I can agree to that, some of which I can put some of the blame on systems design.
BFA was essentially a massive cluster-f of a variety of power systems that all needed to work together to get efficient results; azerite traits, corruptions, essences, it’s a lot of work and without tools like Raidbot’s or SimC I don’t think players would be half as effective in that level of player as they are today.
The easiest gearing pattern we had was in WoD ironically, the pruning left a nasty taste in ours mouths but gear upgrades were trivial to identify and generally didn’t require tools; the most complex issue was “when to pop the ring” aside from traditional mechanics.
I feel like lowering the technical gap will greatly help the overall player-base engage more in these PvE activities.
sorry i don’t know what “whinges” is. but, the point i was making was how the gap between old content and new content is too large atm, you’re complaining about heroic = LFR which to those that can do heroic get that advantage. Those that can’t don’t get that.
edit: I stated what the changes to ilvl would do to change the gap. if anything we are arguing for the same thing but in different ways.
If you’re referring to the borrowed power and convoluted designs BFA tripled down on, I fully agree - but the log research and improving personal play would still be a factor along with gear. It’d just make it far easier for a freshly geared character (that wouldn’t have the right corruptions/essences in BFA yet) to catch up, which I strongly promote.
I personally could care less about ilvl. I just want to do the content and get the rewards. gear, tier gear, pets and mounts. normal, heroic and mythic can have a higher ilvl. Thats fine.
I honestly hope Blizzard goes the opposite route and continues to lock down on gear exclusivities. M+ drops less, wq drops less, everything is reduced.
Take it all from them. I’m tired of hearing “but I work 3 jobs and only play wow 1 hour on Saturday where is my gear.”
I had to work 2 jobs and go to college, I didn’t just get to have the same degree as everyone else if I didn’t put in the time and effort that everyone else did.
My point is that the ilvl inflation between every tier is ridiculous - which is the same as yours. And I’m pointing out that having 4 raid difficulties is a problem. Having the inflation go as much as it was (15 ilvls per tier, and making the LFR of the new tier the same ilvl as previous tier’s Heroic) was a very large contributor to 4 difficulties being a problem. And simply reducing the gap between difficulties to 5 wouldn’t fix it, as you’d now have to address the difficulty of the tuning.
Again, if you read my posts - like you whinge about so much - would have answered that. Oh, and also:
I would agree, but Mythic wouldn’t work as well as a 10 man. It’s just intended to be 20 man as they can tune better for it, and it’s easier to split groups in a 20 man than it is in a 10 man. And you have more coverage of any actual utility.
I’m sick of hearing it too. This pity party that people demand for casuals is just disgusting. There should be content for them 100% but it should come nowhere near the highest ilvl in the game for players who are spending hours during and in between raid times and Rated PvP Queue sessions.
The path of least resistance for casuals is to get up and get +15 keys done for Mythic ilvl loot each week in the chest.
The biggest draw back to 4 difficulties in my opinion, is that the last tier becomes irrelevant, I find it more fun to do heroic/mythic of the previous tier instead of farming lfr/normal of the new tier.
I can see why some people dont like that thought and it might not be the best for the game.
You are ignoring the fact the everything else increases in ilv, so is easier for the new player to catch up.
Again, those are just numbers, who cares if we are lv 60 or 200?
i’m sorry that, me, pointing to a post I made and then you not understanding what I typed is complaining. Then you persistently trying to get me to type my point again instead of reading it is categorizes as a whinge. I do appreciate the definition and the new word, so thank you for that one