Everyone should have a path to progress to max ilvl gear, EVERYONE!

That is definitely a main worry about the success of shadowlands.

They have tried so hard to create a separate casual progression through casual pvp, world quests, renown ilvl boosts etc yet that caps in like ilvl 190

Meanwhile anyone doing m+ will be running around in the world with 226 gear minimum and having a huge amount of damage and health above all those casuals in the open world which will soon start questioning what is the point of that separate casual progression when even at max possible casual ilvl they have half the health of mythic geared players.

Mythic raid or die is gonna be a serious issue, as if people who do mythic dont already have a big enough advantage with our 470 trinkets, azerite etc


Access to high end gear also means alt friendly. Meaning eventually I would have 4-5 tanks, 4-5 healers and a dozen DPS to raid with.

Im someone who raids for the challenge not the gear. If blizzard made raids that didnt drop gear I would still raid. Some people quit heroic raid guilds because they dont get gear, they quit their mains when they dont get gear upgrades
 the game should not cater to the quitters.

Give me a raid where everyone is scaled to the same ilvl and I will raid everyday.

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Do M+ or PvP

Why are you buying boosts?

Anyone can do Mythic raids. Most players simply choose not to.

Everybody has a path to progress to max ilvl gear, but most people choose to not take said path.


LOL. Again, that is not “progression”. It’s a hand out.

And if you’re not going to play a game because there isn’t an “easy” way for you to win, than you are simply a tragic person.

Sounds like there’s a serious systematic problem with that path if most people avoid it.


Everyone does have a path to max ilvl gear. There just needs to be some effort put into getting it.

Stop asking for hand outs.

The only problem with that path is that you actually need to dedicate some time to clearing the content.

A lot of the other problems folks have with Mythic raiding are self-made problems that don’t actually exist.

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Or most people are simply too lazy/unskilled/afraid to do it. Which isn’t the path’s problem.

Sort of sad that people are actually demanding that everything be catered to the lowest common denominator now.


Really? Did they nerf the great vault without anyone hearing about it? Oh
 no they didn’t? Oh

So what you’re saying is
 M+ players will be just as geared as they are now in shadowlands? So they’ll be in full mythic quality gear? Just like mythic raiders? Whaaat??? Crazy I know

Oh and for the record, I also am not for the sub-heroic end of dungeon loot change
 but you’re acting like it’s impossible to get gear from M+ which is just flat out wrong.

The front end of M+ gearing got nerfed, the back end of M+ gearing got buffed. Stop spreading misinformation.

This is what kept me playing through the Legion and BfA Pathfinder spitegatea, the fact that via WF/TF I could SLOWLY improve my Main and do some current content. Since there isn’t anything like this in Shadowlands FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 8 EXPANSIONS I’m not pre-ordering and am going to stop playing WoW and spend my ~$240 on some other game. Casuals are never going to take your spot in your content, so there’s no reason to not give them some form of slow progression. Otherwise why should we continue paying into Daddy Blizz’s pockets?? :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:


is there a solo option? I don’t like people. In fact, I play video games so I DON’T have to talk to people.

I already have to talk to people all day at work. When I get home, I want a break.


Imagine thinking you should get the same reward for less work.


Sounds like a single player game fits your desires better than an MMORPG.

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No, the elitist try-hards didn’t like it, most everyone else was just fine with it, they just weren’t vocal about it. Sure a casual might have gotten one, rarely two good forges, but they were never going to out gear a raider and took all tier to get an ilevel approaching heroic. The fact that some people couldn’t control themselves because there was a tiny chance for a .5% better item shouldn’t have been something blizz should have considered. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


WoW has a story I like, characters I like, fantasies I like, etc. So, no

I like single player games as well, but I can’t take my WoW mage to them
 or my WoW mounts, pets or Xmogs
 so, your argument is kind of dumb.

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Seems like i hit the nail on its head.

You are free to enjoy all aspects of the game. You can get all the mounts, pets, mogs and everything else. Everything has its way to achieve the desired item. If you, out of your own free will, decide not to pursue any of those items/achievements, because you do not want to put in the effort, that is your decision.

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Mythic+, raiding, pvp. That’s 3 avenues to get max level loot from. Mythic plus being arguably the easiest and most accessible option over time.

Aside from that, they provide options for normal and sometimes a random piece of heroic gear for doing nothing content.


The system didn’t exist as is until Legion. Warforging in WoD and mid-late MoP was a perfectly fine system.