You clearly have not hit any nails. I have more achievements than most people in this thread. I do PvP and PvE as I please. I get mounts, pets, etc. as I please. And I also happen to make a lot of gold… I play the AH as I please.
All of that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t like socializing with strangers. When I do any group content, I just take the other players as means to an end. If I could do the content solo, I would.
I’d prefer if the game was design around variable group sizes, all the way from 1 player, to 50. Again, your argument is kind of dumb.
You don’t really have to socialize with anyone. Putting up a group in lfg and just hitting invite is all it takes. Sometimes they say hello, so you just say hi back and end it there.
Mid-Late MoP and WoD Warforging/Thunderforging was actually consistent; they dropped rather often, and significantly more often in 25-man raids. You would get your BiS gear eventually because the droprates on Warforged gear were actually very reasonable.
In Legion and BFA any old piece of gear you got had a chance of just turning into a Mythic piece. That never existed with the Warforging system of old, and the actual base-ilvl of the best gear was severely handicapped because they cap was +15 in three tiers of randomness instead of +6 in one tier.
pretty much what I do. I still wish I was doing it solo instead. Why do I need x more people in the group? I don’t want to have to rely on others, especially if I don’t know them.
I don’t want to carry the lowest dps / hps of the raid, nor I want to be carried.
I see, but everything you say just points at you preferring a solo player game instead. WoW does have solo content and I think the solo content that it offers is more than enough for an online mmorpg.
Then don’t. Anything outside mythic and high pvp/key levels becomes easy content over time. Just hop into groups and get it done with.
You also have gold so just buy carries. If you really care about max level loot that is. Aside from that, what do you need gear for? If your primary focus is solo content which arguably doesn’t have very high requirements.
Random dungeon finder is also pretty much for someone like you. Just pretend they’re NPCs lol. Hide names.
You keep calling what you want progression when it isn’t. All you were doing is waiting for that stuff to be handed out so that you could at best “see” the LFR or maybe the normal version of some of that content. Meanwhile, everything that came before has been gutted to appease that idiocy. You call yourself a casual, but you’re advocating for the neutering of casual content just so you can wear gear you didn’t earn and don’t need.
I wouldn’t care about gear if they didn’t lock so many things behind it. Soloing content is much easier if you go to it using group gear… which is bunkers.
Imagine if it was the other way around?
Imagine if the Legion artifact challenges dropped the best gear, and you couldn’t do raids without them… people would riot…
But it was the other way around… so I had to raid and deal with Jimmy’s mom or whomever who wouldn’t understand you can’t stand in fire.
Same thing this expansion with visions. But at least those do drop good gear, so… it wasn’t half as bad.
Then it would be added to the many things you can do to acquire gear. Coming shadowlands, you’ll get better gear faster if you do all content, but does that mean I’m going to do it all? no. I hate pvp.
Also, you are required to do torghast for legendaries which I would argue is solo content.
There also wasn’t Pathfinder before WoD, which is the issue. I essentially “quit playing” during WoD Pathfinder, but since I had 6 months of a 12 month sub left I was still paying Daddy Blizz. WoD gearing sucked and the only thing that kept me subbed at all was the tokens made it free and the garrison paid for it. Once Tannaan dropped WoD was marginally OK. During Legion and BfA Pathfinder WF/TF allowing me to keep gearing my Main kept me paying. Shadowlands lands has the same Pathfinder spitegate but no casual gearing path so I’m not going to pay Daddy Blizz to be spitegated. If they brought back WF/TF or Benthic I would probably keep paying because I could at least progress.
I just said it: Legion artifact challenges. I did ALL of them… but I HAD to raid a sh*t ton.
This expansion, to a lesser extent, visions.
I want more stuff like visions in the game. You can keep your raids… but, I’m pretty sure it would be a lot easier for developers if instead of making 2 separate forms of content, they could just make one that scaled.
You could do those with the gear you got from keyboard smashing a few WQs…
People were knocking those out almost immediately after they were dropped and by the end of the xpac, much, much better EZ Epicz were being handed out left and right.
Ok, so yes, mage tower. Not taking sides, but your point kind of fails here. If you were doing mythic raiding, quite a lot of those people were among the first to get their appearances, so if it was a requirement to raid, it probably wouldn’t have been a deterrent. The mage tower was actually pretty popular from what I recall.
Yep. Furthest I got on ONE character was part way through normal Nighthold. Everything else was LFR and the Argus WQs, yet I have my mage tower skins on 4 toons.
There was a time when the MoP solo challenges were required for group content. That was removed pretty quickly. If the mage tower was REQUIRED for raiding, I’m sure people would complain.
Just look at the complains for Trogast in the SL beta…