GD says more abilities are bad cause u only use 5 anyway!

Check it out guys!


I was 100% convinced it was a troll thread (it was looking way too obvious), but then it got upvoted and got a whole bunch of serious replies agreeing with it…which also got upvoted.

I don’t know what is real anymore. Poe’s Law in full effect.


Meta abilities? People will use the tools given to them when they are needed. Gd is full of big dumb we don’t have enough tools


Healers are the easiest to pressure and force mistakes out of and DPS tend to just thirst and not peel well lower down on the ladder.

Hmm I guess I will keep 5 abilities then which ones to chose

Mana Rift…yes yes that is a must


The rest can be Mana Rift too

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wAt foR it mEAn to Be situAtiOnal abIltLity? mE noT sPam iT oFf Cd??!

  • thunderzilla 2019

While I miss class identity I do not miss having 60 keybinds.

If we could find a happy medium that would be great

I really miss shattering throw. And I’d trade die by the sword for bubble.

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Detect/Disarm trap


The happy medium is give us our damn abilities back, we can find a way to key bind them…

I wish they would bring back /castrandom and increase the character limit on macros so I could bind all of my abilities to one button.

if you ever played rift they had that system. pretty much all melee had 1 button for 10+ abilities/reactives.

Balancing is going to suck regardless if we have 3 buttons or 20 buttons. Might as well give us 20 buttons so there’s at least room for outplay in an unbalanced game

I still have 60 keybinds. But as a ret I literally macro everything x3


Classic WoW also had conditional based macros, but nowhere as bad as Rift where you could put your entire rotation on a single button.

Vanilla had a lot of spells but all u did was cast 1 of it lols.

actually you had to be able to cast multiple ranks of multiple spells. Knowing when to use which rank was very important /high skill. I wouldnt expect you to know that as you werent alive when vanilla was out.