Evocation is useless

If someone has little to no mana, then the only spell and effect that gets cast is Evocation, after the spells effect wears off they have full mana, Evocation restored their mana. Which means Evocation is a RESTORE mana spell. Dont’ matter what it says in teh description or what Blizzard says or what anyone tries to argue. The end result was the mana was restored. That is what the very definition of refill/restore means.

Anyone that wants to even try to argue Evocation is not a restore mana effect despite them all saying they have mana, then none of them have mana left over once the effect of Evocation ends.

That means under that very situation and outcome, all mana regeneration effects are restore. Applying that situation above to one thing, automatically applies it to everything in that category In this case mana regeneration)

This is why people arguing with me are trolls, every one of their counter arguments to me crumble under their own logic and the outcome that happens in the game.

You cannot have mana after a regeneration effect ends unless it’s a restore effect, it’s the same as trying to argue mana pots do not regenerate mana despite they just said mana regeneration is a mana restore in Evocation.

No. The already existing mana regen did that.

Please read the above post.

I didn’t say that either. In fact i didn’t say Evocation was or wasn’t. All I did was take what people were saying and applied it accordingly and properly where it belongs.

I suggest that go back and read what I actually did say

Yes you did.

Evocation doesn’t affect mana. Case closed.

it works on mana regen, the end result being more mana…

that is why some mages swap equipment before evo, i think it works off spirit.

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and how is evocation useless, it allows you to regen mana instead of drinking…

You keep saying this…but, just as sure as clockwork—I have mana after every Evocation I have ever casted.

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Don’t butcher what I said by cutting out parts of the context and posting crap. And stop removing scenarios I propose and posting a cut part of it and acting ike that’s what I said.

I didn’t say Evocation restored their mana, I PROPOSED THAT if the end result is people have mana because everyone in this thread said they do, and the only thing that was cast was Evocation, then the mana was restored. Since the only effect that was cast was Evocation, then that means Evocation is a restore mana effect. The end result proves this.

You cannot have zero mana, cast a mana regeneration spell, and wind up with mana and not have it be a restore effect. That is the very definition of Refill/restore.

Here’s you arguing that it is a restore effect.

Actually, that’s the whole point of a description. To help confused people like you.


Well, Blizzard designed it this way…so either accept that, or write to the developers and tell them to re-structure their verbiage.

That isn’t me arguing it’s a restore effect. That’s you butchering what I said and changing around the context.

Everything I posted was a direct comment from everyone’s argument towards me.

What I posted is nothing more of WHAT EVERYONE ELSE HAS SAID, formulated very clear scenarios, (Which you omitted in your reply) and then posted that information to say and show that what I posted is exactly what they are saying.

it shows you haven’t even read anything in here, you’re just going through taking parts of conversation that go with other parts of the situation, removing the situations and editing them to what you want them to say and not what was really said.

Here you ago again, fighting “everyone”.

What. Did. I. Say.

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So basically, you’re throwing a tantrum because blizzard doesn’t work how you want it to?

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Nope. You all did. if you go back and look at the topic, all i did was posted things that really should be fixed, and I’m not the only person that thinks this. So I’m not alone.

You all came in and turned a simple, "hey Here is what you (Blizzard) should take a look , and turned it into the mess you see now.

You’re making things up again.

So yes. Carry on, I hear it’s cathartic.

Your original post got a total of 1 upvote…

…and it also got flagged. lol.

Their 2nd account.

Actually I have 6 accounts…Some people have 40 accounts

Your point is?

Well you made it for me.