No one ever said it was going to be in patch 10.1.
Wild speculation and desperate head cannon.
He said for 10.1 specifically, nothing about a later date.
Don’t be like the San’layn people…
No new transmogs for Dracthyr either for the forseeable future. Lame.
Not in 10.1 which would be wierd and make no sense it’s suspected it’ll show up in .5 or .7 if at all.
The sad part though is that apparently Dracthyr Transmog isn’t planned to show up anytime soon
And these horns a freaking fake too. FAKE HORNS!
It is canon with one n. You don’t shoot things with it.
If the dracthyr third spec involves replacing your head with a cannon I would, reluctantly, respect that.
Dracthyr Transmog
- Not likely in the near future to have Dracthyr have more transmog options.
Bruh. At the very least make an option to not have any transmog show in dragon form, Jesus Blizzard…
Good. Shaman need a tanking spec first.
I’ll die on that hill.
Whilst this is true, I’ve often found when Ion phrases things that way like he did in the interview, it means it 100% won’t happen.
No rational person thought they would lol
The level of stupidity behind these posts is astounding. Are ppl realy that naive or are you guys just sheeps? Nobody ever said theyre going to make another spec…maybe some “150 alts, never touched endgame” andy on forum did post it as his wet dream or something …and everyone just joined the ride.
Its same like this post
See what he posted there? Now Ion said - theyre open for anything in the future … Now im just waiting for "AMAGAAD 10.1.5 - 3. SPEC FOR EVOKERS CONFIRMED topic on gd from same morons that started the rumor about 10.1.
So you guys jumped the gun and got excited over nothing? Seems about right.
WoW head thought they would at first.
The DEV team is the most incompetent group of toddlers ever. But they will gladly use their resources to recolor mounts and back cloaks lmao what a complete joke.
This is way worse than no new spec. The limit on transmog is so bad, and for many pieces it makes no sense. Why can’t dracthyr have boots that work like worgen, tauren, trolls, etc. Why no full belts? Let it clip with the tail, it’s not like other races with tails don’t deal with clipping. I could keep going for most armor pieces.
Imagine thinking 10.1 was going to have a new spec. If it did, we’d have known long ago. Both because dataminers would have found real and proper data on it, and because Blizzard themselves would have announced it ages ago, so that raid teams could decide who is playing what next tier, and, more importantly, so that the spec could get proper and thorough testing on the ptr.
Could you imagine Blizz just throwing a new spec out there completely untested?
So uh, wouldn’t Evokers third spec be in the PTR if it was true? lol.