Normal provides more mechanics and the opportunity to group up with players. This builds comradery while playing the game.
LFR is actually easier than normal mode and while people in normal who actually progress in it, will not find the same issues that LFR does. I’m sorry you don’t understand this while playing 16 year old content.
meh, i’m doing this to fill in my time until pre-patch. It’s amusing that they are trying to argue and yet don’t understand that when debating you mention both sides to enhance your point and acknowledge the other side.
my post was about why LFR is still in the game even after years of people wanting it gone, I made the points of why LFR is bad to acknowledge the other side. The fact they quoted it and still didn’t see the points i made is amusing to me.
Where did I say it was more content? And it’d also replace two tiers of content by offering a solo instance - which directly benefits the many DPS players - to see the content, and to get gear that is already better than what you get in LFR.
The problem here is the raid difficulties causing way too much ilvl inflation. This would go a long way to fix that, and fix the issues with LFR that I keep hearing about from both sides of the community.
Who is this, “forum troll”? Ralph is the well known troll doing this.
If you would like me to be brain-dead clear, it’s about the power-gap between a casual non-raider vs a hard-core raider and just how much more powerful the gear potential is.
Removing ilvl from this picture completely since that’s obviously too complex of a metric it turns out for discussion and strictly speaking available gear-sets.
That’s essentially the issue at hand; I can’t quite say this difference in power is healthy to the other systems in the game.
One of the more interesting aspects to newer / modern loot designs that is present today is that generally higher rarity items are acquired in raids or “raid only affixes” so as not to disrupt the other systems.
You can group up with players in LFR prior to queuing, so not sure what you’re talking about there. Plus normal barely requires mechanics, and many mechanics are so weak you can ignore them. And if players want to tackle a raid together Heroic (or whatever it’s renamed would still exist, while going a long way to fix ilvl inflation.
LFR is easier than normal mode by a bit, but that is combated by the fact it’s a PuG without any leader. Personally I’ve done plenty of every difficulty, and even in a new raid a group of casual players can clear Normal without much difficulty at all.
Nice insult, but the reason I play Classic is because BFA and modern Blizzard is terrible. Sorry that you think that insults are a good way to talk.
I’m specifically arguing about the ilvl inflation issue that 4 raid difficulties causes, and also the fact that many argue LFR is purely to “see the content” - so I suggest a way for players to “see the content” and get better quality gear than they do now. This also benefits the DPS players immensely by removing the queue.
i mean, youre playing in content that requires no skill and easy to do period. the level of content is equal so no wonder you want it gone. You’re view point is different because you play a different game.
and please argue how mages casting frostbolt takes skill to me.
Except the ilvl increase is only a small part of why the hardcore raider will vastly outperform the casual. Casuals don’t often spend time poring over logs to improve their gameplay, nor do they do nearly as many things to squeeze out every little bit of efficiency and damage as they do.
Casuals aren’t likely to spend hours getting the best essences from content they’d rather not do for example, or grinding the right corruptions.
Correct. And believe me, it’s pretty damn boring. But I enjoy the guild I play with and I’m currently waiting for TBC, even with Naxx not even out yet. Bosses fall over quickly even in AQ40 and we one shot virtually everything. The biggest time sink is trash.
I don’t get the logic in bringing this up, though, as there’s no difficulty options for Classic.
I’m also not sure what you’re talking about with the last point, as I didn’t at all mention Classic requiring, “skill” - because it largely doesn’t. Game knowledge and patience are more important.
Honestly they should just get rid of mythic. Hardly anyone does it. The time and effort could be put towards content that The majority of the player base would get to enjoy.
The ilvl gap needs to be reduced actually. The fact blizzard requires to stat squish now after 4 years where the first time took 10 years is an issue. 5 ilvls is quite large and the difference between uldir gear and Nyalotha gear is massive.
You’d have a point if Mythic was unique in that it had content that the other difficulties didn’t. But outside of a few (rather dumb) exceptions like Ra’den, this is not the case.
And anyone can enjoy Mythic if they want to. I like the difficulty, but the logistics burn me out and I have no desire to do it anymore.
Other than the fact it requires more frequent stat squishes and a bigger and bigger gap between a freshly capped player and someone who’s played in current content?
If “that’s the essentially the issue at hand”, then state that. Don’t spend several posts defending your badly worded original post only to evolve to a different point.
You can’t even admit your first post is completely wrong.
And yes, much like a raider all the way back from Vanilla/Classic, the power gaps between raiders and non-raiders were huge. Much like the way you gear, there’s a big difference between ilvl and BiS and generally raiders use available tools and information to know how to gear instead of just slapping on some item because it’s purple or higher ilvl.
And BiS is a very good healthy item. Unfortunately Blizzard doesn’t seem to match Ion’s words to Blizzard’s actual product. How many years has Ion been saying that ilvl should matter and “it feels bad to see an items 30+ ilvl higher and have it be a downgrade”. That still happens because secondary stats matter too much compared to primary stat.
It sounds like you want what Ion states, you see a 15 ilvl item increase, you should use it. Not sure if that’s how you feel, but if Blizzard brought back reforging that would start making ilvl always matter again.