It’s a game. If you don’t play the end game and hit the harder content you don’t deserve any of it. This jacked up mentality is why WoW is suffering.
It’s a game. If you don’t play the end game and hit the harder content you don’t deserve any of it. This jacked up mentality is why WoW is suffering.
I used to raid “hardcore”, a long time ago. Now I’m in my mid thirties, I’ve been working over 40 hours a week, and the times are 3pm - 11:30pm 6 days a week sometimes, when nobody raids. It’s a huge commitment, I don’t think some people really fully grasp how much so. Raiders know they put in the time and effort but some small part of it is that they believe they are exceptional players who deserve better, when in reality a ton of people could clear mythic raids if they had the time and energy to do so. The issue is it’s so friggin’ impractical for so many people.
I don’t know what the answer is because naturally that content should reward something above and beyond just a Mythic+, for example. I guess if you could get the best gear solo or in a small group it should just take quite a bit longer. I don’t know, I’m not here to propose an answer, but just to say I get some people’s frustration.
If you’re not pushing more high end content (IE Raiding, High mythics, Rated PVP), what exactly do you need “max ilvl gear” for?
Like, that’s the reason why people push content and get rewarded with more powerful gear that allows for even higher levels of content access.
And if you’re not interested in doing that, I’m not sure why you’d need more then a 440 ilvl to compete in most content.
“You don’t deserve the gear” AKA “Come buy a boost/carry from me!”
People should get mythic gear for logging in. Everything else is just toxic elitism and hurting the feelings of casuals. If the difficulty of the content shouldnt be a barrier, time spent shouldnt either.
If that is what you got you might want to reread the op : )
Everyone has an equal path to progression available.
Bet you also believe everyone has an equal path to success by completely shutting down your eyes to anything that proves otherwise.
Game is still played by humans, people who are affected
Yes everyone has an equal path to both progression and success.
So you’re saying we should ban humans?
I’m starting to think you might need to stick to RPGs and not MMORPGs
The more shocking thing is. This is kinda common sense what the Op is saying.
People talking about, you want power for the sake of power? Why do you need it? Yes? Wow is a endless progression. Doing what you enjoy growing in power. That content becoming easier and easier because the time you put in, and than when new content comes. Do it all again?
If Blizzard goes back to raid or group content is the only way to progress. It won’t be pretty for them.
I use to do end game raiding from vanilla till mop, Gearing up my ilvl is one of the main ways I enjoy the game but I never felt that I was entitled to raid level gear by not raiding. I would get bored alot quicker if it was just easy to get to max ilvl without anything above my usual mythic+ dungeon gearing(which has been enough for me).
My thought is and always has been when I see these kind of threads is “if you’re not raiding what do you need that ilvl for in the first place?” so you can go mash over dungeon content? world content? Most of the gear I’ve got from NOT raiding has always been more than enough to make me feel like a powerhouse. I’m one of those casual’s now but hey maybe I’m just old since I came from games like Everquest. It’s an MMO you should get the best gear for you know…playing with a larger group of people & mythic+ has never been hard to get into I just joined one of the 20 communities that are designed for such content on a casual level.
Historically this worked better for them
That was before we had better options.
And yet it still weakened the game overall
Look in all for solo player progression, I think they should have catered for it a long time ago
It shouldn’t be giving you the best stuff you can get unless it’s insanely hard
Wait, aren’t you the one complaining that Blizzard is trying to homogenize everything?
As it should be. Actually doing stuff should be more rewarding than not doing stuff.
Yes cuz classes=/=progression
Progression needs to be universal and all activities support that power progression instead of just raid or die
Classes need to have differences, the more differences the better so each one feels unique, we need more things like covenants because of it
Yeah, I guess for me it’s whatever what progression someone chooses, I most definitely agree that PvP and PvE should be different paths.
But man, I’m sorry but covenants shouldn’t define our class to begin with, should be there to compliment our classes. Isn’t the whole idea that the covenants are about your personality and not your class anyways? It would have been perfectly fine as purely cosmetic.
It would certainly help with subscriptions but the 20% who spend their whole day pretending that one day they’ll be the 1% would cry so loudly that we’d all go deaf.
You don’t want us to go deaf, do you?