Everyone says they want more abilities but

I’ll gladly take back all my prot paladin seals, mana management, my shiny holy block spell, oh and do give me tank stats back.

And that should be a choice that they make out of their own free will.

This is not a bad thing.

There was a lot of issues with class pruning and is the stem of a lot of broken class issues to begin with and the reason so many of the classes feel samey. Build generator, spend it, blow cooldowns.

It’s ok to use more spells frequently, but man did it feel weird to login to a mage for the first time when they locked the spells away from each other and no longer be able to cast frost bolts or cone of cold to slow packs of mobs you were kiting. Not only did it feel bad functionally, it felt bad thematically as well.

And not getting any kind of new spell, enhancements to abilities or talents at max level felt awful too. It always added to sense of character progression and kind of told a story of class mastery as well.

Starsurge used to have a cast time and then you hit a certain level and it’s instant, and it felt good to have that mastery because it opened up new ways to play the class which felt amazing.

Imagine if druids had got restricted the way other classes did (we did to an extent.). If you’re not a cat druid, you’re no longer allowed to use stealth in cat form because you’re only supposed to be a moonkin druid. You may not use that utility all the time, but it’s part of your class, and stripping away schools of magic or spells that require more finesse or unique situations to use them in, doesn’t feel great. Even getting some of those back would make some classes feel better to play again.

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I’d like to have more utility, especially in PvP. I would love shattering throw back, along with storm bolt being baseline. It doesn’t exactly feel good when I have to choose double charge vs storm bolt on a mobility talent tier.

Dude, you literally have zero raiding experience in BFA and zero arena achievements.

You have zero credibility in this discussion.

If you give people 10, 20, or 30 abilitles, people won’t pick the best 5. The good players will find a way to utilize all of them, the bad players, aka you, will complain that there are too many buttons.

Do you know how to utilize Searing Totem? Stoneclaw Totem?
Shiv? Gouge? Smoke Bomb? Mind Control?

Probably not, but just because you can’t maximize the extra buttons, stop trying to dumb the game down even more because you get smashed in dps charts or in arena.


Everyone who upvoted this thread should uninstall. You have absolutely no idea how this game works, you don’t know what you’re talking about, and the rest of the sane players would be better off if you never polluted the forums again with your bile.

This is why general discussion posters should never have their opinions considered.

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While i agree that in some cases we had spells that we never used, there are many examples of over pruning.

Although this only effects leveling, for druids when you first get your cat form, there are no actual abilities with it except a movement cd.

Many others have also stated that the old talent system was just and illusion of choice, but that illusion is actuallu very important in terms of having a sense of progression and enjoyment.

At end game, still with druids, if i dont have bear affinity, i only have two damaging abilities. Without feral affinity, i only have one combo generator and one spender. Shred even states to do extra damage vs bleeding targets, but i dont have a bleed to use.

Thats why you make abilities base line and stop putting them in talents. Can’t choose just 5 when all of them are baseline. MoP was some of the funnest class gameplay I had and I had characters of every class that I played because of it and it was also when we arguably had the most abilities i the game.

Even if some buttons don’t get pushed as often as others. who tf cares? You need to remove it why? I say Stop micromanaging classes and let the people play the class.


How are you so clueless and braindead? Your thought process and others that share it are part of the reason this game has fallen so far.

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Did they use the same three in every raid? Every heroic? Every PvE encounter? Every solo encounter?

Would it be even possible to consider that some abilities might have different applications conditionally making them better choices for some problems but not for others?

Maybe that’s a kind of complexity some people might enjoy.

Not me, admittedly. But I can see that the possibility is there.

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In PVE, sure. In PVP, the loss of so many abilities we used to have as warriors(I can’t speak for other classes) was jarring to say the least. If you were only using a small handful of abilities in PVP, you weren’t playing to the best of your ability.

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They should make a server for for the pro prune player base and just have everyone have a 1 button attack on GCD that does the same damage regardless of ilvl and stats because…balance.

The beauty of having more abilities at your disposal wasn’t to create a more complex DPS rotation. Anyone playing back before all the pruning knows that most classes had fairly simple rotations for raiding or even one’s with a couple of macros.

The beauty of it was in the situational aspects of the game. Whether that be in PvP, 5 man content, certain raid encounters, or just doing content in the open world. You might be able to use special abilities to your advantage or even turn the tide in a PvP encounter.

For a long time, WoW was seen as casual friendly because classes tended to be easy to learn, but difficult to master. The extra specialized abilities help bring that challenge out.

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Inb4, “bUt PvP iS oNlY a MiNi-GaMe”.

To all those who immedaitely thought of the phrase above, you can still use your utility out in the open world. Derp.

Unfortunately, now it’s easy to learn, easy to master.

The number of abilities is fine atm, I just wish I didn’t have to stack haste to the detriment of DPS to make my Enh Shaman actually bearable to play. I don’t enjoy spending 40% of my resources on a spender that hits like a wet noodle.

when I pick talents I usually pick passives so I don’t clutter my UI.

unless something is really special.

While I agree that for a lot of people it tends not to matter. (The amount of Hunters I’ve seen who didn’t know they could Dispel Enrages and Magic effects, or walk on water even is quite high)

However it does add feel to the class, one of the big issues with todays design is lack of choice, and lack of class identity.
You don’t play a Paladin or a Mage or a Shaman any more, instead you play a Ret Paladin, or a Frost Mage, or a Restoration Shaman.

Unless you are in the appropriate specs you just literally don’t get those abilities, your character just forgets how to do them.
In the past your talent choices determined not what you did, but the areas you specialised in, what you were better at doing.

In most cases the classes still have reasonable kits for their actual spec, without being over homogenised. But what they are missing is everything else that makes them that class.

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4 buttons for one combo that puts a debuff
another 4 buttons for a separate combo for max damage and a personal buff.
toss 2 jumps in a rotation. another for a dragon buff ability. then a random ability to hit the boss from the back just to gain a dmg increase buff.

Now I remember why I dropped DRG

PSA: post from Sunday dont feed the trolls please.