I used to raid pretty hardcore back in WOTLK. I know what it’s like, personally.
But again. Nobody needs “max ilvl” except the people who are pushing the most, hardest, bleeding edge content. You shouldn’t be able to get mythic +15 level gear from doing solo content, because you just don’t need that gear. There’s no reason for a solo player to have that gear besides inflating their numbers.
Yes, having some sort of catch-up mechanic so that returning players, or new players who just hit max level aren’t stuck having to find raid groups for past raid tiers if they want to start raiding. But that’s about the furthest it should go.
Wouldn’t you like having a bigger pool of players able to push mythic raiding eventually? More player where Gear isn’t what is blocking them to progress further?
lol@the “you don’t need gear if you don’t raid” dorks. Why do YOU need gear? You already get pets, mounts, cosmetics? I don’t get mounts for pet battles? PvP players don’t get new companion pets every season. The only thing gear does is make it easier - I thought you liked a challenge? Why does raid gear make all other content easier? I thought you only needed it for raiding?
The old folks home is calling you guys!
You guys just sound like a bunch of old boomers stuck in game design philosophies from 20 years ago.
No. I don’t want people jumping straight into mythic raiding at max level. I want them to do normal, and heroic, so they know the basics of the fight and the boss mechanics before they start doing mythics.
The OP is not far off, and I have read many comments and see several takes which do not make a lot of sense…
“If you only do XYZ, why would you need gear equivalent to ABC?” - Because out in the world, it’d nice not to be immediately at a handicap against the opposing faction just because you don’t do ABC.
Let’s put the shoe on the other foot. Suppose bis only stems from a +25 keystone. How would that sit for the mythic raid only or bust crowd?
“I put in my time with my team/guild so we should be rewarded accordingly!” - I suppose your time played is more valuable than the rest of the players. Bravo. Some people can’t afford a solid 3 hours block of game time (usually in the early evening hours) 2 days a week. Because these people cannot afford this luxury, they should not receive high level rewards, especially if they are solid at the content they do partake in (M+, PvP, whatever)?
“If you don’t gear via mythic raid then those that obtain comparable gear by other means will just de-value my hard work/progression!” - Okay, seriously? Raiders, and their community, delve into that content because they enjoy the challenge and comradery. If others obtain comparable gear how does that impact you? It really doesn’t. Raiders will raid for the enjoyment of it, regardless of whether or not someone can get similar gear by other means. If things changed, in the context of M+, PvP, and Raiders all having the ability to receive rewards of mythic level, would you stop raiding? I doubt it, because people play the content they enjoy, and whom they enjoy it with. That is the point of the game, entertainment.
Putting everyone on a path to the highest rewards by focusing on the content they enjoy would probably put the game in a better state. Do you want to pigeon hole people into content they may not particularly enjoy just because that is the only way they can stand a fighting chance in world content, contesting for territory or objectives against the opposing faction? Perhaps that is the reason mythic raiders want to be the exclusive class of the game, to have that edge? I see no other reason.
Everyone does.
It’s just not big red button that presses itself and puts gear on for you.
I don’t want that either. We’re saying eventually get access to that gear in a casual, side way.
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There is rio ,the gear and people to deal ,complexity of raid -dungeon with all these and peoples time.
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yes. and you can do that. by hitting max level. using things like WQ and such to get higher level gear. and then start on normal raids.
You do not need max ilvl gear unless you’re doing that content and get it from drops
Some people prefer to have the gear first to build their confidence and then try the content for the challenge, knowing that atleast they have the correct potential for it.
You do eventually get that gear…after it’s irrelevant. With each new raid, blizz barfs out a whole new round of EZ epics. If you want it when it’s still “high level”, do the right content.
Okay. Why do you need the gear from a mythic raid, before you do that mythic raid?
If the current tier mythic raid is 700. You do not, and will NEVER need ilvl 700 gear before doing that raid.
You should get the gear that puts you at doing normal mode for that tier. that’s the highest you should get without doing raiding.
Let’s say 400 Normal, 500 Heroic and 700 Mythic.
Early in the patch we get casual 400 ilvl and as the week go by that is “caugh-up” to 500 and eventually near the end of content patch 700.
By that time, the mythic raiders would’ve already had their full 700. While casual Joe only has 2-3 700ilvl pieces.
How does that hurt anyone?
Edit: Oh yea just want to add who it hurts… the boost/carry business.
That’s like chasing the guinea pig that escaped the training wheel.,but this time you have a limited time to catch it.
again. You don’t need to be jumping straight into mythics. Do the normal and heroic. earn the gear for the next tier. learn the raid. understand the boss mechanics. then jump into the next difficulty tier, start learning the new introduced mechanics.
I don’t want to be in a “pool of players” who’ll be jumping into mythics without actually having experience with that raid.
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This is what i’m saying, we wouldnt get mythic raid gear on day 1 of content patch…
Right now the catch-up stops at Heroic Level. And people are trying to heroic raid because they have access to 460 gear catch-up already. And it stops there for them.
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I swear everyone acts like you’ve only got a week to get all your gear then the current content is just dead
Personally I think we’ve been spoiled, we can easily get our hands on 460 ilvl gear through out a few weeks of pretty basic content and doing +9a for the weekly and stuff
But we have so long to acquire gear that if you hit a cap you’ve got the rest of the patch to break into some harder content
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except that’s not what you’re saying. You’re saying at the end of the patch, they can get mythic raid gear without doing that tiers mythic raids. which would put people in the pool of mythic raiders who’ve never stepped foot in that raid before.
They should add 2 man content, you know how many couples play wow together. Im hoping torghast is the solution.
That would work, but we could do the same for raid gear and mythics plus and pvp. Only those bonuses for that content so people wouldn’t feel pressured to do other endgames.