Oh please. I’ve been in +5s that are more challenging than 16s.
Harder just means the people you play with.
Who cares if someone who is not necessarily super skilled is able to go through a huge winding questline that takes months to get a really cool piece or two of gear?
Then you know what, forget any rewards and just give everything to everyone right at the beginning. That’s what you’re asking for here. No effort rewards.
Are you serious? Mythic raiders love to stand in SW/Org so that people can ogle at their high IL gear. For two thirds of a patch, thew would still be able to do that. Mythic raiders tend to quit playing by then anyway because “there isn’t anything else to do.”
Also, easy/hard is subjective. People who would gear up through means other than mythic raiding will most likely be people who can’t/would never be able to gear up through mythic raiding.
Do you really think people would just stop raiding if they can get gear another way?
Yeah I disagree I did paladin and druids tank challenges without ever stepping into a raid. It took about 40 something attempts but I still finished it. I got mine done by the second or third week of them being out.
If they aren’t going to be doing the hard content then they don’t need the best gear. If your kids baseball team came in last in a tournament are you gonna scream cause he didn’t get the same trophy as the first place team? Bet you would. This isn’t any different.
Nobody “needs” anything. If you need mythic gear to down mythic bosses, how would you ever get said gear if you can’t kill the bosses that have it? It’s about making tough content easier.
You really like making up random lies about people in your head. Very strange, but I’m guessing that sort of thing isn’t uncommon on the forums.
Again, gear isn’t the end itself. It would further open up possibilities for them to engage in more difficult content that they might have otherwise not had the chance to do.
Maybe you’ve forgotten Warcraft is a game, meant to be “fun for everyone”.
That’s… Not really the ideal way that should work? If you’re just strolling into Mythic Raiding because your ilevel says you can, you’re setting yourself up for failure and frustration. You’re much better served by having knowledge from the previous difficulty, which also comes with gear that enables you to pass the stat check for that content.
That’s fair but a different topic, I think. Blizzard should just count everything not-current as Legacy and let it be soloable.
Why should you be rewarded the best gear for not doing the hardest content? I fail to understand why you think casuals deserve to be rewarded for not playing the game.
No. They. Won’t. I love to raid. Why would I spend 2 months on world quests and dungeons, when I can get heroic gear from raiding in two weeks? Especially when raiding is SO MUCH MORE FUN!!!