Evokers DON'T actually get a third spec in 10.1. *fail horn*

The way he said it was very exhibitive of misdirection. He speaks about how dataminers find artifacts of discarded ideas (paraphrasing) and such, but never once said this is what was found.

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race is dead. we complained too much again and now they stopped developing it.

I just want to be able to mog my helm so I can wear a hat

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i wanna use my preorder item :confused:


Just put a checkbox in the transmog section… Hide weapon… boom… fixed… everyone has the best of both worlds… I WANT to show my staff my weapon… i hate its invisible… i hate visage form… i want to walk around with a giant pole on my back… i want to look intimidating…

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Let Dracthyr soar work like dragonriding.


Specifically 10.1

Nobody thought it was coming on patch day. If it’s coming and i had to pick a time to drop it i’d do it at 10.1.7

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One leaves a sliver of hope, the other backhands the idea into the void.

If evokers don’t have a 3rd spec by the end of the “unlock black dragon flight essence for dracthyr” storyline I’d say they won’t be getting one for a while. Lol


Here ya go OP


Who actually thought they were? I knew it was RP story related talk. People literally hyped something up that was never happening.

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I feel like adding a third spec for Evoker would be a little too close to admitting fault on Blizzard’s part. Say they’ve changed if you like, but this company has a history of digging their heels in and dying on the strangest of hills.

They assumed the evoker would have a similar appeal as the Demon Hunter and they could get away with another two spec, race-locked hero class. They were wrong. Itll take a lot more than one patch to admit to that if history is any guide but they’ll get there eventually.

I also think they overestimated how many people “Want to play a dragon” (if we can really call Dracthyr dragons). I’m sure there’s an audience for it, RPing as a secret dragon has been a Role Play sin in this game for years for a reason. I just don’t think it’s as big of a group as they’d have liked.


The theories I’ve seen thrown about were not suggesting it would necessarily be added in 10.1, but that 10.1 would play out some storyline that would eventually lead to it in a later patch. I still wouldn’t rule it out. I mean we all saw that screenshot of a quest for evokers only that said the words “new specialization remembered”. It could still happen in 10.1.x or 10.x and Ion would still have been telling the truth.

Might be worth a read for you:


Save me a spot!

EVERYONE needs a fourth spec IMO (and a third for DH)

All those years ago when druids got a fourth spec, I figured it was a sign that other classes would get expanded with additional specs as well.

I’m still very disappointed that this hasn’t happened.

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I think the problem is they completely missed the mark on what the “play as a dragon” audience even wanted in the first place. Actual dragons with fully functional visage forms or at least Drakonid. Dracthyr are this half-baked in-between that made basically every wrong choice on visual design for a draconic Warcraft race. That audience isn’t satisfied with what we got.


Yeah, you’re trying to explain that to people that should most likely be accompanied by this as their theme music:

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I’ll join you on that hill, if that day comes, I would go back to tanking and make my shammy would be my main.

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It’s hard to say. I’m on Moon Guard, and say what you will about the server but it’s the one good place to get a visual on who’s playing what purely for the aesthetic or lore appeal.

I see a lot of Dracthyr in Stormwind. They’re honestly at plague proportions at times. What I don’t see is this horde of dracthyr really manifesting anywhere else in the game. Out in the wild, I feel like I seldom see an evoker.

People like what they like, I suppose. I get that. I play a male draenei when there’s “perfectly good” female draenei right there. Seeing so many in game, but so few in the field tells me there’s something wrong with the class rather than with the race itself. The Dracthyr definitely have their fans.

That is another part of it for sure. The class is clearly missing the third spec to round out the powers of all 5 dragonflights. I know a couple people who aren’t touching the class until it gets either a tank or melee dps based on black dragonflight magic. I would be too but it makes a good gathering alt with the perception bonus and soar for the rare times I run out of vigor. I’d probably maining one if it had the tank spec it deserves.

Duh, it’ll likely be 10.1.7.
They’re not going to release a new spec right before a new raid. It’ll be when it’s on the downside. Plus they’ll either test it on the PTR or they’ll test it on live during that last few weeks before 10.2 and fix it with hotfixes.

The idea of any class getting a new spec post-release (Feral/Guardian split doesn’t count) was always wishful thinking. A class that was added as part of an expansion getting another spec half a year later even moreso, let alone a tank or melee DPS spec on a class that was designed to be fully ranged.

Yeah, at this point, I have a hard time defending dracthyr because I have to concede that they’re a mess both mechanically and conceptually. A race that can only be one class with two specs, ranged DPS and healer, both with reduced range that forces them into an awkward mobile playstyle that other classes do better. I guess the caster aspect is because dragon bosses generally prefer to use magic and leave the physical attacks to drakonids, but the reception to both dracthyr as a race and evokers as a class indicates that people would’ve preferred a melee fighter.

They also have a visage form like normal dragons, but you automatically shift back to dracthyr form when using certain spells and your only options are a human- or blood elf-like form with draconic elements instead of just being able to look like one of the other playable races with dragon eyes and horns. People would’ve preferred that as well, but it’s safe to assume it’s not coming any time soon. And then you have Soar, which could’ve been cool but was turned into a neutered version of a system that everyone else has access to.

Dracthyr are just kind of the opposite of what I expected when the talk about a Dragon Isles expansion picked up steam. My theories as to what we would get were:

  • A borrowed power system where the expansion begins with your character caught in a freak black dragon science accident that infuses them with the power of the dragonflights, giving you new abilities depending on your role (blue and bronze for DPS, red and green for healers, black and twilight for tanks) and letting you later grow wings to use as a mount after you unlock flying
  • They just add a dragon class akin to evokers but available to every race, where your choice of race is actually your visage and your true form is a whelpling that’s functionally the same as Flight Form, but your character later matures into a drake and can fly in that form as well

At least one of these would’ve been better received than what we got, and it just sucks how hard Blizzard dropped the ball on this race when so many other aspects of DF turned out better than expected.