Evoker Tank - Fortification

OP brought that argument here.

Evoker has a fireball that heals and does damage, are they removing penance or holy shock?

But the gameplay direction/fantasy of the evoker is fundamentally incompatible with the role of tank.

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Who cares? A lot of players didn’t play DH should the tank and melee not to of been added?

People always lump these two together as if every tank has to also have a melee spec, as if you can’t have a tank and ranged with no melee.

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How about we open more classes to dracthyr then adding another spec to a class only one race can play.

No do you know how many class they gave out out for tanks let caster and healers have there time in the sun

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I don’t really get where the ranged dps and healer would be going…

Since they are dragons.

To the skies!

And they said if this class ever gets another spec it’ll be ranged dps. This class is for the ranged. As all previous classes have been for the melee and the tanks.

When each previous class released gets a ranged spec we can talk.

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We’re talking now. You’re welcome to join us.

I’d love a melee or ranged tank spec for Dracthyr. I feel like it’s really a poor decision to have the DRAGON class/race unable to tank.

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I agree with you caster healer only


There is zero reason to make it exclusive, it’s possible to please everyone at the same time.

It was used as an example to prove a point, not to start a High Elf debate.

That is incorrect.

Both can happen, there doesn’t have to be one or the other.

They are getting their time in the sun, that isn’t a reason for a Tank spec not to be added as that wouldn’t interfere with the DPS and Healer spec. You can have all 3 so each playstyle can be represented.

Classes are allowed to have multiple play styles. Hunter and Shaman both have ranged and melee specs.

That’s not going to happen as it would be unnecessarily focused on a single play style, but each class should be getting 4th specs in the future of a variety of play styles.

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They don’t have to though and they never did before, so why change now? It’s okay tanks didn’t get something. The people who play tanks will be fine without a new toy this time around.


If you want a mail tank go back to the shammys at least they have off heals an rocky as a sencond tank i mean a tank that can pull out a 2nd tank sounds better to me

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Just because something hasn’t happen in the past isn’t an excuse for it to never happen in the future. There would never be progress if that were the case. People have been asking for new specs for all classes for years and years, and Blizzard (particularly in the context of Evoker) are open to doing that. They’ve also modified specs in the past, effectively making them new specs. DKs had their specs reworked so that one of their DPS specs was made into Tank, Hunters had one of their ranged specs reworked into melee, and Rogues have had one of their specs entire themes redone.

There’s nothing wrong with giving Evoker Tank to satisfy those players and to tick the box for that particular class/tank fantasy. Those that don’t want to Tank are not required to, and can enjoy the ranged dps or healer spec.


For the love of God NOOOOO. NO. GOD PLEASE NO.

Your humanoid lizard doesn’t need a tank spec. Every new class has already been melee, or for MW monk melee focused. On top of that, Blizzard has never ever even released a new caster damage class. Blizzard should have made a wholly new ranged class without restricting it to a single race, but I see why they did so. Personally, I’m not at all interested in Dracthyr, or the Evoker. I wasn’t and still am not interested in DK or Monk or DH either. But I’m just saying, they’ve never added another ranged spec, in fact they removed a ranged and added another melee (survival)


I will agree for them being a tank but not for the reason of improving tank numbers . That not gonna happen in pugs .

Mostly want a dragon tank in this case, however I’d love to see shaman tank down the line.

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It doesn’t have to happen though and I’m on the side of it shouldn’t, and I will voice that. As Brewa said earlier, the ability to bring in refreshing tanks (especially when you only have two slots for them in a raid, and one in other forms of content) has come and gone. We shouldn’t be getting more tanks. Evoker should not have a tank spec hamfisted into it because people can’t accept “no”.

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I never proposed that it would increase tank numbers.
In fact, I specifically mentioned that making new specs for the purposes of increasing the participation of that role is not a reason to be making specs.
New specs and classes should be added for the purposes of fun and to satisfy particular class fantasies that aren’t yet available.