
The male is a blood elf. The female does not also need to be a blood elf. Alliance deserve representation as well.


Okay, so failure to put boobs on a reptile is somehow a… “clever allegory for being trans” …


Then why are there boobs on the visage form? lol


Yeah, I get that but humans simply do not belong on the Horde side. That’s like saying, we should have goblins on the horde side because they’re the least-played race and deserve representation.

And they aren’t. Zero humans are on the horde side.

Yes? But why do we need humans on the horde? I may not be a lore expert or a lore lover, but I’m quite sure the horde isn’t fond of humans.

There are no humans on the horde. It’s a visage. Also, one could argue that blood elves don’t belong on the Alliance, yet their male forms are blood elves.

The game has more than the Horde faction. Deal with it?


I’m just saying, that humans look weird on the horde side, and you’re right it is their visage form but it’s what the players identify as. Wouldn’t the dracthyr people want to blend in with their faction?

antis woud wine about vIsUaL uNiqEnEs bein stolen

I have a problem with the head of this female character in visage form. The rest of the body looks great, but her head is too small and not in proportion to the rest of her.

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I know right need to be 3 times larger :dracthyr_a1:

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Hey. My male dragon is pink and purple.

Pink used to be so expensive a color to produce, men wore it to show off their wealth. This was as recent as a couple hundred years ago. Pink for girls and blue for boys didn’t start until something like the 1940s. :stuck_out_tongue:


lmao like anyone is gonna believe this garbage

it was all in black and white back then


the male is a blood elf, clearly they didn’t have the alliance in mind.

I admit I almost snorted my drink in laughter. :joy:

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Because you still view it as human… But it isn’t.

Yeah, but you guys have “blood elves” cough cough, void elves

Yes, but the visage FORM is human. Meaning they identify as human

Do they? For me it still says dracthyr

I know, we lack pink in WoW.

Always could have more pink dragons.

I see guys wear pink shirts in RL, nothing wrong with that.

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Those freakish fat sacs that the mortal warm-blooded females generally have for feeding and rearing their live-birthed young.

Just lay eggs like the rest of us civilized dragon-folk! It’s the simplest and most efficient thing to do!