Everyone says they want more abilities but

people say they want unpruning but it doesnt matter if you have 10,20, or 30 abilities people will still pick the best 5.as soon as they find the right abilities for m+,pvp and raids they will always follow the meta.

also adding more abilities will mess up specs even more and they still cant balance those right.imo we dont need more abilities we need classes fixed.

if you have 30 abilities on a broken class its still a broken class.


And this is why the people who complain about pruning are morons. Yes, you had a million abilities in Classic, but you were still only spamming a few of them most of the time. I’ve been playing a prot warrior since BC, and the only thing I really miss is disarm, which was highly situational in pve but hilarious on mobs that it worked against. I guess that challenging shout is sorta missed, but they made up for it by amping up my aoe damage. My mage and warlock are in the same boat… don’t really miss anything and still feel like I have enough spells. If anything, it was really annoying having to use more than two action bars for abilities that I used frequently.


exactly did you see how many totems shamans had and they used the same 3 during pvp every time.

more abilities will mess up specs even more.


I don’t want more abilities but make them look good, work properly and kill trash faster please.


I agree, the less is more mindset would work. but we have less is less right now on some classes.

People who ask for more rotation skills should be ignored.


Sometimes we’re sour!


Sometimes we’re sweet!

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i can understand a level squish and having abilities every lvl until max but dont add 20 more…lol.


Same thing with talent points. It’s hilarious how many people clamor for the old talent system when it was only an illusion of choice. You can tell who the bad players were by the ones who think that they actually had a choice. Even in vanilla you had a website tell you where to put all of your talent points. It’s no different from now.


yep in the end with the old talent system everyone picked the meta.

all adding more abilities will do is mess up specs more.


Right there is why. I get the choice of what skills I use. I don’t like to play like others. I like to find my own style and have fun. Games are there for fun. Cookie cutter builds is stupid imo. Everyone does NOT have to be the same.

It’s like saying you can have your own opinion but it has to be this one and not some other one. Forget that.


if you do anything meaning full in wow you will pick the meta or not raid.pvp or m+ at all and if you dont who care if you have 20 abilities it doesnt mean anything and it will mess up classes.

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Spot the bad players, just because an ability isn’t part of your main rotation doesn’t mean it isn’t used situationally and impactfully.


it means you will be pegged as a bad player if you dont use the right abilities and guilds wont invite you to raid,pvp or m+.you will end up following the meta or not do anything but hey you got 20 buttons to press right?

What part of situationally do you not understand.

You obviously don’t use Scare Beast in the middle of a boss kill, yet in PvP you can scare beast a druid when they shift, very strong, very impactful, yet situational.

All removing abilities like that does it lower the skill cap and flavour of classes.


So you’re saying WoW should only cater to those? I don’t raid or very rarely. Never did Mythic nor want to and I don’t PvP because of the gutted unfun classes we have now. When classes use to be fun I PvP’d almost every day but I’m not going to do that with the trash we have now.

These are only my opinions but obviously Blizz is of the same opinion as you. Non-fun cookie cutter classes are better then fun player chosen skill classes.

It is what it is. Different strokes for different folks. To each their own. We’ll agree to disagree.


if you mess up your dps rotation using situational abilities it will show in your dps.

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The “muh playstyle” crowd… the bane of pugs since the beginning of time.



Why would you be trying to pull max dps in a PvP situation where many of these pruned abilities were used?



I’m sure the request is to go to 20 buttons Captain Hyperbole.


You’re right, nobody used Heroic Strike before they removed it from warriors? Stance dancing? Never happened, especially not in PvP. And forget about all that niche utility, why would I ever use that?

Great Sunday post, now please delete your account.