I think Giantkiller should be reworked. Give Evokers 40 yards on everything but breath-cones and breath-flights. Then give devastation a mastery that rewards being near the target. Say, 0% benefit at 40 yards, and 100% of mastery at 20 yards. Then we have extra incentives to close range for bosses, and it punishes melee for sitting on us in PvP because that’s where we are strongest.
I think it’s too late for any changes, unfortunately it will be what it is now, at least for a while.
Made me lol
I think this is the better option rather than removing the limited range. I rather enjoy being partial melee and using my CCs as a melee would.
Came here this morning to post on this exact issue - however related to pvp, not pve. The fact that we are effectively “out ranged” by literally every caster means by the time you even get into range, you are already getting smacked, usually by 2-3 GCD’s.
Total joke. This class, while fun, has been implemented in a completely broken (in bad broken, not OP broken) way. Fix it for the love of …
My biggest complaint with the range–and I have said it on beta forums multiple times over the last few months–is that it was stated by Blizzard there is a range restriction on the Evoker as a tax for being “so mobile.” Yet, where is the range restriction for Mage? Or for Druid? Or BM hunter? All three of those classes have exceptional mobility (and quite frankly, in most cases better mobility than the Evoker) and yet they do not have any range restrictions? I mean, Druid, the one class that is almost impossible to slow period, has probably one of the longest ranges in the entire game?
It doesn’t make any sense. I can understand things like Fire Breath having a limited range. But the rest of it just seems silly imo and unfounded with their reasoning behind it.
That being said, I am adapting because I am having fun as Preservation. But I still think that it is flawed and the range is one of the primary complaints I have.
Awesome to see others contributing to this thread so much.
It makes me happy to see I wasn’t the only one with these concerns, but equally flustered that the class is about to officially launch with the ridiculous range restrictions. Thanks for contributing everyone. I hope you love Dragonflight!
Here’s to hoping this gets resolved quickly, not so bad leveling but becomes very frustrating trying to tag things when you activate WQ, etc.
Thanks for keeping the discussion civil and staying on topic!
My concern, having finally had the time to learn preservation and play it a fair bit, is large raid bosses. It was fine in dungeons. It was fine on fights where you were generally clustered on one side of the boss.
But on fights where you use all 360 degrees… man.
Ex. Halondrus - you have to use the whole arena because of the orb mechanic, and his huge hitbox means people on the far side of him will never be in range. Or the 18th anniversary dragon world bosses - not only are people spread out because they are big dragons with tail swipes, but you can’t even use your mobility tools like verdant embrace because it means you fly right into a stun circle. Not that there’s even a good way to know which direction an out-of-range ally is.
You stagger your healers around the boss where people are positioned. I’ve healed on most every healer class since BC and that’s always been the case on spread fights like that. No healer can reach everyone on big spread fights like that, and they’re not meant to.
I would be happy to trade some of my spells for some decent Melee attacks. We can use Axes, Daggers, Fist Weapons, Maces, and Swords along with Staves. Give us some skills to use them. I mostly do world content so every time I attack a mob at my farthest range, they always end up in my face. I’d love to see it become a hybrid class of hard-hitting openers with strong melee talents and utility skills to round it out. as it is it just feels like a short-ranged mage that can only survive because of its mail armor.
Another option is to divide the DPS spec into 2 different ones. A Melee spec with instant breath weapons (with a cooldown), and a ranged DPS with long-range spells and shorter-ranged empowered spells.
Or even better (fantasy dreaming here) get rid of the classes altogether and let me be a spell-slinging sword-wielding plate armor-wearing jack of all trades I’ve always wanted to be. I know I won’t be as powerful in each respective area but at least I would be FREE to be the same ADHD introvert I am in real life.
Why not both? Split Devastation into two specs. Melee with breath weapons and a full caster with empowered spells. I think this would satisfy most Dev Evokers (except those who want a tank spec). Or even better go full druid with all 4 classes. I would love another joat class.
That said, if they did add a spec, it would be to add Tank. I’d play the heck out of a Melee Dracthyr with different breath abilities though.

Or even better go full druid with all 4 classes. I would love another joat class.
I was hoping they really went outside the box, really push class/spec limits, 5 specs each specialist in its own right.
- Black - Melee Tank
- Blue - Caster St/Cleave Burst Dps
- Red - Caster AoE/DoT Dps
- Green - Healing/Burst
- Bronze - Healing/Shield
Each spec has a obvious strength, with few talents to help strengthen its weaknesses but perform and play differently, Green is more reactive healing, while Bronze proactive, think Holy Priest and Disc Priest. Blue more upfront while Red more over time, think Destro and Afflic. All themed after their respective Dragonflight ofcourse. Fire Breath be strictly Red spec, Eternity Surge for Blue, Dream Breath Green, Sand Breath Bronze and Obsidian Breath Black. Their own flavour and touch.
I’m not a fan of the 30 yard range. This will make healing horrible (which I’ve already experienced) for this range classes that stand on the other side of the world. I get the high mobility is suppose to make up for that (this is not a defense statement) but you can’t always rely on that happening when you also have to move out of mechanics.
Put it to 40 and stop trying to make different things work. It’s awkward af.
On a happier note, Envoker is fun.
It’s a problem in dungeons. Often times I’m required to stay back like a caster to avoid boss abilities and damage. Depsite Deep Breath being a signature spell and should be used in our rotation, more often than not it’s a liabilty most of the time as you can easily aggro other packs of mobs or land right in the middle of a bosses AoE.
A lotttt of people are about to see how annoying the limited range is. had a pres evoker who was getting upset in lfd last night. was interesting to see this on the live servers
I am thoroughly enjoying evoker. The range sucks. I casually play pvp. It is really bad. I am getting turned off the evoker, sad fact.
The range blows. I like the play style, but in most circumstances the 40 yard range is killing us. Pvp vs a Bm hunter in war mode. I just get kited. That’s what smart pvpers will do. Just kite evokers. It’s not hard. Sad I am on the kited end of that personally.
Edited an auto correct.
I was wondering if it was just me.
When leveling i had to be atleast 25yards away, i noticed my mage guildie was way further away to start catsting. That has to be a joke. with no real hard cc’d for this class is literally stuck in pve content.
after watching multiple streamers not on copium i agree. I swapped toons and am actually enjoying the release. not having to sit and wait 2 minutees between every add pull is nice. leveling and mythic 0 currently is suer fun. i feel like paladin is super bottom but i have high hope that end of expac we might get buffed after blizz seeing an entire DPS class isnt played
I am 100% here for medium ranged classes. But they need to be classes that make sense. Like a throwing knife class, or a blow dart/poison class, or an alchemist class that throws potions and vials, or a whip focused class.
Not a caster/healer. Having to constantly tell my group to get closer so I can heal effectively is getting old. And it’s only been 3 weeks.