Everyone says they want more abilities but

I miss some of the more flavorful abilities some classes had. Like Warlocks and Curses. I mean, ok, you can get some “curses” for selecting PvP talents. But those only work in PvP instances or Warmode. Or Soul Burning specific abilities, like SB+Unending Breath gave Warlocks Waterwalking. That was removed in WoD. Well, at least we had Glyph of Nightmares… Until it was removed in Legion.

Oh well, I guess WW Mount Equipment will have to do, too bad it does not leave a trail of fire if you are using a Warlock class mount.

Anyone remember the relatively short time we can have a perma summon Infernal/Abyssal? Those were the days, I guess it was removed because of the size of it, but I enjoyed it.

Sorry, kinda went off rambling on all the things I missed about the things they removed from Warlocks. What was the thread about again, being happy that our rotations is more simplified because the DPS aspect of it would only involve the abilities we still have?


i think everyone wants wod class design back…lol.

Raidings not the only thing people do. Having more abilities is good for different situations.


Personally, for Affliction, I’d rather have MoP’s design. Where we still had curses. It probably would mean missing out on Permanent Infernals.

If they were worried about Affliction being Godmode, they could do some fine tuning on SB+Soul Copy (in which the DoTs either only apply about half the currently remaining duration, or nerfing the damage output by like 20% of copied DoTs).


Of course they will, because people like you play WoW for the end game repetitive content and want a no-brainier path forward.

Many of us like to enjoy the whole game, that used to be part of WoW, and we could not care less about your meta builds as we actually like to think and try different things. If I applied to a guild and they told me I had to use a specific build I politely apologized for wasting their time and moved on.

I have always enjoyed raiding with guilds who did it for the fun of it, but always avoided raids with people like you who demand everyone conform to how you feel they should play, which is one reason I have not raided much in WoW as the ridiculously over scripted dances they called raids were absolutely no fun for me.

And in the end… this is a game and I play to have fun and I hope to have fun for a while in classic, but could care less if I raid even once.

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I don’t, on any of my 120s. I have enough.

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I not only remember, I miss it every time I pull that little voidie to tank with.


that happens now in m+ and raids doesnt it?look at anyone that runs m+10 or more they all run the same exact meta or a mythic raids they all run the same specs and talents aka the meta.

and dont play classic if thats how you feel they will make you run a certain spec for raids.

Wod was the beginning of this sh!t show. People want MoP and prior.


I don’t understand why they felt the need to essentially role-swap shadow and affliction, but worse for each.

The few remaining good parts of WoD were carried over from MoP.


Lol in what world is having more cool iconic abilities to use a bad thing? We want to feel like our characters are progressing and getting more powerful. When you prune abilities the opposite is true.

It’s not about having another dps button to push. It’s to have a situationally awesome ability. Helps people show their skill too when such situations arise and they have the awareness to use it.

I actually can’t see a single positive reason for pruning.


To oversimplify the game so lazy idiots can play the game and act like they’re any good, when all they’re really doing is mashing three buttons.

I miss the outplay potential more than anything.


I think the example was the one ability that’s still in the game in a pruned, talented state.

Ion: “is anyone having fun hitting unleash elements, do we really need that ability in the game?”

or maybe that was their example to their thought process with pruning. “Is anyone having fun hitting X, do we really need it in the game?”

Which, ofc, the answer was, for every single ability that got removed, yes people had fun pressing them, or proccing them, or what have you.

Not everyone. But yeah.

WoD was the start of the prune. MoP designs are almost universally adored. MoP Affliction and Destruction were just YES.

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I think balance druid was the only really bad one, iirc.

Even then, people like Thyraz did some scary things with it.

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Sunday troll but I’ll bite. There were usually a top 2-3 builds which were usually changing one or two talent points but high end raiders do not represent the entirety of the playerbase and in other forms of the game, being able to change talents was pretty fun.

Plus we used to have the old talent trees + glyphs, while now we only have…


Legion vs MoP warlock, it’s probably even worse in bfa, haven’t bothered to check.

Just look at that, blood horror, shadowfury, port and howl all at the same time.

It was just “too much” for their targeted fanbase to figure out. And now here we are…


if blizzard unprunes stuff other abilities will get purned that just tells me the player base isnt happy with class design.

Its not a matter of giving us back abilities. Its a matter of giving us back the flavor that certain abilities had. There are plenty of abilities that people have forgotten about and couldnt care less about.