
Not necessarily.

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I guess, its not obvious that I am joking? But yeah, that was a joke.

I’ll answer your ques. though. The OP claims that the visage form is what they imagine themselves to be. The perfect self in their minds that only exists there in its abstract form. But the true self is the Dragon body and that is what you are in 90-100% of the time once you’re fighting.

So unless you’re sitting out of combat just to stare at your visage form somewhere… (most people aren’t); they’re fighting something somewhere if they want new gear and spend most of their time in their Dragon forms. Which is why I think that although what he said was nonsense, it was (funny?) nonsense, its a… “clever allegory for being trans”… etc.

Ofc, there are exceptions. RP players. But you know, it was supposed to be a joke but it doesn’t feel like it is one anymore because I have to explain it. When I have to explain a joke, I’ve already failed lol

It’s based on the Human female rig. It is not in fact Human, and we certainly have no indication as to what any specific Dracthyr “identifies” as. It is a simply a “humanoid” shape like basically every playable race in the game. Two arms, two legs, a torso, and a head. Maybe you can ask for visage forms to have a tail option?

Sure you can use the smallest ears and choose to have no horns, and look very nearly Human, but you’ll still have slit eyes (or be blind I guess), and still have scales even with the least visible options. But that’s a choice you’d have to consciously make. Your female visage form doesn’t have to look very human-like if you don’t want it to.

Personally I think they can look good and I don’t think it matters if that they use the Human rig for the female visage. They days of Horde being all monster silhouette races ended with Blood Elves and was reinforced by Nightborne. Dracthyr do little to nothing to buck that trend.

I think my Horde Dracthyr looks amazing!

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I know that lmao.

Either way, it’s pretty much human despite what lore says. Same animations and everything else.

You gotta choose gender before you customize it

Well that’s the rig Blizz went with. It fits as much on the Horde as Blood Elves and Nightborne do. We’re in a new age of cross-pollination across the factions and faction cooperation. Just wait till cross-faction guilds happens and you have actual Human players in your guild/raid. And who knows what will happen down the road? We could see races able to faction swap without race changing for all we know.

That’ll never happen. Besides if that were to happen then what’s the point in having factions?

Maybe you like Orc mudhuts better than Human castles? I dunno. I am just saying that, as Garrosh famously said: “Times Change”.

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Well I mean here’s the thing, It’s called World of Warcraft, not World of Team up with people you’ve been at war with for 18 years. We can’t even talk to the Alliance without them being on our bnet or drinking a potion or whatever. We can’t even set foot into Stormwind. So, let me repeat this again, Humans do not fit on the Horde side. I don’t know what exactly you’re on about “you have actual humans in your guild” or whatever, because that should be obvious

We fight wars against other things now instead of each other. Again “Times Change”. And who knows, Blizz may trot out the tired old faction conflict again some day, or do something entirely new. Who knows?

We can’t even talk to the Alliance without them being on our bnet or drinking a potion or whatever.

Not yet…

We can’t even set foot into Stormwind.

Not yet…

So, let me repeat this again, Humans do not fit on the Horde side.

Dracthyr aren’t Alliance Humans (body type 2) or Horde Blood Elves (body type 1) regardless of the rig they use. It’s a done deal and you have no choice but to get over it, or let it fester until you quit the game. At best Blizzard might add more body types to choose from, but that body type 2 is here to stay and there’s nothing any of us can do about it.

I don’t know what exactly you’re on about “you have actual humans in your guild” or whatever, because that should be obvious

Cross-faction guilds will allow players playing as the Alliance Human race to be in your guild and raids. They may not be able to enter your cities (yet), but you could possibly be seeing actual Alliance Humans in your Horde raids sooner or later.

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I think the OP is being satirical for there being no difference between male and female dracthyr in their dragon forms. And, if I’m honest, I kind of agree with the sentiment that there should have been some kind of difference.

You can kind of influence the look if you go with more stereotypical customization ideas, such as sharper and more pointed features being more masculine and softer features being more feminine, which is how I went about it. Some of the dracthyr dragon faces are, for example, obviously masculine while others have some feminine leaning traits.

But, as much as I never thought I would say it, yeah they could have slapped some boobs on them and I would be more pleased about it.

Still again, either way they’re human because that is what they chose to identify as. Besides, you’re all over the place lol. I am just talking about how they don’t belong on the Horde and you’re over here bringing up guilds and everything lmfao.

If you can group up with them you can talk with them ;D

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Says who?

I am just talking about how they don’t belong on the Horde

Why don’t Dracthyr belong on the Horde just because the rig used by one of their body types is based on the Alliance Human rig? Does that mean Nightborne don’t belong on the Horde since the rig for both their body types is based on the Alliance Night Elf rig?

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In the interest of fairness, the nightborne had the benefit of having story prompting them to join the Horde. We had time to get comfortable with them. And we had time to also have some changes be made to the model in the form of idle animations being different, and slightly different rigging.

The dracthyr are a very abrupt addition to both factions with very little in the way of narrative cushioning and the female human model on them is quite honestly no different including in idle animations or otherwise from the human model on Alliance. Much the same, the complaint involving void elves on Alliance just being a carbon copy of a Horde race kind of apply here.

I get you might not see it the same way I do, but I can see the annoyance here. A female human running around Orgrimmar, regardless of it having horns and some scales, does kind of seem weird.

Void Elves can look exactly like a High/Blood Elf by forgoing all void customization choices, therefore the visage forms look like 2 possible alliance races, while only looking like 1 possible horde race.

I can’t argue with this. Nightborne most definitely had a lot more time for us to “get to know” them, and the different idle animation does wonders to differentiate them.

I can’t argue with this either. They show up on each capital’s doorstep and just bam, “We’re here to join the Horde/Alliance!”

Yea I just don’t see it the same way you do. I don’t see a Human female running around Orgrimmar. I see a Dracthyr in their female visage form running around Orgrimmar. For me it’s the same on Alliance. I am not seeing a male Blood/High/Void Elf when I see a Dracthyr in their male visage form running around Stormwind.

In any case, as I said before, it’s already a done deal. It’s live and in game. Anyone who doesn’t like it can stay in draconic form themselves, but they have no choice but to get used to the fact that there will be some Dracthyr players hanging in Orgrimmar in their female visage form. It’s the new normal and there’s nothing any of us can do about it.

The best we can hope for is for more body types to be added that use rigs for other races. But even then I wouldn’t be surprised if those hypothetical new body type options were faction agnostic. So we could potentially see visage forms that look like Orcs in Stormwind for example.

I suggested it a lot during development but an easy solution should have just been to stick to their own lore. Considering the dracthyr are meant to be an amalgamation of the original races of Azeroth (trolls and elves), all they had to do was make it so visage forms actually had some faction identity which made sense. At the very least, they should have made it so both thalassian female and male could be used, and both male and female human could be used. That way people could make female dracthyr look like blood elves for some sort of faction identity.

Have Alliance visage forms (both male and female) be night elves, and have Horde be trolls.

The other option is they could have given some more unique faction specific customization options. I did the literal best I could to make a Horde themed female dracthyr on my main server, and don’t get me wrong, she cute.


It’s still a female human though with some horns. And you can choose to hide all forms of draconic influence anyhow.

Also, being direct, I would absolutely hate there being orc visages on Alliance. That to me would be a serious line crossed.

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The female and male dragon form are almost the same. The female (body type 2) is just a little thinner, less muscular looking. You need to be sure to work on the visage form when creating the evoker. That’s where the big difference is.

I agree with this whole heartedly. I would have much preferred for both male and female Thalassian and Human rigs be available so that, at the very least, both factions could have four body type choices rather than two for their Dracthyr. More options is always better in my book.

For additional body types (if they ever happen) I wouldn’t complain if they were faction specific, so as per your example Alliance body type 3 and 4 would use the Night Elf male and female rigs, and Horde body type 3 and 4 would use Troll male and female rigs (though I’d prefer the Zandalari male rig myself >_>).

Your Dracthyr fem is lovely! I find that the best way to make the female visage look less human is to go all in on the scale options as much as possible and go with more vibrant hair colors that are outside the typical human hues.

While it wouldn’t do anything for the body silhouette, I do wish that Dracthyr visage forms had access to the eye types that the draconic form has. With the visage we’re stuck with only the slit eyes with white scelra. Having the draconic form slit, cross, and glow eye style options could help make the female look less “Human” and would just add more variety in general. There’s also really no reason why those options can’t be made available since they already exist for the rigs, they are just set to be npc only right now. Example: