Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

All of those were literally difficulty loot locked. Only starting in Warlords could you gain loot at all from multiple difficulties.

8/4/0 here, no legendary either :frowning:

Hence the request for clarification.


Full circle tonight. :smiley:

Can we get clarification whether this means 1 chance per week from any difficulty or 1 chance per week from each difficulty aka potentially 4 chances per week at the slot machine?

Still hate you Bytalth! But Im still holding hope. Also go to figure out a xmog as that dont really match my armor great.

Jokes aside grats. I still do find it odd that the buff effects others rather than the casters.

It goes to me, more often than not.

Really someone was saying the Evoker couldnt get it unless solo.

It goes to me so often that I assumed it was prioritizing me over everyone else.

And so it begins… People getting their random super rare loot lfr drop on their first attempt on their 6th alt that they didn’t even do the questline for sark kill on and probably won’t get around to craft vs people on their main character for the expansion with multiple kills getting ready for next few weeks of pugs because the rest of their guild is doing hot girl summer.

Judging by my chat channel, it can’t be that rare.

Could say the same about the kazzara skin that you see all over Valdrakken… Doesn’t mean I’ll be getting either anytime soon.

Its deceptively rare because every single evoker that makes it in the entire zone ie America continent and some islands will cause the chat message. Which might actually be why its so rare to begin with, that the message is only several times a hour shows how rare it actually is.

Quick update on some discussions we’ve seen -

Defeating Scalecommander Sarkareth on the highest difficulty will cover your best chance for getting the Cracked Titan Gem that week. Doing the encounter extra times on lower difficulties won’t increase your chances of getting the item.

Ok I’m drawing blanks here, why on earth would you hold on this information for 6 weeks?

I think you’ll need to clarify it considering you already kept this under wraps for so long.

Does doing LFR > NORMAL > HEROIC > MYTHIC give you 4 different chances at rolling for the Legendary or does doing LFR lock you out for the week of rolling for the legendary? You’ve worded it terribly poorly and you know every Evoker has and will be doing the absolute min/max option to get them a chance at the weapon.


I’m not sure I understand. This implies that your chance to get the legendary is based on your highest-difficulty kill per week, but wouldn’t that be worked around by virtue of just doing LFR, then Normal, then Heroic (and Mythic thereafter if you’re in a position to kill that boss), in order of increasing difficulty?

This doesn’t check out, though. Why would it work the way you described it? Are people just wasting their time doing all difficulties?

This feels very, very poorly-worded.

So, we have to do LFR, then Normal, then Heroic to have the best chance?

Or doing Heroic will have a chance equal to all 3?

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WHY has this not been out day 1?
no, really, why?
are you telling me ive wasted over a MONTH doing normal then heroic and now lfr, normal, heroic. and now you’re just telling me I’ve been wasting my time and should just be doing heroic?

blizzzzzzard. PLEASE


respectfully, this is the most confusing way you could have typed this out.


So what your saying is doing lfr on tuesday bricks the drop chance for the week since its a weekly drop? Or does it mean to it in ascending order? Either way this sounds questionable.

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