Evokers DON'T actually get a third spec in 10.1. *fail horn*

No one said anything about tank except the players to be fair. I do think tank shamans would be nice tho.

Logged into my evoker yesterday, and it seems to have been fixed. My staff wasn’t showing up anymore. So glad lol.

The data mined information leaned towards it being Black Dragon stuff, which people have been associating with tanking abilities.

It’s a fair comparison.

My statement stands regardless of this being perceived as a tank, healer, or DPS spec for Evokers. Before ANY other class gets another spec, Shaman should get a tanking spec. We once had a pseudo spec and still carry a shield around. There’s no reason they couldn’t make one using Earth abilities (which are, in my opinion, severely underrepresented in our class).

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Druids didn’t actually get expanded with a fourth spec, it just rearranged abilities they already had. One of their original talent trees was for two roles at once (what is now known as Feral and Guardian). This was awful to balance and was going to break completely with how Cata redefined what a spec means, so they split it up.

Some of the datamining is about Adamanthia, who is already in-game in the Forbidden Reach and everyone (not just evokers) is introduced to who she is and how power was drained from the dracthyr (something they might want to get back).

IOW, the storyline leading up to the third spec has already started; I’m not going to say it’s just a matter of time until it becomes playable because Blizzard might scrap it before it goes live, but they are definitely moving in that direction. I’d actually be surprised if they weren’t internally alpha testing a spec of some kind, they just don’t want anyone to feel like it was promised to them in case they do end up deciding to scrap it. And Ion’s remarks are fully consistent with them keeping their options open.

Relatedly, they might continue the storyline about black dragon essence having been drained from the dracthyr or they might abandon it. (Remember how the Drust fit into the overall storyline of Shadowlands? But they were clearly planned to be part of it, with their suspiciously Domination-like magic that we never heard anything about again once the Primus showed up.)

Rumor mill.

You win some you lose most
Speculating can be fun. But they aren’t always real

Eat those words. I suggest ketchup with crow.


Never forget Ion is a lawyer. With lawyer words.

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Turns out we are getting a whole new spec mid expansion.

have hope, hopefully in 7 years from now in the next 3 expansions… we will start getting new customization LMAO

Yo this is mad petty and I love it


The way I laughed. Congrats on your vindication.


Quite a few comments didn’t age well…


This aged well…

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Look I didn’t read this whole post but Some speculations turn out to be true just do the sheer number of speculations.

Congrats I guess… The next speculation that comes out will also be met with skepticism.

It wasn’t speculation, there was a literal 10.1 datamined quest chain that had in the text of it, ‘new specialization remembered’ that was Dracthyr only. Then a short time later, voice lines for it talking about three specs, and people still argued until they were blue in the face that it ‘meant nothing’

And that was all out there before the OP.

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I automatically dismiss things until they are officially announced. Oh well

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The irony is amusing


Ion did specifically say Evoker was NOT getting a 3rd spec. Aint my fault he lied. shrug

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Not in 10.1, but in 10.1.5!

Blizzard got us boys.