Everyone should have a path to progress to max ilvl gear, EVERYONE!

Do you know what an analogy is?

Also, the point has been made:

There’s very little solo content in this game, and most of it requires doing group content before-hand.

I politely disagree with the premise that everyone should have said path. I am an old fuddy duddy who has slower reflexes, a bit of arthritis and more. I am well aware I will never be able to clear mythic anything while it is current. So why should I have access to those rewards?

I am perfectly content to putter along slowly and being behind a tier or three (my highest level toon is like 451 currently). The idea that I should get rewards equal to mythic raiding is just silly and well, selfish.



Better gear helps you push higher keys, complete dailies faster, increases your chances of being invited into a raid group, and IL is generally the measure of “winning” this game. Most people play a game with the goal of winning.


Blizzard really messed up with raid gear rewards coming from world quests. Now we’ve got people like Ralph who don’t want to play the game but still feel entitled to the best gear.

I did. I also said I didn’t have to. Also, there is nothing I did that you couldn’t also do without the same bottom barrel level of effort you seem to “think” is enough.

But if you only reward people with mythic raiding skill, then Blizzard risks losing the majority of its subs. Ralph makes sense here. Mythic raiders should get max gear faster, but everyone has a path to it.


That’s not how any video game works. I like GoW, but I’m not going to complain that I want it to play like Dance Dance Fever or demand it become an MMO when it’s not.

If you want a game that you can play with just a couple people and get everything in the game, then find the game that matches those needs.

exactly. I’m ok with having harder forms of content being more rewarding in terms of time, but all forms of content should eventually lead to a similar goal.

PvP and Solo content should drop similar gear to PvE. Lower difficulties of PvE should EVENTUALLY let people reach the same gear as the hardest difficulty.

Just allow many paths to the goal. That way it actually feels like we have choice.

As long as one form of content is way more rewarding, people will just funnel to it. Just look at mythic+… it swallowed the raiding scene in just 2 short years, and PvP has nearly evaporated.

Not sure if anyone here has discussed a token system, but I think it would work out great. Here is an example.

If one piece of max gear sells for 1000 tokens, then a mythic raid boss kill gives you a chance to get 500 tokens instead of a chance to get gear. Since you can pick your gear from the token vendor, it makes sense to get less than 1000 tokens from one drop.
A heroic boss kill might give a chance at 50 tokens, so that you can save up for mythic gear, or spend 100 tokens on Heroic gear.
Now you can give smaller amounts of tokens from world quests, M+, and other activities. Tokens you can get from each activity would naturally have a weekly cap.

RP wise, this makes sense. I mean, it doesn’t make sense that a dragon happens to have a pair of boots that just happen to fit me. On the other hand, I can see a king or ruler giving out rewards for making the kingdom safer. The tougher the monster you kill, the bigger the reward they give.


Sorry but no. Harder content should have better rewards and that includes gear. Otherwise what is the point in doing the harder content?

Between your posts on covenants and this, I think you’re in a weird twilight zone episode where WoW is a single player RPG.

Update: WoW is an MMO RPG.


getting said gear faster.

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That isn’t enough. So I can do it the hard way and get it sooner or do it the easy way and it takes a bit longer. Come on, almost everyone will choose the easy way and you know it. No, harder content should have the best rewards and that includes gear and weapons.

I have nothing to add except the original post was 683 words and 3890 characters.


Because you get the better gear way before the people who don’t do the harder content.

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So you’re already getting better gear based on the content you’re doing. You don’t need raid or M+ gear to do daily quests.

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Couldn’t agree more with this Ralph post :slight_smile:

I’m probably the minority here, and I do enjoy early tier mythic raiding and clearing my 15s for the week - but everyone should have some way of acquiring the same level loot in the game.

When I think of “casual” content for acquiring gear, I think massive meta quests, extremely long storylines, and very minimal group effort involved (but still challenging content, such as those presented to us through mage tower).


That. Doesn’t. Matter. If someone can do something an easy way and a hard way and get the SAME reward in the end they will go for the easy way. It’s human nature to take the path of least resistance.

Harder content SHOULD have better rewards. Period.

Sounds like you agree with my interpretation. You want all the gear upgrades only available to people who do your exact chosen content at your level of choice.

“Merit” is also based on dedication and persistence. If you have such a short attention span that you can’t do something 7 days in a row, why do you deserve upgrades for one-shotting something in a minute and then logging off for the week?

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I agree with most of OP’s words.