Evocation is useless

First of all that isn’t MY deifntion, that is what everone else BUT me has been saying in this thread.

Anyone that claims they have mana after using Evocation, has blatantly 100% said that Evocation isn’t a regeneration spell, it’s a restore mana spell. Having mana after a spell is cast when you have little to or none at all is RESTORED MANA.

What it says in it’s description is irrelevant to everyone claiming the have mana restored from Evocation after the effect of it ends.

Anyone cannot say Evocation is restoring mana without also applying that same concept of an argument to a mana pot.

Apparently people have changed a regeneration spell and a mana pot into the same exact thing.
Regardless of the semantics, word manipulation or whateevr else anyone is trolling with, in the end if you have mana the it’s a restore mana spell.

That concept MUST also then be applied to MANA POTS which aren’t a regeneration effect at all but result in mana restoration. People then cannot argue a mana pot is any different than Evocation when the end result of both has restored mana.

This also now means no one can argue with anyone when they say a mana pot is a regeneration effect. Because they said it was with Evocation.

To argue against any of that is a contradiction… Pure and simple.

No one is saying that.

The rest of your post loses flavor after that argument.

Since eating is similar to a channeled effect…would one retain the cake and/or pie after biting into it?

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Personally, pie is far superior, and the cake is a lie.

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But everyone in this entire thread said they have mana after using Evocation, so your point is nonsensical .

I have to tip my hat to this troll. He’s really good at playing mentally challenged.

Most have also said that standing still out of combat gives you mana. . .

Please just take your successful trolling and move on to the next nonsensical topic.


Evocation --> Mana regen --> Mana

Evocation ≠ Mana

Simple diagrams for simple things.

That depends on how fast a modifier is on the bowel system.

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OK fine but then that means, If what I said is wrong, then after the effect from Evocation ends, anyone that had little to no mana, would have the same exact amount of mana they started with before casting Evocation.

No, because evocation isn’t what gives you mana, your mana regen is. See my diagram? Follow it.

You cannot say Evocation isn’t a restore effect when people are all saying they have more or all of their mana than they started with, once the effect ends. That is the very definition of restore/refill.

If Evocation isn’t a restore mana effect or doesn’t restore mana, then people who had little to no mana before casting it, would have the exact same amount of mana once they cast it and the effect of Evocation ends.

You know there comes a time, when someone tries so hard to read into something, that they literally make no point at all…You sir…have the gold medal.

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What does this have to do with cake vs. pie? Please stay on topic.

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Stop. Saying. That.

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OP are you on mushrooms?

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What does that even mean?

So when Blizzard starts dealing damage and the mage moves half way through the channel (thus cancelling the channel), do you think that damage dealt is now reverted and the mobs are healed? No? So ending a channel cast early doesn’t undo what the channel has already caused? So why should an Evocation that ended early undo all mana regained?

You’re the troll, and a really bad one at that

I am assuming English is not your native language by the post. If that is true, nice try but it is hard to read.

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I didn’t say that. You did.