You will no long have BOOSTED mana regen, you may not have in-combat mana regen until 5 seconds pass (mp/5), but you will have any mana that was regenerated during the time you were channeling.
Also, you have passive mana regeneration. If you’re not in combat, your mana will go from empty to full slowly but surely. If you’re in combat, your mana will start to refill slowly after 5 seconds of not casting. You can even take a talent to apply some of the out-of-combat regen while in combat (Arcane Meditation).
What Evocation does isn’t GIVE you mana regen. You already have that. It gives you out-of-combat mana regen while in-combat and boosts that by a massive amount. Where you might have gotten 10 mana every 2 seconds, now you can get 150 mana every 2 seconds.
If you channel for 4 seconds and then move, that’s two ticks, or 300 mana regenerated. Evocation ends, and so does the boosted regeneration, but the 300 mana you regenerated is already restored.
Serious question … how do you think bandages work? Do you think your health bar should lose all the health you regained the moment you stop casting first aid on yourself?
All of you arguing with me are faced with the same exact burden of explanation.
You either have restore and regenerate which do 2 different things, or you remove one and all have them work the same.
RESTORE and REGENERATE do not do the same effect.
Once gives it which you keep, the other doesn’t give it and you don’t keep it.
Apparently none of you know the difference between regenerate and restore
If what everyone is saying then every pot in the entire game for health and mana all need to be reworded to say REGENERATE because that is everyone’s exact argument in this. You either have to apply the concept to everything across the board for everything of ti’s type, or none at all, you cannot bounce back and fourth then act like the person who points out this flaw is in the wrong.
It’s classic troll tactics. The entire purpose is to infuriate others after all. One of the best ways to do that is to appear so bereft of logic, yet take a stance as if you are infallible.
All of you arguing with me are faced with the same exact burden of explanation.
So i will keep this simple
If what everyone is saying is correct as you all claim then you 100% cannot dodge this fact:
Every pot in the entire game for health and mana all need to be reworded to say REGENERATE because that is everyone’s exact argument in this.
You either have to apply the concept to everything across the board for everything of ti’s type, or none at all
You cannot bounce back and fourth, changing your answer applying it however you see fit, then act like the person who points out this flaw is in the wrong.
You aren’t gaining any mana in a regen spell that is where you fail.
It isn’t Restoring any mana. Only restore can provide actual mana.
No, this line of logic runs with the assumption that all similar or like named mechanics in the game MUST all share functionality consistently across the board down to the smallest detail.
And that’s just not true. Blizzard can program spells to do whatever the hell they want, regardless of whether or not its consistent with other mechanics, logic, or even the SAME mechanic elsewhere. They are not bound by consistency at all. They are free to dictate these things however they feel.
You have failed to grasp this, and now you are on a board making a fool of yourself.
I read this entire post and i have no idea why you are trolling - but you’d have to be trolling to write some stupid easy stuff to debunk like this hahahah. Omg.
Never said they couldn’t.
You cannot say regen restores mana and you keep it when it’s not a mana pot and doesn’t have that effect. Well you can but you will be shown as a troll and contradicting yourself and shows you don’t know how regen and restore are different.
You channel a spell that boosts your mana regeneration. WTF are you on about? A channel doesn’t just revert its affects when its over. that makes no sense.
You’re misunderstanding the spell. Evocation doesn’t restore mana, it increases mana regeneration. When the channel ends, the increased regen ends immediately, just like blizzard.
The mana gained stays, just like the damage dealt by blizzard stays. Using your logic atm, the damage blizzard deals would be healed by the enemy after the channel ends. Obviously, it doesn’t work like that, and neither does evocation.