Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

Can this be clarified a bit further because I don’t really understand.

So for example, if we defeat Heroic Sarkareth then there is zero value doing Normal or LFR Sarkareth as there will be a zero chance the Cracked Titan Gem will drop?

But if we first do it in the order of LFR > Normal > Heroic then each individual difficulty will have a chance of the item to drop? And doing it in this order, will the chance of the drop progressively increase as we go up in difficulty like previously stated or does completing the lower difficulties ‘remove’ or negate a % chance in the higher difficulties?

As a Devastation main, it is really frustrating to have not have the Legendary drop after clearing multiple difficulties each week since it has become available. There really should be bad luck protection for this.


Amgery. So… All the evokers who’d do LFR or Normal before their heroic kill significantly reduced their chances compared to the ones who’d do Heroic first?

Currently 1/7/6 for LFR/Normal/Heroic kills but due to how progression works, would always save the higher-difficulty for later.


Yea, this is not a very clear or concise explanation.

Could we possibly get a much more descriptive… description?

Ie: Is there ANY point to doing say LFR and Normal if you’ve already killed it on heroic?

Is it correct to do it in order LFR > Normal > Heroic > Mythic(where applicable)?

Soooo many questions.


This is an awful change, if it’s a change.

My guild has been progressing casually through Aberrus Normal and Heroic, but the way this change is worded, now all the evokers on my team are going to be punished for doing Aberrus with us and not pugging Sark on a higher difficulty then what we’re doing? This feels extremely anti-guild, especially casual guilds, and I recommend normalizing the drop chance across Normal / Heroic / LFR if this is how you’re going to do it.


I don’t think this is a change, I think it’s something that’s been around since the drop has become active and they just decided not to say anything?


I’m confused, so if people have been running Normal then Heroic, or running LFR then Normal then Heroic, means they’ve been bricking their attempts because they completed a lower difficulty first and that’s their only reward chance time?

If that’s true, it should immediately be changed because no one clarified that the past 6 weeks we’ve been bringing an entire raid team to get our Evoker the leggo and it’s not only waisting 1 person’s time, its waisting our entire raid teams time.


This doesn’t make any sense. Can you explain exactly what this means? If I kill it on Normal on Tuesday and Heroic on Friday, does that mean I can’t get it from the Heroic kill?


Same. Literally wasted my entire guild’s time by doing normal sark before heroic sark kill specifically for the legendary drop. Feels really bad. Think we may have some people just gquit now since a few of them didn’t even want to do normal sark. RIP blizz.


Extremely anti-guild. I’d always save my H. Sark pugs until after guild raid nights as to not screw with the guild raid’s loot drops. Turns out it was shooting myself in the foot. And to think I was suggesting doing normal skip Sark before heroic.

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This post could not have been more vague. Please clarify everything which was mentioned in the OP.

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This evoker drop sounds as horrid and cringe as the antorus titan trinkets.


This really needs more clarification now, please. This comment is not making it any clearer on how an evoker should plan their raiding schedule.

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Some clarification on this would be greatly appreciated for the folks who are in guilds that run Normal skip to give people chances at the cloak followed by a full clear of Heroic afterward. If evokers are actively harming their chances of getting it by doing this, we’d like to know so we can change our plans.


Just echoing this. I’m confused and a little mad. I hopped on LFR, pugged a Normal, then did Heroic with my guild this week. Feeling stupid and cheated.


So from what I am understanding the chances are additive.

If you do LFR lets say you have a 2.5% chance to get it. Then if you do N it’s a 2.5% additional chance, and H another 2.5%.

So if you do LFR it’s a 2.5%, N would then be another 2.5% and then H would be another 2.5% chance.

But if you do H first, you just get a 7.5% chance and the lower difficulties don’t provide another shot at it for the week.

But if you do LFR at a 2.5%, then H, your H would be the N and H chance at 5%?

Ontop of that, can you please for the love of god introduce some bad luck protection? Don’t make this another hunter bow.

This legendary is supposed to be something exciting, but instead I have been anxiety ridden about it since before the patch launched and my entire gameplay revolves around each week reset if I get it or not. It’s not even that fun anymore, I just constantly worry I won’t get the legendary this entire tier and I’ll get screwed. It’s a terrible feeling, I don’t know why you didn’t just make it a “collect a bunch of titan fragments off sarkareth and his followers” to create the gem and then get the quest. It really just sucks.

This will hang over my entire season just…sitting there, mocking me. Especially when the world chat screams at me every 5 seconds some lucky person got it. Or when my friend got it on their 2nd kill 6 days after they hit 70 on their alt, feels great!


So the way my guildie and i just read this was .

Each difficulty has a % chance for the item to drop…

Lets say 1% for LFR, 3% for Normal and 5% for Heroic, and 9% for Mythic.

These numbers are not confirmed or denied and are probably wildly over what they actually are but …

Doing Mythic will give you a Mythic + Heroic + Normal + LFR in that order will net you a 9% + 5% + 3% +1% for a total of 18% chance.

Doing Heroic first wil get you a 9% chance. Then doing mythic will get you a 9% chance.
With normal and LFR offering no chances.

Doing LFR first will give you a 1% chance, Then normal will give you a 3% chance, then Heroic a 5% chance and finally mythic with a 9% chance. You have chances in all of them but the % being the way it is, it is still possible to never see it in a 15week patch cycle.

Doing Normal then LFR then Heroic will net you a 5% chance in Heroic but only a 4% chance in normal.

Its wording is extremely weird and needs to be clarified and much earlier.


This sounds like they have some internal check to see what you have cleared sark on the highest and then restrict loot chances to only that difficulty or greater.

But that’s just the pessimist in me.

Cause they obviously know people will game it to do lfr, normal, heroic (and if possible mythic) in that order. Which even if you can down all 4 (or have) regardless, there is still chance that you’ll get messed over via logistics or Jimmy the dummy in raid ruining the kill.

Treat it sort of like the love rocket and how they were able to track your first kill of the day on your account. Well they have likely made something to check what difficulty you have killed the highest of, and then restrict you to that until you move upwards.

I feel so defeated with this legendary drop. So many of us have been farming heroic from week one and two, pushing ourselves to our limit to get this. Naturally you do normal first because it’s easier, but now I feel so frustrated because I’ve been bricking my chances?! And ONLY finding out about this now?!

Implement bad luck protection for this drop. It needed to be added in like… 3 weeks ago.


That’s the only way that this makes sense. I think we can all agree that this is poorly worded, but the idea of having to do the lower difficulties first is asinine. It has to be additive.

Soo you jsut make a blue blost that is vague and add to more confusion? Is this a hold my beer, I’m goign to confuse them even more! Becuase its nto liek everyoen does different difficulites. Or you are just being captain obvious here

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