Everyone should have a path to progress to max ilvl gear, EVERYONE!

Its does feel nice to find items worth thousands in the game and to sell them and make thousands and thousands of gold,

speaking as a casual…i can do the content i like easily enough without needing mythic gear. i dont really see the point in getting something with even higher numbers if the stuff i already do is easy already.

even lfr gear makes that content easy.

i dont even really see the point in getting high key M+ gear tbh

frankly it looks like Torghast will be pretty cool for someone like me

What would also be cool, is a hearthstone that you can store up to 4 to 5 locations on it, instead having different ones.


It’s like this you see something in mythic you like but if you’re not geared to the ilevel needed to enter you can’t get a chance to get it. Now ,this is if.

it would be good saves room in the bag,but it’s highly unlikely they’ll do it,it’s too easy.

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I’d be ok with that. At somepoint PVP has to be about skills. Mythic Raiding has to be about skills. M+ has to be about skills.

Why do you care if Joe Casual has 480ilvl max corruption. Trust me he still will be capped at 1600 rating, heroic raiding and m+3…

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Need to get those little gnomes to build a data storage device of some kind then!

Stepping into a Ralph thread to air drop

Yeah,more storage a must :+1:

Yeah, there should have many ways, but ones faster than the others (it could be by a great margin, like, raiding you get to max ilv in Y weeks, and in 20x Y weeks doing casual content, for example).


Yes, It has to be slower, but reachable before the end of the content patch.

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And thought Azeroth’s weather was bad ,lol,

no. decent gear isn’t locked; the best is. i’ve been more casual for the last handful of years due to taking care of my dad until his passing from ALS, and i still feel the same way- you don’t need max ilvl if you’re just doing world quests.

with that said, i wish they’d bring back tier sets for raids, even if they only function in raids for the bonuses, m+ ha[ve] their own mix, and WQs be the equivalent of normal raid/M+5 gear.

nah. If I don’t, or can’t raid or push mythics anyway, I don’t need that gear. Why would I need bleeding-edge level gear if I’m not doing that content?

What if you want to later on?


catch-up mechanics are fine. “max ilvl for everyone” isn’t needed.

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Agree with the latter, but the former is way way way wrong.

Maybe you would try the hardest content if you had the gear?

It’s called “Experience Catchup”, not just gear catch-up but you get to try the hard stuff eventually. Maybe you’ll see you like that.

If they don’t plan on raiding then they have no need for raid gear. WF/TF has been gone for a while already and it’s been great, I haven’t seen anyone complaining. It’s what the community asked for.

If people don’t have character progression to look forward to in an MMORPG, they will not stick around, and thus not generate revenue for Blizzard. That is not what Blizzard wants - they want non-raiders(you know, the majority of the player base?) staying subbed, too. Therefor, non-raiders need a way of getting gear too, even if they have no “use” for it.


Raiding has an always will reward the best gear since PvP is not a thing anymore. Besides raiding is supposed to be what you strive for, the difficulty is up to you. I do not count LFR though. Or go do mythic + .

edit: If crafting were like it used to be in BC that might help as well.