
While I can understand their “Lizards don’t have gender based differences” approach, and it would be extremely appropriate if they made the race more dragon like instead of more humanoid like. For example no one complains that Ysera’s dragon form is not feminine enough. However if Ysera suddenly turned into a humanoid dragon hybrid such as the Drakthir and she looked the exact same as a male green one, it would be just weird…

The thing is that instead of making one of the existing dragokin races playable, they instead went for the “experiment made by deathwing” approach, and it looks like they don’t really have genders at all. They don’t seem to reproduce or capable of engaging in sexual activity at all. They are just soldiers that seem to have been created fully grown, and they just happen to have shape-shifting abilities.

While that is an interesting concept for a race, the fact they didn’t had childhoods, mothers, families, houses, things that would be expected of a living entity makes them utterly boring, very dangerous and hopelessly naive. The lack of gender in this context is just the superficial consequence of it.

Now, imagine if we are talking about a real established race of dragokin, one with a rich and developed civilisation full of wonders, knowledge that developed shielded from the madness of the outside world and it is now being discovered, than it would be expected for them to have very strong gender displays, if not in their bodies, in their clothes, accessories and other visible features. To me that would be a much more preferable approach.

No, before the new chargen screen revamp, you used to select the race, and then could go back and forth in gender while making the character before clicking finish.

Since the chargen screen revamp you have to choose gender/body type on the race selection screen before you start otherwise making changes with the character.

This threw me off for the first couple characters I made since the revamp myself since I would just go to start a new char after selecting race then realize I couldn’t select gender/body type after.

This thread reeks of dollar store purple hair dye and stale cigarettes

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I feel like the Human model is fine, but they really should’ve changed it up a bit more. Like the animations or the body of it. ANd like you said horde/alliance specific options.

I feel like the Human model is fine, but they really should’ve changed it up a bit more. Like the animations or the body of it

I can agree with you here. Even if they just did a new stance like Nightborne got, or mixed some animations from other races to differentiate them more, I think they’d have been better.

Dracthyr quite rightly should not have boobs. When was the last time you saw a dragon in any fantasy setting with Boobs?

Dragons are like lizards or dinosaurs. They lay eggs. Boobs are for mammals, which dragons are not.


Wonderful gifts given to women.

I want to choose my own visage… and I don’t want it to look like some elf. I’m supposed to be able to choose my visage and it reflect the way I feel or want…

So why can’t I look like Zandalari!

Umm… I’m sure I could find a few anime and RPG source books.
I’m fairly certain I remember RIFTS (not the MMO) having… dragons with… obvious differences lol.

I just tried it. clicked on “New character”, I clicked on Void Elf then went back and forth on Body type 1 and Body type 2.

It works the same as before.

If you have void elf as an option, your not on the before revamped chargen, obviously.

Ok I just tried again. This time I selected a Blood Elf and was able to click back and forth on male/female. Now please don’t tell me you are talking about how it worked before the Burning Crusade.

What if my female evoker indentifies as a human or elf female and wants to have boobs ?

The before Shadowlands character generation revamp, yes, obviously not anything you have access to now in retail, as said.

Before Shadowlands one selected gender after one selected race, hence no longer on the race selection screen, after Shadowlands one selects Body type on the race selection screen before choosing the race.

Lizzards don’t have boobs. They lay eggs and by the time their young hatch they don’t need that kind of support.

I nominate OP for Golden Troll Awards 2022 :clap: :clap: :clap: