Evokers in combat in their draconic human form "Visage Form"

Because they like Evoker but don’t like the dragon form… It ain’t that deep my guy.

What if I want dwarf racials but don’t want to look like dwarf?

Deleting racials, I’m fine with.

Good news is that Ion did state in the same interview about adding multiple dracthyr classes that there will be an option to keep in visage form in combat, so pretty much a perma-visage. I can’t wait for it either, got my mage ready to go for the race swap!

I’d be fine with deleting racials. I don’t think math should get in the way of aesthetics and vice versa. It’s the same reason I was pretty vocal about separating covenant powers from covenants in SL.

For everything but Evokers. RIP.

They tied it to the class, so ya, if you want Evoker you’re going to be a dragon. It’s not that hard.

The Dracthyr look terrible. People should have the option to stay in their Human form, unless doing something which requires wings or what ever.

… Which is the problem. None of this exists if other options are available whether that be other races or the visage form being more permanent.

Agreed. But I doubt it. They’d have to change animations or make new ones and when it comes to animations they really don’t want to put out.

I agree it is a problem if people like Eovker but not the dragon form. However, how are you going to say, use Deep Breath when you are not in dragon form. It will certainly look stupid.

Shift into dragon form for deep breath, shift back when the animation completes.

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That’s why I wish I can be immune to atomic recalibrators.

Maybe the solution should be for them to fix Dracthyr form and actually make it…oh I don’t know…better?

they would need to code every ability that uses the animation of the dragon form to use the human form or switch you into dragon form just long enough for the animation to play out then switch back. There’s a reason they said evokers would still require their dragon form in combat. You chose the class as it is. The amount of work required to make what you want right now (until you shift your focus elsewhere) they have deemed not worth the time and effort.

And in this case they need to improve transmog/Dracthyr form. This should be the simpler thing to do.

Many of us dont choose play dracktyr because of the race, nor we want to be a dragon. We enjoy the class, evoker. So, just let us stay in visage form in combat. Its not that hard when you will let the new dracktyr classes stay in his visage form. If it is not possible, at least give us a full t-mog dragon.


A lot of simple things can be done but its blizzard…

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Go play a character creator, something dedicated to that.

Nah, you’ll just join one of the many people complaining about lack of 40 yard range.

Simple, we want to play Evoker… we only have ONE choice in race, why has that not clicked for y’all.

Just a big ol’ :troll:, eh?

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Por que no los dos? I’d be happy with improvements to Dracthyr form for the people who want them too.