Everyone says they want more abilities but

Look, abilities are like tools.
A tool box has many tools.
Hammers, screwdrivers, Pliers, Spanners, and more.

You use a hammer for nails and a screwdriver for screws.

This doesn’t mean you throw out all the other tools in the box just because you don’t use them as often as the hammer or screwdriver

Not all abilities are competing for a spot in the core rotation for a Class.


Preach :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

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Wait, I never said I wanted more. who is this “everybody” you speak of?

Actually, we have even more meaningful choices now. We have only three options in each row, but the do make a difference.
For example, I pick my talents based on which dungeon I’m running or which raid fight I’m doing.

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Oh but please let me PVP arena, BGs, world PVP with the same 3 buttons, oh… and PVE with the same three buttons, how about all raiding with same three buttons, all boss encounters, same 3 buttons, questing, farming, WQ’s, rep grinds, role playing, islands… all with the same three buttons… its also good to know every single player whom is the same class/spec is using the exact SAME THREE BUTTONS!!

Great fun Dev team, This truley enspires skill, class diversity and player choice for an MMORPG


Well at least you proved that you did not read the entire post.

To make it simple, I do not even try to raid with groups that demand that level of control over my game play. There are plenty of groups to run with who are looking to have a good time and not trying to control every aspect of my character. And yes, I am quite pleased that this means I will not be invited to raid with people like yourself.

As for the M+ dungeons… Never ran one, never will. I disliked Diablo 3 to begin with and see no reason to play a watered down MMO version of it.

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I don’t know, there are those like myself who enjoy experimenting with different variations of a build just because. I don’t care about winning or losing because that isn’t where the fun is at. Seems backward to play exactly as everyone else when customizations are available. I like to try builds that other’s aren’t using…2 points here, 1 there and wowwe, a masterpiece of my own making!

OP makes a good point. I rememer pre-pruning – reading websites to find out my “best rotation”.

I also remember battlegrounds. I once tried using them for leveling – I did a whole 10 levels on my Mage using battlegrounds. The thing I remember most was having 25 abilities and never using more than 3 of them. I never had time to stand still and cast things.


i find most of the people that want lots of buttons dont do anything meaningful in wow like raid,m+ or high end arena.it seams like they are so bored with the game they just want more buttons to press doing wq’'s.

I don’t really care about button count, I care about complexity and depth. Right now most classes have neither.

Button count is usually a good hint for complexity but if the rotation is just a 1 to 10 sequence it isn’t any better.

Sounds like the researcher’s credibility is the problem there.


I just want to feel like a druid if I am playing a druid, or a demon hunter, or a shaman, etc… I just want to feel like my class. Bring back Class Quests, reasons to CC, mageonly abilities like ports, for instance… That’s all I want blizz…

I run a Razer Orbweaver (https://www.razer.com/gaming-keyboards-keypads/razer-orbweaver-chroma) and I swapped Zoom-in/out with Next/Previous action bar fifteen years ago for access to more buttons.

I also run bartender and have a modifier key (shift) bound to swap to a second bar. This means that I have very easy access to ~18 keys. 30-42 if I scroll my mouse wheel.


The pruning wasn’t too much in most cases. There are maybe 2-3 specs (out of my thirteen level 120 toons) that feel as though the pruning was actually “too much”.

Some people just don’t like having anything taken away from them. Ever. At any time.

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LOL… well you are definitely the poster boy for Blizzards ideal customer.

Enjoy your end game and I will enjoy the content I like, as long as it still exists, as there is no doubt that your type of player is the current majority in WoW and my type of player will have fun in Classic for a while and keep an eye out for an new actual MMORPG, perhaps Pantheon, that looks interesting.

Everybody is happy then… or at least I am and in the end, isn’t that what really matters?

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And in order to fix classes we need devs who actually know what to do.

Personally, I think I, Beast Master Hunter, have enough buttons. I’m good.

the dumbest things

i agree!

Okay OP but on the same token Mists had some of the best class design. You actually had to use more than 1 brain cell to do the rotation correctly. Dot clipping, CD useage, pre pull set up. This game is a joke now just roll your facr against thr keyboard and win.

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salty much?what u said was true.

You act like the only choice the devs have is to give people a list and force them to pick only 5.

Like, instead of actual class design that makes sense.