100% agree with all the posts about the weirdo range. It doesnt excel in any particular fashion to justify the limitations on the spec. There needs to be a trade off. Disintegrate needs to be doing insane damage to warrant the limited range and channel time, and it just does not.
The current devs really did not think the devastation spec through with regard to pvp. A one trick, 2 minute CD is not a spec. I have personally never had even the smallest issue killing evoker outside of that burst window: a window that will be going bye bye in DF because no insane scaling anymore.
Which means what does the spec have?
Why would anyone ever play it over a more mobile mage or a super tanky lock? This is my literal conundrum atm and i want to play and be excited by this class, but it feels very much like handicapping myself to play it in pvp.
There are always going to be a handful of obnoxious r1 players who claim because they made it work (you know, with voice comms and the same team for 10 years) that the dps spec is amazing. No it isnt. If 99.99% of the entire wow population cant play it to even moderate ratings, its bad.
The entire dps spec is being hard carried by its giant burst atm. Its really awful design imo for everyone involved. Being one shot by a skill less boom CD sucks and being the one to do that is only fun for so long, and its going away soon ANYWAY so im going to play a spec that just spams living flame and disintegrate at 25 yards while some hunter plinks away doing 3x the damage from 40+. Ooookay.