Look you’re not wrong about saying class design needs to be fixed. But you are wrong in thinking that simplicity, and button count, aren’t related.
Does every class need more buttons? Probably not, but that can’t be universally applied and just call it a day. Especially if you’re going to use PvP as an example. Where the game has been crippled and simplified to the point where it’s almost literally a damage race, more akin to PvE than PvP of old. no strategy or tactics whatsoever.
Part of the appeal for me picking up the game was looking at the abilities on the box and wondering how am I going to understand what any of these things do. And lo and behold when I do actually use them and then write them off as fun abilities only to see someone that’s far superior than me utilize the ability in a way to get an edge over someone or in a way I didn’t think possible, it adds another layer of skill that I wish to rise to.
Something simple like Eyes of the Beast that got ripped away from Hunters actually has an application that’s actually pretty cool and funny.
Adding more abilities, situational or otherwise, opens the door for the playerbase to discover different playstyles and different combinations ultimately having the balance self-regulate for the most part.
If the idea of more abilities means more broken classes to you, then that leads to the braindead idea that removing more abilities will fix them. And that is the road Blizzard has taken to get us to this point.
There is no such thing as perfect balance. In ANYTHING. Accept it, make the classes interesting again with actual choice, and react to the creativity and ingenuity of the players. Dur
Bad players will skate by using only the main abilities, while good players utilize the smaller things to add up to absolutely crushing the bad players who don’t care to master anything.
Did every priest use SW:D in PvP in WoTLK to break blind/sheep? Nope, but the ones that did were easily seen as the best ones.
Did every Rogue use disarm trap? Nope, but if I go find a woundman clip of him disarming a freezing trap on his healer, you’d realize how incredible it was.
Did every mage use Alter time? Nope, but the ones that did use it did far more damage and made far more plays than those who didn’t.
I don’t really want any more abilities unless they are only for fun like exorcism use to be if you needed to kill undead while questing. there is already plenty of rotation abilities to make the classes fun, I’m judging that by my Shaman I have just leveled to 115. We could use some more fun abilities like idk shaman would be cool if you could summon an air elemental that knocks you 300 yards up and away just so you can see where you land.
I’d rather have a broken class that plays fluidly than a dominant class that feels either braindead or extremely slow.
You can fix the fluid class by just buffing numbers in the right place.
To undo braindead/slow classes, you have to remake the entire class to operate better and reward proper execution of rotation and cd usage.
The more options players have, the more likely players are to find optimal builds for [insert content]. People like to tinker, run numbers, and optimize.
The more controlling Blizzard is about how each class “should play”, the less it is about the players and the more it is about the devs. If the only thing the players have is the devs’ rotations and the devs’ character builds, then the more onus there is on the devs to create builds that meet ALL players expectations, which is an unrealistic expectation.
I want to make a post about this and it pertains to mostly mistweavers if anyone ever played one in MoP.
High end PvE players would just use the same 2-3 abilities over and over. But when I played mistweaver in dungeons or arenas, I used every single ability at my disposal.
Boy was I shocked when they removed Chi from Mistweavers, and then removed soothing must as well.
So these are abilities that I was using very frequently and yet they were gutted because pethaps a minority of high end PvE players did not use them.
Luckily Blizzard listened, and realized soothing mist was kind of an iconic ability for them and brought it back.
Removing options because people do not use them is not a good idea imo.
I think the most pruned/destroyed class in this game is mage.
Once a class deemed masters of crowd control and a plethora of spells from multiple schools at their disposal, now kind of stripped of that class fantasy and limited to only one type of magic
I love this. It’s honestly seems like they just make up intentionally stupid arguments to sound good. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone ever say “OMG I nEeD 15 rOtAtiOnaL aBiliTiEs!!1!” so for them to make that the basis for their argument is ridiculous.