Everyone should have a path to progress to max ilvl gear, EVERYONE!

Woah, I actually agree with Ralph on something.

To nuance my perspective of it gear is something people love to spread around. In that someone gets an awesome trinket the next thing they might want to do is go into PvP with it to blow people up. Or maybe try a M+20 key with it.

Not that this behavior should be considered wrong, which it isn’t. But it sends the message to the community that you must raid or die. Because now you’re competing in your favorite content against people who hopelessly outgear you. That’s not a good message.

I see no problem having gear mean different things in different content, fully respecting the need for players to use content in places unintended. You do that by having core gameplay rewards in core gameplay features but each gameplay feature would have rewards that apply only to that feature.

In such a case there maybe a raid trinket that is core gameplay reward which drops in raids, arena, bgs, dungeons, etc. Then one specifically for raiding that isn’t so good everywhere else. You’ll want both but for different reasons while not disadvantaging the people in that other content.

Base+ component system like I’ve been saying for years now.

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How is that possible? Plagueheart has the same bonus stats plus more and much more int and stam.

Bloodvine: 13 int, 2% spell hit, +27 damage
Plagueheart: 22 int, 27 stam, 1% spell hit, +51 damage, +2% spell crit

And did you seriously bring up R14 weapons as a solo alternative to raiding? LOL.

It’s insane you people exist and Blizzard should have NEVER appeased the complaints made by lazy players who refuse to do content. Listening to animals that cry about having to raid, having to do M+, having to do any end game content where the gear they’re getting is necessary, has created broken borrowed power systems. It’s created endless power scaling along with endless grinding and chores. It’s created a player base who think they’re entitled to high end gear without doing high end content. It’s created people who cry elitist every time they are told that they should have to progress through harder content for better gear. Animals who see a number and their monkey brains light up telling them they need they NEED. You people would be content if Blizzard turned WoW into a mobile clicker if it meant you could increase whatever number they put on your screen.

Hit. You just answered your own question and missed it.

Doesnt matter how much Int you have when you miss.

Bloodvine is the ONLY Gear in the game that allows you to reach Hit Cap, and not miss.

Retail isn’t raid or die, you can get to near equal footing as someone who mythic raids without ever stepping foot in a raid. A large sum of BIS comes from dungeons, mythic raiders farmed for weeks for benthic gear, raiding is the worst way to farm up corruption.

Yes, classic has weird bonuses that make gear stand out, but don’t pretend getting your BIS at the start of an xpac and never replacing it is a good system.

So… you beat the mage tower 5 months after it came out and then proceeded to one-shot it on toons with NC and higher gear. When you said “low ilvl” you assumed you meant when the content was challenging (which is when the towers first came out). As soon as the Tomb of Sargeras content was out the content became much easier. And when Argus came out with NC, then it was a joke.

So, in your example, you didn’t complete the Mage Tower at it’s hardest (right when it came out). You completed that content later when you could more easily get gear that overpowered that content by a couple of tiers.

So… how is that different than waiting a tier or two, getting WQ, random BG’s, new external borrowed power, and rofl stomping earlier tiers?

It seems like what you want already exists. So what is it you want then?

I honestly don’t know the numbers. Personally cleared one month after it had been released (so I guess that’s one cycle late?), and it was really rough on a character that wasn’t played much at the time.

But it felt so good, and it was awesome, and any content like that is welcome in my book :slight_smile:

These types of challenges, that are fixed and scaled, like after doing a massive meta questline with some sort of epic fight at the end for a piece of mythic gear would be just awesome.

You make it sound like there is no other place 1% hit could come from…

I hate that you keep saying I completed mage tower so late, driving me crazy.

Here’s one example of a character I did it on about a month after it was released. It had trash gear at the time, but how can I prove that to you? I can’t. Doesn’t really matter I guess.

If it were scaled, I’d probably have had an easier time, lol.

People like to throw around terms like “minority” and “majority” and “1%” to justify their feelings. But these forums represent a very small amount of the player base. Out of millions of players we have possibly thousands here discussing the game. In these thousands, perhaps dozens share feelings about removing any sort of content.

The devs aren’t likely going to remove LFR and they aren’t going to remove mythic, nor are they likely to remove gear from either difficulty. If anything they will see constructive discussions about disparity between PVP and raid sets and hopefully work to make it feel better for players. That’s why in SL we’re getting vendors and a PVP currency.

The folks here trying to feel superior or to make the better players feel inferior aren’t really influencing the game any. You can see that in the direction the devs drive the game. It’s all hogwash.

WoW has been and will always be a game that provides content for the casual player. It will always also be a game that provides challenges for those seeking challenges. Both can coexist in this game.

Snowflakes is another term that’s overused around here. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with climbing some sort of ladder for prestigious reasons. Competition isn’t going away. But if you don’t want to compete for something, you can certainly choose not to and it really won’t change anything for you in this game.

Its not 1% hit, thats for a single piece.

You cannot reach Hit cap, or anywhere near it, without the Bloodvine 4 set.

He’s being cheeky. Warlocks are pretty much the only caster than /needs/ bloodvine. Mages can get the hit from elsewhere.

If you get off the topic of warlocks you’ll still find most classes, a vast majority of the BiS gear for their spec, still comes from raiding.

The set bonus is for crit…

I didnt mean the set bonus, I meant wearing all 4 pieces.

I never played a lock in classic so I’m looking this information up. Even still, it seems very wrong.

You’ve convinced me. Let’s go back to classic style progression!

And here’s one I did it super late on, and 1shot it with my eyes closed.

You can see the dates are different. That’s how achievements work :slight_smile:

Ah… that old line where you try to create reasons why you’re less efficient. Many my guild all are full time working adults, several with kids.

Also have a full-time job. Are you working like 60+ hours a week or something? If you’re spending 2+ hours a night watching TV or some other mundane leisure activity, then having a full-time job has nothing to do with you not playing the game more…

As to the R14 weapon being a solo option.

It is though.

That was my point, one that you also touched on.

Not everything in Raid is BIS, and you can achieve BIS in every slot without ever stepping into a raid. You can get some slots from raid, and there is alternatives that are not in the Raids.

One thing I did like about previous tiers of raiding in particular, is that they were still worthwhile later on.

Now? The only thing we go into EP for is a mythic coral, and maybe essences if you’re not interested in grinding the new currency.