Everyone is abusing layering

Right but he made the assumption that everyone is abusing it. Not even remotely true.

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Nah I liked that idea, too. idk if you were the one originally floating the idea a while back but I’ve been sharing it lol

Both of those situations were things that happened in Vanilla that you either had to a) overcome or b) avoid.

Letting everyone just hop over and get an uncontested zone for their own personal pleasure isn’t WoW. It’s a WoW-sandbox server. Private servers literally had better gameplay than this. They need to remove layering yesterday.

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you clearly dont understand what layering is.

Based on your post history you’re already doing that.


example ? please

They did ban ppl for messing with the economy. people say layering is a mechanic. Which it is but its not something that was meant to be abused in such a way.

Okay, since you asked…

Looks like a bunch of whining and complaining to me.

I understand that guild, or custom channels are not layered, but the generic /1 and /3 chats? I’ve seen people call out ally in /3 chat while in the area and not see anything.

Didn’t I agree with you?

its mre like if you want thee babbies version of dugons wicked easy then go play bfa