Everyone is abusing layering

When layering was first introduced some said it would be abused and exploited.

Those people were called out for fearmongering

And yet they were right.

which is ?

if you want to quit then do it
just stop comeing here posting pissing moaning

Dumbest thought process ever.


It’s unlikely the phase 1 hoarders will last long. They’ll make their easy money, and then what? No more layering.

There has always been rich AH players. And there has always been almost zero need to even use the AH at all.

The economy will correct itself over time. Economies have shocks, but then trend towards neutral again.

In the long run, it isn’t something too worrisome.

How did people know that you were on a different layer?

This is the kind of attitude that got us level boosts, store mounts, four raid difficulties, transmog, LFG finder, welfare epics, and war mode.

Just stop.


Best suggestion here. Layering is needed right now, but no reason they can’t limit how often you can do it.

You should. Your horde card should be revoked too!
A true warrior would have bum rushed all 4 of them. Then after the warrior rezzed he would call in reinforcements and smash those scurvy alliance dogs!

This, ladies and gentlemen, is EXACTLY why I was complaining incessantly about layering and its effect on WPVP, among other things.

What a tragedy.

OP, when you make an over exaggerated statement like “everyone”, “every time”, you are not taken seriously.

This is not happening anywhere near to the point where you can say “everyone is doing it”. I’m on Mankrik, which is highly populated, and I have not seen this once.

Plenty of others here saying the same thing as me tells me this is not as much of a problem you and others are making it out to be. Hell, lots of people don’t even know how to server hop. I didn’t until I googled it just a minute ago.

God bless you.

This happens constantly and is incredibly aggravating.

my attitude? ok i will change … so im gonna act like u guys , sitting on the forum whole day complaining about other people and how bad the game is. lol

Layer abuse: If you build it they will come.

Blizzard designed the system, the players are simply using the tools provided.

We can’t blame the players here. Its akin to saying “if you don’t like LFG in retail, then spam /2 for groups!” or “if you don’t like flying mounts, just walk!” You only disadvantage yourself.

Blizz was given the warnings from day 1 of the announcement. Players provided mountains of exploits, backed up with documented proof. Countless solutions and adjustments to layering systems were suggested that would mitigate these issues, and nothing was implemented.

Ultimately, layer hopping is easier than CRZ hopping has ever been. You don’t need an addon, you don’t even need to stay in group. You can layer hop while dead. You can do it 5 times in a minute. You can do it while in combat. You can do it anywhere in the world.

Blizz failed to implement controls to their system, despite outcry to do so.

I offered you guys an idea to make 4 different servers with the same name. Herod 1, Herod 2, Herod 3. So when they merge, you dont get surnames.

No one liked this idea and said this was basically layering. Now REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

Just make the timer like 10 or 15 minutes between swaps.

And it’s that very reason that I could give 2 :poop:s less who “got there first”, etc.

Between layer abuse and finding out that first 60 shared his account to do it, that just goes to show how sad gamers are today. People can’t just be legit and do things the right way.

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Yeah the whole “1st” thing happened 15 years ago and means nothing today.

Yes! I was saying something about that on MMO when people were talking about not inviting certain specs to raids for “progression.”

The raids are 15 years old. There are literally hundreds of videos of how to do them or do them with half (or less) of the people. It’s not brand new, never-seen-before content.

Wow! You killed Ragnaros “first” in 2019? Kinda like bragging about beating Super Mario Bros today… :frowning:

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How nice, saw the screenshot of the guy with max bags full of arcane crystals. Mining those in darkwhisper was how I got my epic mount in vanilla. Guess I should have cheated is the message Blizzard is sending once again.