Evokers in combat in their draconic human form "Visage Form"

A lot of the Evoker player base do not want to stay in their dragon form in combat, we want to be able to play in our human form “Visage Form” and that has been requested. there is no reason for this not to happen it was one of the biggest things announced for evokers at the end of dragonflight and one of the best things! removing it makes the race being forced to be played in the dragon form which is an awful feeling. giving us the freedom to pick between the 2 forms is more ideal and it makes sense for them to fight in their human form they have the magical capabilities to do so nothing should prevent them from that.


Why? You don’t find the anime lizards attractive?


we should have the freedom to pick which form “dragon” or “Human” form to fight in. and no i think its one of the worst designs in wow they’re ugly


You are a lizard experiment who focuses on Deep Breath this expansion as Devoker. Breath and empower abilities are based on Dracthyr animations and these dragonkin breathing from their mouths.

Allowing people to fight in Visage as other classes was a huge mistake to begin with and it shouldn’t have been allowed. It sets a bad precedent. As per this thread and all the incoming “but why do I have to be a Worgen?!” threads.


If you want to play in your lizard form go for it, if someone else want to play only in their human form they should also go for it, we should have the freedom to do so, Player base happy = wow is happy = more players = better game


all I hear is: “More Elves”


Imagine playing a dragon and not wanting to be in dragon form :sob:


i chose a dragon why am i dragon pls help


Picks dragon race, doesn’t want to be a dragon



The amount of people who picked a dragon then complain about being a dragon is funny


their visage form is one of the most customizable races. we should be able to play as it. i would be happy with broken cast animations where my character just does a t-pose over the dragon form.


Sure all of these are great but we should still have the option, Player base cries chicken moomkin form ugly as hell plz change it glyph made stay in human form appearnce while fighting. Why give glyph to stay in form if choose chicken. We should have the option a lot of people dont want to stay in that ugly look


After seeing the run cycle (bugs bunny No meme here)

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Evokers the majority of them uses toys to stay in human form or different form than dracthyr cuz of how bad the design is, Human form “Visage form” most customizable and we dont even get to see it. It is important for us to have that option to play in our visage form only. if you want to be an ugly lizard then you also have that option. Give us the option to be in combat only in our visage form 'Transmorpher beacon"/ other toys has proven that you can play in the human form only no reason to say no


My Tauren makes my Dracthyr look radiantly beautiful.

(Should my Tauren Shaman be able to fight as a ghost wolf? Wouldn’t mind that, actually.)


I honestly would love to see that actually i have the glyph of vulpine and would love to be casting lightning and chain lightning from like my tail and earth shock from my mouth…sounds awesome lol

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why not? cant you do this with the moon moon toy already?(moonfang’s paw)

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At the end of this, whether they are a bad design or not. It was announced that Evokers will stay in their visage form in combat, It made the majority of the evoker player base extremely happy. Having the option to pick between both in combat is the best possible scenario here everyone will be happy that plays them, If we deep Breath/Hover/Boes It should immediately turn us back to our human form during combat we shouldnt be forced to be stuck in the dragon form. Like that the animation will still be happening but going back to our original visage form cuz thats what we want and probably more players would play them. Dont limit us to a look we dont want!


Exactly.If some self hating Dracs want to appear as lesser beings, let them.

Just don’t force me to use visage, ever


Excatlly no one should be forced, if u want to be a dev/aug/pres main you should have the options to stay in combat in only your human form same with if you wanted to stay in your dragon form both sides happy