Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

Considering it dropped the first week, it’s hardly impactful even if true.

The first drops in each respective region were their first mythic kills, and from that point onwards it drops from all difficulties with a higher chance the higher you go. It’s not 100% on mythic after the first kill is recorded.

That’s an interesting bit of information.

Is there any news on whether more than one cracked titan gem can drop per run? Say you went into a pug with 5 other evokers, could multiple walk out with a gem if luck was on their side? Or is it determined to be looted to only one person and do an internal personal loot roll between them?

Right now, our officers are trying to determine what to do with our extra optional alt raid nights in norm and heroic, and if we can bring along extra evokers at the risk of the main evokers losing out to the alts.

More than one can.

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That was my assumption as well. RNG gonna RNG.

So I’ve heard a rumour kicking around that you only have a chance at it for the first kill of the week, not one-shot-per-difficulty as previously assumed. Has anyone any anecdotal evidence about someone getting it on a second kill of the week? Like they didn’t get it on Heroic, but got it on Normal later or vice versa?

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Anyone hear about this? As far as I can tell, it originated with a misinformed YouTuber putting out a quest line guide.

Still, it would be nice to hear about someone getting it from their second kill of the week.

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I would also like to know this. Our team doesn’t raid until Saturday, and i’ve been pugging my normal kills before then. If i don’t have a shot on heroic after killing him on normal, It would be very helpful to know for sure.



There’s no way they restrict to one kill regardless of difficulties if the drop rate is different.

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How about letting us turn off the GD notices that someone completes the quest? I am sick and tired of seeing the text every 2 mins . once Is plenty.


They’ve done it with quest items in the past.

Which one? And was it official that it was increased odds in harder difficulty? And how was it verified that it absolutely can’t drop from the other difficulties?

Our poor evoker is like 0-8

5 normal kills
3 heroic kills
0 legendary.

Makes seeing those legendary shouts hit extra hard.

The Dragon Soul, for one, if memory serves. The healing mace from Ulduar, for another. I would assume Tarecgosa, too. I’m sure there are more examples. In general, you always wanted to do the highest difficulty achievable and couldn’t double dip difficulties.

But this isn’t confirmed for this legendary.

That being said, it dropped for me! On Heroic, but first kill of the week, so I can’t confirm or deny anything.

After the Ulduar “revamp” the chances of fragments dropping is fairly low, even if you hard mode the bosses. The highest chance is from Yogg, and even that isn’t a guaranteed drop. On my pally, I can maybe get one per week. Sometimes 2.

Point being, you wanted to do it on the highest difficulty.

Right, but for that raid specifically it doesn’t really apply anymore.

Never said it did. Merely illustrating how legendary raid drops have typically been handled.