Everyone is abusing layering

Yeah, pretty sure this was not the intent. Blizzard had better make good on their word and remove layering; best would be to accelerate their plans. Evidently they underestimated how ready their player base is to cheat in 15-year-old content.

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As someone who has been layer hopping to for mining, it’s absurdly profitable. Mine the nodes in a mine layer hop, repeat. Easy 50g per hour, if not more. I have the market set on thorium and mithril, the only thing hindering me is that people don’t have much gold yet and not many people have use of mithril /thorium. In a couple weeks time, it’s going to be nuts.

Easiest epic mount ever.

I hope they fix it asap, because this is stupid and feels dirty. But, it’s a mechanic implemented into the game. We told them this would happen, and it is.

If this is against tos, please, reply here to me and I will stop, screenshot the post, and share it for others. Until then, thanks for all the fish.

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s a duck.


I don’t understand. How do people know what later they are in and that someone else is in another layer?

F this. I’m out. I’m out. Blizz…you have blown it. Your greed knows no bounds. You can’t help but screw up the easiest thing in the world…so easy that people did it in their spare time. All you really needed to do was make Classic. But you had to get clever. Now the economy is spoiled. I don’t want to participate. Screw this trash heap.


You don’t, but there are a TON of layers, so chances are very slim you won’t get a layer swap when you ask for one. Maybe 10% chance it doesn’t work, if that.

good get out you wont be missed at all

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I’m in every global server channel on my server. They’re not even being used. Maybe people are using private channels as well?

I’ve seen only once or twice on KC. I’m in all the LFG groups also. Doesn’t mean it’s not happening, at least it’s not being spammed as crazy though

Engage with reality.

Id just report anyone asking in chat. But yes blizz needs to fix this.

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Please remember that while you don’t see it happening in your realm, or your world chat doesn’t mean its not happening.
Layer Abuse is only going to get worse, its a word of mouth thing, meta. As more people learn about how to use/abuse it more people will start doing it.
Some servers just having reached point were alot have started doing it where you can see that is all.

It is happening and it is going to get worst.

The extreme abusers that weren’t just using it to get to a less crowded quest zone need to be punished.


These people abusing classic aren’t real classic players. Really sad to see players so easily willingly to destroy a game. SMH.

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I know a lot of people are saying this doesn’t happen, and maybe you haven’t seen it or it happens to be uncommon on your server. But, on my server this is pretty rampant.

On Faerlina they even made their own chat channel to help layer hop each other. I get whispers constantly while questing with requests for layer hops. Venruki used Layer hoping to exploit the Arena chest in STV, etc.

It’s an issue, I am not a fan of the idea of how incredibly populated the game will be without layers (aka 4x the queues or more) but something needs to be done.

Just like on Retail with shard hoping, it needs to be addressed. Maybe just make it so you wont shift to a new layer unless you are within say 100 yrds of the person in your party. This was a thing in retail, idk if it still is… but it basically just shut down shard hopping over night. It does still happen once in a while but its a lot harder.

Also for ppl who really need more proof. there is literally an addon that tells you what layer you are on and helps you move to other layers (im not going to post it, look for it yourself :smiley: )

I have refrained from using layer hopping but honestly if Blizz really feels so ok with this, i am only hurting myself by not doing it at this point. /shrug

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Honestly layering doesn’t bother me if it’s used for the DAF respawn for mobs in A LOT of the areas in classic (probably the only change I would add to classic). Waiting 10 min for a respawn on a quest mob is pure cancer in this game.

If using layering for pvp, then that’s a no go, take the L if you get ganked or are the ganker.

Is this a PvP server thing? I haven’t seen anyone requesting a layer transfer since classic launched(on myzrael, pve)

I didn’t want it from the very start. I would have happily played from the very beginning at launch with it off.

I grouped up with some randoms to kill ogres in alterac and suddenly a squad of Horde rolled on us and they instantly went to a new layer. It’s so damn pathetic and totally kills PvP servers.

If they don’t fix this, I’ll be quitting and waiting until exactly that, a server with it off and not touched by it, because this is not okay.

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Yep. Probably the best move.