Every time I want to complain I remember everyone at blizz is dealing with working at blizz

Literally the title. Every time I think of something in WOW or HOTS that could use input from the community I remember that blizz employees have been dealing with sex pest bros for bosses since the game launched, multiple lawsuits, working around covid impacts, and probably everyone’s working on their resumes all the time at this point.

My stupid brain forgets this constantly though. Brain is like, “item X here could use some help”, then brain is like “oh yeah, they’ve got bigger priorities man, don’t think they care about this right now.”. Rinse repeat every 5 minutes.


No. You PAY for a product, and it’s not OK that you’re not being provided what you are paying for. When Blizz sits down and says, you know what…we’re not able to develop content right now because we have issues to sort out, so we’re not going to charge our subscription fees…then I will cut them a break on their content.

They don’t get a free ride any more than I do. They want to keep charging me, I will continue to believe that I am entitled to get what I am paying for.


I hear you, but like I said, I don’t think the average blizz employee cares right now with all the real life stuff going on in their workplace. Probably come in each morning and figure out who their new boss is this week.

So the choice is really do you kill your monthly and wait till they sort things out internally, or keep paying but know they’ve got the lights on but no ones home for an indefinite amount of time.

I hope with all the people being fired that they’d scalp some of the warframe dev team and put them in charge of WoW. But while i’m wishing I also wish to win the lottery.

Exactly what Serewyn said. Content releases are few and far between. And that probably won’t change any time soon.

When you order a steak medium rare and the one you get is a damn brick of charcoal, you don’t complain (especially if the waitress is yelling at the cook to hurry up)?

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Subscription fee isn’t for content, it’s for server access. Unless you want them to just shut the game down while they sort out their issues, they still need to keep the servers running.

Also, seeing as how they just announced a slew of fan pleasing stuff for 9.1.5, they’re obviously still working on content.


Issue is more if the night manager just got fired, the restaurant is being sued, the day manager is sexually assaulting people, and you’ve got COVID to deal with, how much do you really care if the Karen at table 3 doesn’t like her steak? Think people aren’t locking onto this, at some point if your job is a dumpster fire you don’t care what the karens think anymore.

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It’s still ok to complain, but be constructive and give meaningful feedback. 90% of the feedback on these forums can best be described as whining and crying. That’s why they don’t get taken very seriously.

A good artist or creator will always welcome constructive feedback that helps them improve. Insults, hyperbole, and raging aren’t helpful, and never will be. So don’t be afraid to give your feedback. Just make it quality feedback.

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It’s fine to be empathetic, however as a consumer it’s fair to have expectations. When you purchase an MMo it comes with a bit of a social contract that there will be regular content added. That is the understanding of how Mmo’s work among the gaming community. Blizzard is failing to deliver on their end of that bargain. Expecting to receive what you pay for isn’t being unempathetic. It’s simply being practical.


Customers upset with a shoddy product are not “Karens”. It sounds like you are just trying to find an angle to white knight and shut down criticism of the game and development cycle.

Your argument also fails to take into account that people are not upset at people at Blizzard, people are upset WITH Blizzard.


A company that is set out to make great games has no higher priority than to make great games. The office bs is no excuse. They let it get bad in the he first place, that’s their problem and not yours. You owe them nothing other than the sub you signed up for, and frankly I’m tired of giving blizzard excuses for sucking. I don’t even remember the 99 other controversies bat this point, but this legal scandal is merely the most recent of a very very long laundry list of problems blizzard has walked itself right into.

Either make a good game or walk away, 0 in-between

All things that can make a issue understandable, but it doesn’t make it an excuse for neglectful behavior of duties. Abusing the consumer because you are in a bad work enviroment isn’t the answer, that just makes you terrible as well. Your attempt to be empathetic with Blizzard, is making you appear to be unempathetic to the larger crowd.

At some point, you should just quit if things are that bad.

So you assume that because a few people had a very difficult time, that all of them do? You post out of emotion and not logic.


None of this is an excuse to do your job poorly. There are always things to “deal with” in life. Responsible people still do their best.

To go with your (not very good) analogy, a restaurant employee can’t do anything about the first two things, the third thing they should report, and the fourth thing is something ALL of us are dealing with so how is it anything special? The employee should still make sure the customers are satisfied because that is their job.

With regard to Blizzard and WoW, there’s no reason to withhold constructive criticism because of the ongoing issues with the company. However, I will concede that constructive criticism isn’t as common as it could be.

There is a difference between abuse, neglect and not caring.

I do not care one wit at my job presently but I am still professional and polite so I do not neglect or abuse my clients; I just don’t bother to that extra mile for them. And if they ‘don’t like their steak’ so to speak, I direct them up the ladder (where they are even more unlikely to find someone who cares :shushing_face:).

Game is in absolute garbage state and five out of thousand devs being harassed has nothing to do with 99% of it’s problems

There’s nothing funnier to me than people willingly spending their time and money on a game they call “absolute garbage”. Like how little do you value your time lol

The people being abused are not the decision makers. They are the grunts of a business and I do wish them well.

Sadly it is the abusers that are in charge of deciding about changes…so ask away , its the least they can do for us.

Retail is absolute garbage. Classic is only a messy bedroom and I am used to that, especially since I get classic tbc free with my forum subscription.


Made me laugh!

:blue_heart: for you!

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