Evocation is useless

Uh oh guys what are we going to do here?

Look at this enchant I just found!


And worse! The description for it!

Permanently enchants bracers to restore 4 mana every 5 seconds.

Wait a second… It can’t be… Regeneration and Restoration are different… I know this because some idiot on the WoW forums said it was so!

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when all of you can make up your mind and figure out if you want restore to mean regenerate or regetnerate to mean restore, and then apply whatever way you decide to everything of the same nature in the game, then come talk to me.

Evocation either restores mana or it doesn’t there is no in between with this.
Whatever word you apply and it’s effect is what you are saying.

If Evocation restores mana then that means regeneration means restore and the word restore no longer exists. and mana pots now regenerate not restore because regenerate is restore

This is all there is too it.

You just called every person arguing with me in this thread about this, an idiot.

No I called you an idiot, idiot.



But you didn’t! I suggest read your reply very carefully,
You literally just said anyone arguing regeneration and restore are the same is the idiot which is the exact argument everyone is making against me.

Way to go

Please read this post.

No I called you an idiot. Here let me quote the exact place.

No I called you an idiot, idiot.

Also here’s the exact quote from you.

RESTORE and REGENERATE do not do the same effect.
Once gives it which you keep, the other doesn’t give it and you don’t keep it.
Apparently none of you know the difference between regenerate and restore


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Except that point came from your own statement based off the side of the argument everyone is going against me on. So calling me an idiot, based off the way you arrived at that conclusion, proves you called everyone else BUT me an idiot.

So again learn how to use proper grammar and context

Reverting to the old “your grammar is bad” stance now, huh?

RESTORE and REGENERATE do not do the same effect.
Once gives it which you keep, the other doesn’t give it and you don’t keep it.
Apparently none of you know the difference between regenerate and restore

Literally your own words. inb4

I-I was just putting words into other peoples mouths again!

Guys it’s ok, hes doing what any decent human should do when they are called out for obviously trolling; double down. Though to be fair I don’t think hes committing hard enough


The commitment is there, the practice is lacking. Or delivery.

I think Evocation is a very useful spell.

It helps me to regenerate and retain mana.

Is that not how it works on your mage as well?

So back to the original issue.

Evocation is useless because it doesn’t restore mana and you cannot use the mana it’s regenerating while channeling. Since it’s not a restore effect, then once it wears off all mana you had is gone because the effect is gone.

Cannot say regeneration means restore unless you’re also going to say mana pots regenerate mana and doesn’t restore it.

But we already said this.

Where does it says it restores mana? It’s not a mana pot. Unless you’re also saying mana pots do not restore mana but instead regenerate and retain mana?

Please read this post. It answers your question.

What did I just read x2

You keep saying that Evocation operates this way in-game…

But I guarantee you, it does not.

Evo increases your mana regeneration for the duration, when it ends you no longer have increased mana regeneration. The effect of having increased mana regeneration means, implicitly but not the stated effect of the spell, is that after casting the spell you have more mana than when you began. In the same way that Blizzard’s manifest goal is to rain down ice and in the process of doing that it deals damage - after you stop casting the spell, ice no longer rains down but the damage dealt stays.

In both cases, the channeled effect ends, but the causal benefit remains, Evocation is not broken.