Everyone should have a path to progress to max ilvl gear, EVERYONE!

The Scenarios in Mists were quite fun


so you DID raid to get the mage tower

You DID do group content for ST content.

That’s not what the point you stated

Your point was what if you had to do that solo content to do the raids, and the answer I provided still holds true: Those who are doing mythic raiding aren’t going to be the ones deterred from doing it. They’ll just blow through it (since they obviously have to have some proficiency if they are doing that content) much sooner and in lower gear and just like during that time, there will be complaints about it being too hard until people get gear to overpower it. Now, you want to start a different discussion about the gear aspect, that’s a different story. But let’s not forget the point that you are trying to make actually impacts those not doing the higher end content more than it does those who are doing it.

they nerfed mythic plus weekly loot to where its not even as good as heroic raid gear :(, and arenas you need friends who actually like pvping too.

LFR isn’t “group” content. It’s me and a bunch of faceless NPCs facerolling a raid. And I didn’t even have to do that. Again, WQs gave gear more than high enough for someone to brute force it.

Best Ralph post ever?

This is incorrect. The Myhtic plus weekly loot is still the same as mythic; the end of dungeon was nerfed to 3 ilevels below heroic raiding.

Wanna know why alliance has an endgame participation issue? because they are not forced into content for gear, they can just do time walking and world quests get get normal raid quality loot. this change would kill endgame faction imbalance even more than it already is.

if it isn’t solo content, why do you need to queue and get a group?

I’d LOVE raids if I could just do them with a bunch of NPC’s as you stated. Let me worry about mechanics. I like those. I’ve done proven assailant, 30 spec challenges, mad world, always do brawlers guild, pretty much anything that is skill based but doesn’t need other people

I just don’t want to have to rely on others to do it. If I want to do the content alone, I should be able to. If I want to do it with just my brother, or 3 friends, I should be able to, and if I feel like doing it with 50 people
 I should also be able to

It’s a very simple concept.

This guy wants SWTOR gearing. Not really an original idea.

If it’s group content, why can I just press a button while never talking to or even coordinating with other people?

that doesn’t change the fact that you are, in fact, in a group. And groups diffuse responsibility, which is exactly why I dislike them.

Also, LFR is the antithesis of what I like. Literally in a group, but zero mechanics. I want the opposite.

Don’t make it easier, make it HARDER. Just let me do it on my own. And if I’m doing hard content, I should be rewarded for it.

Makes no sense that some moron who died in the first 5 secs of a raid to standing in fire gets gear, but someone else spends 30 mins perfecting mechanics to do a solo encounter for just a pad in the back.

Really outdone himself this time. :+1:t3:

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People in GD really fall for these baits so easily lol

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And again, you didn’t need to do them to overgear the mage tower

well, YOU clearly did, you just said so yourself. So

You don’t need mythic raid level gear to do WQs and normal dungeons lol

Some people like to progress their characters and challenge themselves with harder and harder content. They deserve the gear to try and do that. If you want the better gear, go out and get it. It’s there for everyone willing to work for it.


Here it is again. The common trope:
Blizzard rewards Z by doing X.
Player wants to get Z by doing Y.

That’s not how it works.

I don’t get to have top PvP rank status by picking flowers or doing pet battles. You don’t get raid ilvl gear just by spending 90+% of your waking life logged into the game.

As I’ve said in so many similar posts - you can’t just demand to beat Super Mario Bros when you never want to use the jump button.

What if I already do so called “hard” content that most raiders can’t actually beat
 but I get no gear from it?

What if you made a statement that made sense?

You gave me a terrible analogy. Just get to the point of your statement.