Evoker Tank - Fortification

Raises hand

I am sitting on the side waiting for Evoker to have a tank spec and when that day comes I’ll gladly hop on it that instant.
I play specs not based on their role, but based on their fantasy.
If a tank spec fulfills the fantasy I want, I will play it.
But since none of the existing tank specs do that, I do not tank.

I’m sure I’m not the only way with this mindset.

I do not presume to know the devs capabilities or minds. Except when I do… but thats neither here nor there.

I will continue to request what I’d like to see however so… here we are. :smiley:

Well not with that limited attitude. lol

Also clearly you have no suicidal mages in your guild. lol

Its almost like you’d have to develop a new class with interesting powerful capabilities in the lore to make it believable. If only something both armored and magical in nature were being added to the game at some point.

Y’know if it had like built in scales and the abilities of a dragon that’d be almost perfect.

Huh? I don’t care if more tanks go into the dungeon finder. I just like to tank and play tanks, and I’d like to play a dragon tank that uses dragon abilities to do so. Cause its cool.

The only thing thats gonna make folk trip over themselves to add to the tank population is for folk to stop being toxic jerks to tanks and healers. lol

Though I can promise you I’d be tanking on my Dracthyr, no question.

I prefer tanking.

You’re just annoyed that the new FOTM won’t be tank so you can be OP. Sorry but we’ve had that song and dance with Death Knight, Monk, and Demon Hunter, and that train has left the building. Maybe next time.

Good luck with that.

That has nothing to do with it.
Some people just want to play a fun class/spec fantasy.
It has nothing to do with wanting to be OP

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I hate to burst your bubble but no tank spec has fun class fantasy. In fact, most specs are so bland that they really don’t have any fantasy at all these days because we’ve quite literally added so many variations of specs they’ve blurred to the point that no one is unique. And if someone excels at one thing over someone else, we have droves of players with pitch-forks asking for nerfs at every corner.

So I don’t know who you’re trying to fool with this “fun class/spec fantasy” garbage. Everyone knows that every new class/spec is broken on release and its precisely why so many ranged and healers are already preparing to main swap in DF.

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If they’re going to put any thought into tank spec design, I’d rather they put it into the problems existing tank specs are facing.

Not waste that time because johnny says “I think it would be fun for me to spend 20 minutes as a tank when the new expansion comes out (and then never again after that)”.

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Yeah it was implied a third spec would be applied

It was also stated it would never be a tank as they’re a caster deal with it like last 3 damn new classes have all been Melee with a tank spec now it’s casters turn

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That’s personal preference.

That’s incorrect, they did not say never

Ok so apparently I didn’t remember what was said correctly but in my defence I read it ages ago however it does imply its basically never gonna happen with this from Ion

“In terms of the roles that made sense for them, part of it is when we think about wings, we think about the physical attributes of a dragon, that almost speaks to movements, attacking from a distance, breath weapons, things like that, and by definition tanking in World of Warcraft means being up in front of your enemy, having them strike you in the face, and that the fantasy just didn’t feel quite as on point there.”

Link to the interview if you want to read all of it

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You’re way over estimating me if you think I care bout that at all. lol

I mean… I’m not a toxic jerk to my heals and tanks… or even my dps as it happens. As it happens folk tend to enjoy doing dungeons and mythics and all sorts of things with me cause I’m not gonna treat them badly.

Speak for thineself. I think the only tank I don’t really enjoy is Monk.

You’re way into the endgame I’m taking it?

I don’t think you’d really understand then.

What an oddly ridiculous statement.

Any class is going to have some folk try it and not like it and leave it. However any class is going to have folk try it and like it and keep at it.

And casters wont lose anything at all if a tank spec is added.

And imagine how amazing a ranged tank would be. Something new and exciting.

Nothing wrong with expressing a request because Ion is wrong.

Imagine the scales ripping off of you and your skin exposed and blood just splattering around as an Evoker tank. Then with a mighty roar you knock back your enemies and cast a mighty dragon heal and all your scales return and hp is back to full yet again. It’d be awesome if they could pull off this level of detail in a fight.

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It would be awful and literally not work at all we don’t need another tank there’s already enough tanks just like there’s already enough Melee DPS

Like you want to know whats actually “New and Exciting” a new class that isn’t melee at all you know something we haven’t had yet

Also if you seriously expect a third spec your dreaming like Demon Hunters have been in the game for 3 expansions now going on 4 with exactly zero new specs

The monster you’re tanking runs over to you.

You are no longer a ranged tank.

(Also we’ve had ranged tanks in the past, but only on specific encounters, like High King and Leotheras. It’s not something new.)

I never said you were, I simply said that asking others not to be jerks to their tanks and healers is trying to win the lottery because people believe there is no repercussions when you’re in a pug group.

There is a difference between “fun” and a “fun fantasy” that we were talking about. No tank class has true fantasy anymore. We all more or less do precisely the same things, the only major difference these days is how much damage can we output or can the healer ignore us and dps, that’s it.

How about you explain your position rather than trying to pretend you know me.

And imagine how poor the other 6 existing tanks would have it.

The entire way dungeons and encounters are designed would have to change because you would no longer be meleed and that is just counter-inuitive. Now they’d design every encounter with a ton of spell casts, most of which wouldn’t be interruptable and the other 6 tanks would suffer.

You cannot just throw something into a game like that which goes against everything that the other 6 tank classes are based around.

So you just described BDK, Guardian druid, and Holy Paladin, great job.

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While we are at it, this new tank spec should have access to using polearms. Polearms are one of the coolest weapon types.

Was a pretty poor example. It’s never made sense for blood elves to have blue eyes. They aren’t high elves, high elves just happen to now be playable by getting shoved in with BE and VE.

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Blue eyes were always going to return to Blood elves. Devs said so. Just took awhile.


Evokers in general should be able to use polearms. They fit the svelte, draconic aesthetic perfectly.

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It have to be a tank because its utterly stupid that for a being a completely unknown race yet with the power of ALL five known dragonflight’s powers and abilities. It is Neltharion’s creation and somehow, SOMEHOW, for whatever reason, Evokers can not call upon the Black Dragonflight part of their powers to be tanks because the whole title in their leader’s name is the EARTHWARDER. If that doesn’t scream being able to tank things, I don’t know what else does.

Its funny the excuse is “Too many tanks, too many melee specs.” Which…sure, okay but is that a problem? It is still weird that Evokers cannot be a tank regardless. And if there’s too many problems of one thing, add a spec to existing classes, some easily can be ranged. Warriors and Rogues come into mind very easily (Not looking at you Outlaw, you still are stabbing things).


Ah, what I’d give for a ranged warrior. Just a straight up rifleman or archer without the nature aspects.