Everyone should have a path to progress to max ilvl gear, EVERYONE!

Wow, reaching deep you are today; show me how one is going to acquire a 475 Manifesto of Madness?

Tip: I’ll save you the time It’s not possible, the closest possible options are 470 or 485.

Simply “scaling” using a tool that can artificially generate ilvl’s and spit out a fake number isn’t how you calculate; you match it up to what is potentially available at that bracket.

For instance on my mage, you can’t even get a 485 Sea Giant’s Tidestone so why would I sim that?

When I mention ilvl I mean “what is accruable at that bracket”; a BiS player in 475 gear is going to absolutely crush the meters at much higher than “20%” which is entirely “the” problem in terms of a power-gap.

Going back to PVP, there are several cases of people with 3/5 the health and less gear being able to outperform their high ilvl equivalent. Blizzard PVP scaling has given the advantage to people with less gear. Raid gear, unless you do harder content it doesn’t matter. If you do higher mythic+ then you are likely to get gear for the work you do. End of the day, the issues with gear fall in world PVP where PVP scaling takes effect. This is an issue of time, effort, and skill. If you get outplayed in world PVP, then you get outplayed. If you’re annoyed with it then leave warmode, simple.

No, it’s not. You use the tool to scale ilvl to test, regardless if you can realistically acquire that piece. Even then, go to raidbots, and test out a 445 normal raider to a mythic raider. Stick them entirely in the same gear, just the 30 ilvl difference, and let me know if it comes out to double the dps.

If it doesn’t, then you’re wrong. And you don’t know how to compare apples to apples. It’s important to eliminate as many variables as possible so you can have the most accurate testing possible.

If you don’t understand that, then I don’t have time to teach you how to basic research.

I mean, the multiple guilds i’ve been, the people i’ve done mythic + with. It’s a common thing of not liking LFR. We hate doing it, we find that people can get away with afk and get rewarded. it offers no true context on what the content is like because there is no real mechanics in it. It still goes back to that it still exists because its a way for everyone to see the content. No matter the level. However, it goes back to something that a majority of people in the higher end community do not think should exist. If it wasn’t a thing then it wouldn’t be a controversial discussions for years and on multiple forum sites.

First off, I don’t spend the money on Raidbots to do equipment compares like that so that’s not happening.

Second off this was a comparison in power between a player who doesn’t raid to one who does raid; I should’ve made that more clear instead of saying an ilvl value that’s below the normal raid threshold.

As I said like 3 other times, it’s not JUST the ilvl; you have essences ranks to worry about also and corruptions both of which have different requirements that might be out of reach of that same individual who doesn’t raid.

I am fully aware that apples to apples comparisons might yield different results, at the same time that’s highly unrealistic for a traditional player; it’s likely difficult for you to understand that viewpoint.

If you want the show of honor, be my guest and BiS gear a normal toon and a mythic toon and slap a screenshot of both numbers.

Why would you LFR? It offers lower gear than normal and too often you get people who don’t even make the effort to learn mechanics. Your main hope is that heroic/mythic players who are so overgeared that they’ll carry you.

Seriously, what worth is it to do LFR? I don’t even think you can get the malefic core from it.

thank you for making my point :slight_smile:

You can do this for free.

So a person who does content that requires higher level of play is a better player than the one who doesn’t? Uh… yeah? You realize that same player would outperform the weaker player if they were even item level right?

Why does it matter if they don’t raid when this is all a comparison in a raid setting?


It’s a lot harder to do it for free though. Idk if you can do a full 16-17 item gear compare with free raidbots. Or, at least, every option to optimize the sim.

Remove LFR and Normal, and offer a solo instance where you can go through the raid to see the content? That offers gear a step below, “Heroic” as well.

If LFR is primarily for seeing the content, why is this a bad thing?

  1. there are still groups who do normal for fun. It’s a way for people to group together.
  2. im not going to repeat what i typed, please refer to an earlier post.

Why would you need higher level gear if you’re not doing the higher level content? You don’t. The only other reason I could see somebody wanting it is for xmog. I do wish for more mog in the game :open_mouth:

I’m in no way trying to be rude when I say this but people need to stop expecting top gear for doing normal level content. Everyone isn’t meant to be equal…and that’s okay.


Raidbots is free, you just have to wait in a queue. Just input the gear, press the run Compare Items" button and go browse other websites.

And no, your comparison was output in ilvl. If you want to compare a player who knows BiS vs not BiS, that’s a completely different story and you can easily get someone who can do far more than double the throughput.

Please tell me where, in this statement you make, you mention essence ranks and corruption:
“The only real complaint I have perhaps is that the power-gap (not to be confused with ilvl) is too large. At 450 ilvl that’s about 45-55k dps, at 475 that’s about 85k-100k almost double the power for a marginal ilvl difference.”

No, you just said ilvl.

Now if you want to restate your original post with the amends, then that’s fine, but that’s not what you posted originally which I them brought data to prove you wrong.

If you don’t state your remarks clearly without going “well I’m also talking about essences and corruption”, then you can’t argue correctly. I know, it’s difficult to understand that I’m not psychic and won’t assume more than what you’re saying.

Sure, and they can do it with the new base difficulty since Heroic is pretty easy too. These are raids, not a casual pick up football game in the park.

Ilvl inflation is a serious issue and 4 raid difficulties is a huge contributor to that.

If you’re not willing to reiterate your point in a discussion that I just joined, I don’t think there’s a need to engage you.

This is a tough pill for many players to swallow. Unfortunately the game has many people spoiled and they think that this is good game design.

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if you scrolled up, 4 posts, you would have seen it. Honestly, I don’t care if you want to engage me. But, I’ve stated the issue multiple times and I was tired of saying it again. So, up to you. have fun. :slight_smile:

You mean the point where LFR is so people can see the content? You know, the thing I directly addressed in the post you replied to but didn’t address yourself?

if you don’t want to search for it, not my fault.

Either you were lying about it being 4 posts, or that was the point you were talking about.

At this point you’re just deflecting.

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I mean, 4 posts above your first comment are where I stated the issues again. If you don’t want to read some context before joining a discussion then that is on you. :slight_smile:

Here, you’re post was 989, mine is 985. there you go.