Everyone says they want more abilities but

I know what I said is true. I can prove your credibility is questionable simply by showing that you can’t prove a single bit of your anecdotal ad unfounded claim.

Can you?

Arenas are a tiny atypical corner of the game that is very sparse on normal game play skills because of the very artificial and limited environment. And even then, you can already spec to optimize arenas and get plenty of abilities.

Want more usable abilities in arenas? Ask them to enable all the different battlefield potions in arenas. Voila, half a dozen more situational abilities to use.

What you can’t do is get the abilities to optimize raid DPS and optimize Arenas at the same time. And you’ll never be able to do that, no matter how much pruning or unpruning they do.

the devs dont force anything the plays base follows the meta as you see in m+ and raids.they all play the same specs and use the same talents.

Yeah you are right, but no one yet has told me stop to mind controling adds in jaina p1, or not use mass dispell for akunda phase in conclave. I wonder why these dps losing activities aren’t being punished.

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maybe they dont care because its easy?

Disappointed Ion thinks they went too far. Legion and BFA are the cleanest versions of the classes they’ve ever done.

The bloat gets out of control by the end of every expansion. People run around like demigods of death on final tier, then they get brought back to reality on xpac launch.

It’s been that way since at least ICC. I’d rather not listen to people’s opinion about classes if they haven’t managed to recognize that by now.

We’re half way through the xpac and already classes are getting silly again. I honestly hope they resist the urge to placate people who don’t seem to recognize the most basic fundamentals of this game.

Buddy…that’s proof of terrible design.

Wow that escalated quickly. When classic drops you should try playing a hunter to 60 and then explore the utility that the 3 trees offer. There’s a lot of nuance and some fun tricks for dungeons and PvP.

Additionally, the hunter epic quest is a blast, and trying to kite the demons can be a fun little test of skills.

Sure, we’re never the brightest bulbs, but going from zero to morons is a little harsh, especially if you started at TBC and have leaned heavily on Warrior for all these years.

You missed out on some fun.

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They don’t need to be more core abilities, but more abilities would be awesome.

I miss having Turn Evil, where I could fear a Demon or Undead. It didn’t work against Forsaken, but I could fear a DK’s ghoul, or a hunter’s Demon to give me a small advantage during a PvP fight.

Divine Intervention, while primarily used as the ultimate raid troll (muahaha) was a great deal of fun and really added to the feeling that the Light was Divine and had the potential for immense power.

I do honestly feel like Priests should have Exorcism, but I understand why it was given to Paladins. (Because in WC 2 the only “Divine” unit in the Alliance Forces was the Paladin, and that’s the first instance of the Exorcism spell, which absolutely nuked Death Knights)

But it was that awesome link back to the RTS days that helped to make the world feel a little bigger, a little more connected. It was stuff that they started putting back into the game in Legion, and then they iterated in the wrong direction with it with the Azerite gear.

Someone go give this to the Art Team with the message “I am a Paladin and I need it made in-game in HD. (In Lordaeron White)”

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its always been the case since vanilla.

just because you had a bad experience leveling up a mage doesn’t mean everyone else needs to have their spells removed.

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he is right tho and as i keep say it shows in the meta.you need classes fixed not more buttons.

He’s not right lol. Especially since he’s talking about PvP. Which has gotten dramatically worse every single expasnsion following MoP, and including mop for the first half.

Fixing the game, and reverting pruning are two sides to the same coin.

You keep saying “Classes need fixed, not more buttons.” like a broken record. As though spells returning isn’t a part of class design.


he is right in a sense he is saying he had 20 buttons to bush but only ended up using 3 aka the meta as i keep saying.

if funny the pro unprune crowd wants things back but other things will get pruned…lol.

THat wasn’t the meta. That was him being a crap mage. He had a bad time because he was bad at the class he was learning to play. Any mage who only pressed 3 buttons back then was going to spend more time in the grave yard than he spent casting spells.

The entire nature of PvP demands that he knows specifically when and where to use all 20+ of his spells, and not knowing the benefits of all of them, and how to prioritize what action and when will get you killed. ESPECIALLY as a mage, or caster. In any game the wizards are always “not beginner friendly.”

Luckily, this has changed, for players like the posted above, where now you want to level a mage? Join any bg and spam arcane missiles from 10-70 literally top dmg every time no rhyme or reason. Don’t need polymorph, novas, cs, armour awareness, positioning, rogue awareness, proper management of mana, snare control, etc.


Use your dog brain. The reason the classes are broken is because they have useless and meaningless abilities as well as only having two abilities each. Class design is complete dog and a good way to start fixing it would be to add more abilities.


and adding more will make it even more broken use your brain.

Wrong dog. You obviously are dog at the game and understand about as much about class design as your dog brain allows.


lets add more buttons to a broken class and see what happens.

common sense says its still a broken class…lmao

Nice negative win rate in 2s and LFR achievements . Yeah let’s leave class design and balancing to this dog right here. Muzzle it please your barks hurt my ears.