Everyone should have a path to progress to max ilvl gear, EVERYONE!


Yes I totally agree here. Having to put together a group for Mythic or heroic raids is time consuming and thats why LFR is a great tool. However the gear in LFG is sub that of dungeons which should never be the case. The mythic+ in my opinion why good for some elitist players for us casuals that cannot dump a ton of time into this game in not an attractive feature at any level.

So I second this. You all can look at my 120 DK to see where I am capping out on ilvl.

Also the whole premise of this thread is dumb

It’s easier to get into a heroic raid and kill the first 3 bosses then chain wipe on the ones after until everyone rage quits than it is having to join LFR for trash gear, wait in queue for 50 minutes before being dumped at the last boss of the wing

M+ takes under an hour.

alas, you may not be 1337 enough for anything good yet…but fear not, my child, for enlightnment comes for those who seek it… when the time is right.

I agree that all players should have a path to equal gear power regardless of group play or solo play. At first I thought Torghast was going to be the path for solo players…it makes sense to have a diablo style dungeon that scales to how many players are running it and have increasing difficulty as you climb tiers…

Its the perfect concept to maintain a skill requirement but allow dedicated solo players to climb the gear ladder…

It seems that is not the case though from what I have seen on streams etc.

Its ashame it could have been so much more.


Mythic plus

Not true and shame on you.

My current main has a 466 ilvl and tanks the Time walkings for that characters guild and some pugs some times. So am I a scrub for managing to get to 466 and being nice enough to tank time walkings? In Shadowlands I’ll likely stop tanking, think that helps the game out?

I have a medical condition that prevents me from raiding because 20 people all congregated with spells going off from them and from the monsters we’re fighting causes a serious Medical problem for me.

So it’s not a case of I don’t avail myself, I just can’t unless I want to make myself very ill.

/#shame on you.


The gear you get from WQ’s and lower Mythic Pluses are decent enough and great for any casual content you want to partake in. And Raids having the best gear locked behind it seems like a fair trade off. World quests aren’t exactly difficult to do so of coarse it’s rewards are lower then Mythic plus and Mythic Raiding.

Mythic Pluses rewards can be done for less time and people then Mythic Raiding, which is why the rewards are suitable for each level you do it on, unless you get up to it’s max. And raid’s difficulty is getting all 10 people coordinated, know all the mechiancs, do decent enough damage (rarely optimal), and commiting their time to it.

As for it being archaic, well in the event if you don’t know, but sometimes the old way of going about things are the best. Like the PS2 instantly booting up games via disc without needing to install updates first like they do now a days. It’s not really uncommon or unheard of or “tryhardy” to put in the work in a video game to obtain a reward you want. Especially since if you want better rewards, you have to do higher difficult stuff in order to obtain it.

It’s like you wanted the WWE belt. They aren’t handed over to you, you have to earn it by beating the crap out of the other wrestlers.

Also how the old system hurts people? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You know, this idea sounds great on paper. Doing any sort of content even if it’s just pet battles will net you power.

On execution however, here’s why i don’t think this idea will work out…
This will defeat the purpose of raiding, since they will get the same gear but for less effort somewhere else. Heck, this is also defeat the purpose of dungeons too, because if their able to get mythic raiding gear from WQ’s or even mission tables, what is exactly the point to do a mythic plus?

Unless the rewards given are super dynamic and changes every day or every week (maybe implement a system that auto balances rewards), or the content itself changed to support these rewards so everything in terms of content, difficulty and so on is balanced, Or it has a bar where it records what you have done and given you a certain amount of progress based on the activity you have done and “pay” you in loot at the end of the week, just like Mythic plus chests and such, this idea wouldn’t work.

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It takes a lot of effort to group up twenty people that are capable of mythic raiding. Same goes for pushing PvP ratings to glad range.

If you want something to offer the same tier of gear as it in addition to the weekly vault, that something needs to be tough as nails as well or you kill a lot of incentive for those players to even push hard content. So far, most replies here either don’t offer a suggestion on difficult content or name something far too easy for the reward they want (endlessly farming world quests is not hard enough to merit endgame rewards)

Ralph, just keep being you.

Your threads are always entertaining

They can do LFR, which is exactly what LFR was created for. If they want even higher gear than that then they need to try stepping into normal. You can’t just throw gear at everyone for doing a 2 min WQ, we had that in BFA and a lot of people complained about it. WQ and LFR is already WoW’s participation reward gear, casuals don’t need more than that.

Having better gear locked behind harder content will always be best for the game. I got into raiding after seeing a Tauren in Org with gear that said Mythic on it and I thought he was so cool back then. If I had done research and found out those items came from a rng WQ reward I would have never tried raiding, would have been no point. There needs to be different levels of goals in the game, not everyone will be able to reach the highest levels and that is okay.

What is the advantage to having raid level gear when you are a casual though? You say it would “improve the game for all players,” but how would it improve the game? What would it do?

I don’t care about my ilvl. I care about doing Mythic level content, because I enjoy doing Mythic level content. That content requires high ilvl gear, so I get high ilvl gear. I don’t lord my ilvl over other people or act like I’m “holier than thou” because I enjoy hard content.

What would having my ilvl gear do for you though? Mobs in the world scale to your ilvl, so you aren’t killing things that much faster. Most mythic raiders can’t solo previous expansion content since it doesn’t have the legacy buff, so it won’t help you there either. And anything from 2+ expansions ago can already be one shot easily even with a fresh max level in questing greens, so there is no point there either. What would high ilvl do to improve your game? It would stroke your ego? It would be a middle finger to all the people who worked for their gear? It would make you feel cool? These won’t improve the game at all. In fact all it does is ruin the integrity of the game.

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So your argument is people should be given gear that helps them overcome content they don’t do?

You’re aware there’s still other options of getting Mythic level loot? It’s just all gated behind weekly resets just like Mythic raiding yeah?

If you’re not doing high-end content, you don’t need high-end rewards. If you want the high-end rewards, go do the high-end content. This is literally how MMO’s should and do work.

This attitude that everyone deserves to be rewarded equally because they participated in the game is hilarious. Guess we’re really embodying the generation of particpation awards.

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It’s communist brainwashing

But I dislike going into battlegrounds dealing with high end geared players :(.

I just want to do world content and battlegrounds all day D:

Sorry that me wanting to have a fair and balanced game play in battlegrounds is entitlement. Might as well just be builled from here on out if I don’t force myself to do content that’s stressful and boring since I’m so casual.


It might allow more people to actually join players that keep spamming they need players to go do these raids and actually have them be able to join and do well because the gear allows them to be the best that they can be; should they so choose to join raids.

Secondly, it can’t matter too bloody much because all I ever see being spammed in trade is guilds selling N’yalotha Raid runs, gold only pst. If my gold is good enough to be taken into this raid, doesn’t say bloody much about your arguments.

WHY? is it okay for Guilds to be selling these raid runs for gold to carry people to get mounts and gear?

You condemn people for wanting to be able to gear themselves out but I don’t hear you condemning the 1% selling these raids for gold.

Pretty much every Mythic Raid Guild that sells these runs, DESTROYS your arguments against Casuals wanting to be able to make sure they can gear and do well; in what ever content they are doing in game. Hypocrit much?

Lastly, 1% of say 1 Million subs is 10,000 people. You think the other 990,000 sub base is interested in paying a subscription to subsidize 10,000 people. Get real.


The attitude is that everyone should be rewarded for the work that’s put in. Non-raid gear is arbitrarily capped, in extremely difficult content. If gear didn’t scale beyond Heroic Raid (like m+ does), it would feel bad. I understand the sentiment around frequency being an issue for m+, but there are solutions to this already (see vision loot table locking out after 1 attempt); you could iterate on this further to make it even more scarce, but a legitimate path to gear progression.

The current system just penalizes individuals that compete at the high skill thresholds, just because they choose a different party size (arenas -> m+ -> raid) not because they apply themselves with any less efficacy

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That’s just deflecting. I don’t like people selling boosts, but corruptions breaking the game is what lead to this massive influx of it. Also the fact that blizzard ruined the economy with wow tokens.

I’m not a fan of gear being a factor in PVP either. But they likely won’t water down the rest of the game to meet your specific playstyle.

Good news is that in Shadowlands, you can use PVP currencies to increase the quality of your gear. Go check it out.

Seems like no matter what you do for end game content, if you stick with it, you’ll meet or exceed the gear requirement for it. Expecting anything more is simply entitlement.