even though it says the player caster is immune to CC.
Casting Empowered spells to cause all my spells to go grey and fade out.
Casting Empowered spells and looking at the empowered spell bar its really wonky and glitches a lot not even portray the bar being filled at all just displays the bar empty and making noise.
maybe I’m crazy but I noticed when I’m at 0 essences and it recharges to two I have to wait until the 3rd one is filled or 1/2 filled to use a two-cost essence ability. Then when I use it I lose the progressing 3rd essence orb filling up. It is quite weird. Also sometimes when waiting for my 3rd essence orb to fill and I click it. It won’t work until the 4th is filled and I lose the fourth orb after I use the 3 cost essence ability.
Doesn’t happen all the time. But it happens and it is weird.
Nullifying Shroud has a strange interaction with rogues. They can spam sap on you and take it off quickly. When this ability should reveal the rogue when he takes off a charge because the Evoker is immune to CC with this ability on. They should not get a freebie and go unpunished when this is a PvP talent. Not sure if this is intentional or a bug.
Being stunned right as eternity surge goes off will cause the spell not to do dmg and go on cd even though the cast finishes. Notable mentions this occurs all the time to me esp right after demon hunter fel eruption or rupture stun.
There is a lack of sustain, kite-ability, and defense.
Defensive abilities like Obsidian Scales and Renewing Blaze being able to be cast while mid-cast and within a stun or silence will give us the fighting chance to defend ourselves against the CC- burst. As well as giving us a form of protection when going all in for the Deep Breath, Fire Breath, and Eternity Surge casts.
Remove Devastation Talent Imposing Presence (talent reduced Quell CD by 20 seconds Replace with Emerald Communion and make Inner Radiance talent baseline in Devastation Evokers.
The added passive healing from Inner Radiance being baseline in Devastation and the hopeful addition of Emerald Communion will give the Devastation Evoker that sense of major defensive cooldown it has been lacking.
The reduced cooldown benefit of Verdant Embrace will give the Devastation more flexibility in a supporting aspect as well as healing themselves.
Emerald Blossom two charges instead of one.
*Talent Focusing Iris should already be incorporated in Shattering Star and Arcane Vigor and Focusing Iris should be removed to reduce talent bloat.
Disintegrate: This should allow the player caster to cast Unravel and Firestorm and shattering star and living flame instant cast procs from Burnout Talent while casting the ability as well as it should be a baseline able to channel while the player moves.
Living Flame: This should allow the player to cast Unravel and firestorm and shattering star while casting the ability as well.
– This will add flavor and fun to maximizing and managing essence management and bursts. With giving a smooth playstyle.
Firestorm should be instant cast. Firestorms should have a larger radius.
Everburning Flame should be moved and replace the talent Imminent Destruction. It should also extend Firebreath dot dmg by 1/2 seconds per essence ability used on the targets affected by Firebreath.
Ruby Embers and Engulfing Flame should be moved to Preservation.
A new iteration that will replace Ruby Embers and Engulfing Flame should be a small buff to Pyre making it so that when it is used it inflicts a fire DoT on the target for 30% of the dmg it did.
** Since we are essentially nerfing Living Flame we need to compensate by increasing its damage by 20% and increasing its healing by 30% it will be stable because of the talent.
Talent Ancient flame reworked Living Flame cast time reduced by .5 seconds. Giving it a 1.5-second cast time baseline from a 2-second cast time.
This will allow us to utilize the filler and feel impactful. It will also aid in the living flame being a formidable healer similar to the other hybrid healers
Spell Modify
Azure Strike spell Cleave radius increased by additional 5-8 yds.
Pyre spell Cleave radius increased by an additional 5-8 yds.
Charged Blast talent changed using blue magic increases the dmg of your next pyre by 20% stacking up 5 times.
I believe these changes will be ultimately beneficial!!! Adding flavor and fun and smoothness to the class.
Quality of Life
- Pyre animation to deal damage faster, the slow-moving bolt is not fun.
Mastery: Our mastery is icky would love just a flat healing increase on essence abilities and empowered abilities or something. I don’t know it is just icky.
Reversion: Should passively stack twice without the use of Echo.
Reversion should not have any stacks.
Reversion critical heals have a 1-5 % chance to proc Essence Burst.
Echo: Reduce the global cooldown by .5 seconds to allow it to flow better.
Exhilarating Burst should be a 1/1 talent increasing critical healing by 30% overall similar to Devastation Spellweavers Dominance.
Ruby Embers and Engulfing Flame from devastation should replace Lifegiver Flame and Life Force, mender
Renewing Breath: changed from a 2/2 talent to a 1/1 talent
Grace Period changed from a 2/2 talent to 1/1 talent.
Timeless Magic changed from a 2/2 talent to 1/1 talent.
Energy Loop: When essence bursts proc the heal or damage is increased by 25% and the mana cost is removed if the ability does not cost mana it will restore 2,000 mana.
Example: Essence Burst Procs when I consume the proc the dmg or heal is increased by 25% and will not consume mana. If the ability does not cost mana example, disintegrate then instead I will get a mana restore of 2,000.
Ouroborus: I don’t like this talent, I have no idea how to fix it lol.
Temporal Anamoly: I don’t like this talent, I have no idea how to fix it lol.
Pvp Talents
Dream Flight: needs a bigger radius, and the capability to fly down and it should have an immunity component so when we heal and cleanse ally players we don’t get one shotted by unstable affliction or silenced or feared by shadow priest cleanse component or the shaman knock up off flame shock.
Scouring Flame: Added effect Firebreath DoT undispellable unless via immunity.
I love the class. These are just suggestions. It also addresses FUNDAMENTAL problems in evoker pertaining to rotation and lackluster talents as well as my opinion on desires for the racial. I hope you guys enjoy and deliver your insight