Everyone says they want more abilities but

it depends on the pvp if its bgs no one cares if its arena thats a different story your team will expect you to run the best abilities.

I agree with the OP. Also i will like to add that is not so important have several abilities, but it is important to learn how, when and on who or what use the abilities.

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There are no “best” abilities,

it. is. situational.

There are abilities you’ll never use vs 1 comp and they could be your most important vs another.

You literally have never even done arena, you don’t understand the game.


Low IQ poster detected.

Imagine thinking the new talent trees offer any degree of choice whatsoever. Here’s a tip, switching between “what’s optimal” more often is not a choice, it’s just tedious.

You should take a look at the DK forums and see how those people feel about their choice to take BoS.


im making the point you dont need more unpruning you need classes fixed and they arnt if you add unpruned abilities to a class thats still broken its even more broken.

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Simply adding all the abilities back wouldn’t fix the problems wholesale, this much is true.

However, many classes have lost abilities that were both thematically and mechanically interesting.

Most people are not saying that pruning is 100% wrong and bad, just that too many core things were pruned away.


While I agree with the gist of this message, I miss being able to use off-spec abilities, even if they weren’t very strong. With mob leveling, you don’t generally want to go wimpy, but it was still nice to know I had the option for those edge cases.

Not missing it enough to really whine about it, though


Nah, I’ll come right out and say it. Pruning hasn’t improved any class I play, it’s 100% bad and I tend to despise pretty much everything I’ve played since the WoD prepatch.

We’d be significantly better off if all of the pruning and redesigns from WoD onward were reverted.


like kill shot from mm hunters or 2hd from enhancement shamans those are what should come back but not 10 different abilities each class.

classes seill need to be fixed unpruning will just mess them up even more.

Not true.

I had a blood dps death knight up until presences were removed. Similarly with a frost dk tank. I had a frostfire mage halfway up both trees. My priest was a shadow/holy hybrid, and later my second priest was a holy mage-pure offensive light magic. I made two mistweavers; one for healing, and one for beating things up-serpent monk and crane monk. My rogue only uses slice ‘n’ dice and swords–cata had basically no agility swords so I played with green weapons the whole time, and since Legion I’ve been noncompetitive in dps because of it. My mage only uses wands so Legion was a bust for him. I did the quests to get the artifact and progress the story, but all my actual playing was with a crap dps wand that didn’t give me the cool new artifact abilities.

Point is, playing optimally is not something _everyone_does. I’ve had fun doing things this way, but Blizzard has been taking away my ability to do so for almost a decade. Blizzard is forcing everyone into cookie cutter specs and rotations.


The stuff that got pruned was mostly situational, as in good in particular situations. Having them was nice because even though they might spent most of their time tucked away, they were sitting there in your tool chest ready for use if you needed them.

Now if you find yourself in the situations where these abilities would’ve been used you’re just screwed because they’re gone and nothing replaced them.


My whole point was that there has never been a choice. Optimal cookie cutter builds for every spec have always existed. Dumping 5 points in a talent to max it out is no different than picking it out of a row. You want to talk about low IQ? Your reading comprehension is obviously not the greatest.


Situational abilities are still nice to have even if you’re not pressing them all the time.


but if they unprune those abilities and just add them back it will mess up the class as it is now which means more punring to get rid of things.

unpruning will cause current things to be pruned.

Really skillful backtracking there.

Good, current things are horrible across the board.


I miss screwing around with Eyes of the Beast.


My goodness. You not only insult a large base of players because they want more abilities, but just make baseless claims.

Please, speak for yourself and not for others when it comes to wanting abilities back. The “illusion of choice” is another claim people like you make. Just because some talents didn’t provide maximum dps, didn’t make it obsolete. Same with talents.

Your comment about mages was especially disgusting. You see nothing wrong with mages forgetting core spells and abilities when they change specs? You’re saying arcane mages don’t need cone of cold? Fireblast or ice lance? Fire mages don’t need cone of cold, arcane explosion to fish out rogues? Blizzard to AoE?

The great depruning hit some classes the hardest, in favor of brain dead classes like Demon Hunters - who do it all. I can’t even begin to tell you how often I switched mage armours to tailor my play style against different elements, or used fire and frost wards to negate a bit of damage. To use alter time to make awesome plays - jump off a cliff and have them follow you and alter back, or alter by the speed boosts in warsong gulch, blaze speed ahead and capture the flag, alter back and grab the speed boost.

Just because you couldn’t figure out how to use spells or abilities creatively, doesn’t mean we have an excess of spells. This game has lost so many spells and abilities that it’s inching ever closer to be able to be played on a tablet or smartphone.

Perhaps the saddest thing of all is that there are people with your mindset in charge of game play decisions which affect hundreds of thousands of players.


Bring back more abilities and give me back my pvp abilities outside of pvp this isn’t ffxiv.


some people like how their class is now.


Yeah, a slim minority of people. Class design has been the leading gripe since WoD. Whenever people are asked about what iteration of their class they prefer, the results are fairly obvious.

Why should the many suffer horrible class design for the enjoyment of a few?