Everyone should have a path to progress to max ilvl gear, EVERYONE!

Acquisition rate? The ability to earn a 226 (in SL) item in a weekly chest. I’d be fine with just one, not even the three that other paths offer. This would be the reward for clearing the 8th level (not floor). Lower ilvl for clearing lower levels much like the scaling for other progression paths. If the difficulty for these needs to be tweaked upwards a bit then they should do so.

Edit: 8th level of Twisting Corridors of Torghast, sorry forgot to specify.


Some input: 3 man challenges were a good step in the right direction for accessibility but they need to work on the execution significantly.

Island adventures are too easy or imbalanced.

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The flip side of that argument is you can only rely on yourself in solo play. You can’t get carried or pay for runs. So if someone has the rewards from solo content, you know they actually earned it.


So a single random 226 item for clearing a max rank twisting corridors a week, which comes as part of the cache so it can’t double up with m+

Any slot? How much variety etc. Obviously these aren’t just dungeon / raid items from another source.

Honestly that doesn’t even sound so bad. It’s just 1 extra option in an already existing system. It’s not even more loot for people who are doing more content.


That’s an outside variable that holds no value to content implementation of this kind

Any slot, whatever variety that provides a similar acquisition rate to earning just a single chest in any other path. I certainly don’t think it should be better than the other paths.

That’s all I’m asking for in this thread, is another option, not replacing or invalidating the others. Yet to some that is pure sacrilege.


That is true…
But that’s cheating! If we’re gonna cheat, solo content can be paid for also and done by another player.

All things equal. Solo content gotta be harder to match rewards of group content.

That’s your opinion. You are entitled to be wrong.

How so outside of account sharing?

Something that extremely challenging would probably be a little too daunting though. It would spark more controversy, as most people probably wouldn’t be able to handle it.

The mage tower from Legion is a good example. A lot of people complained because they couldn’t do it, and that was much easier and accessible than mythic raiding.

I want good and challenging solo content, but I don’t think giving raid gear is a good idea. If it had its own form of meaningful character progression, then I think that’d be perfect.

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Aside from the “Any slot” this seems equal to visions in 8.3. idk how I feel about weapons / trinkets though. Especially given they would be unique items to torghast.

Chests from any progression path should be for any slot imho.

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I’m kinda sad I skipped legion. Everyone keeps talking about these mage towers, and I missed them.

I agree. That is the dilemma.
If solo content is easier, it will draw players away from raid.
If it’s comparably harder, people might not do it.

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I brought up trinkets for their often complete lack of ilvl correlation. Odds are a 226 torghast trinket could be worse than a 200 from somewhere else, or visa versa you have people spinning the wheel every week praying for the one trinket that’s significantly better than anything else.

If there’s one slot I don’t care what ilvl it is. It’s trinkets.

It was pretty fun, I’m hoping they do something like it again. There was a good amount of praise so I’m kind of surprised there was nothing similar in BFA.

Idk if it is. To me it’s more that classes and specs want different stats / things, and trinkets are the item slot that amplifies that difference the most. Even if everything was at least good for something, the disparity from spec to spec would still cause this issue.

All in all I think I’m not opposed to adding alternative progression in this way. As long as it’s truly alternate and not supplementary.

I’d also not be against seeing actual good items on exalted rep vendors again.

I don’t think the harder for the same reward in the end ,the gear just lower than mythic or raid with an option if people take their time to up grade them.

It really was the best expansion for single player immersion and challenge. That was a special expac and you did unfortunately miss out.

You know, I joined a guild that was supposed to be raiding guild. But when they figured M+ gave same rewards they stopped raiding. Clustered a 5 man M+ and no more raiding.
They didn’t even M+ with others after they got their key for the week. :frowning: