Every Raid Now

Hey if you can prove you got HM kills without exposing your main, go for it.

We were mocking Yama and Bladetsar because they haven’t done many, if at all

  1. Most of them are blue/purple parse, and what they don’t realize is that if they are buffed, their avg parse will go down.
  2. Being S-tier sets very high expectations. If you play S-tier class & you’re NOT topping meters, you will never get invited to another pug/gdkp/pre-organized raids.
  3. No guild/organized raid will bring more than 1 warrior regardless of 10% buff or not.
  4. They need to measure their dps/parse against other warriors, not warlocks.
  5. They are mad at Ferals, yet are totally cool wtih Affic/Assa/uDK being S-tier. I don’t get it. God forbid, arguably, hardest PvE rotation spec actually gets rewarded for proper gameplay.

But they don’t get it.
Haven’t seen a single 97+ parse warrior complain yet. Only blues all over.

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Well expose himself as a fraud, so yeah… I can see the reluctance.

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Ehh you’re wasting your time Ziryus, he’s finding any excuse he can to not out himself as a liar.

Not to mention if he didn’t pick a fight with me in the first place, I wouldn’t have cared

You’re hard stuck on Thorim HM too huh??

I’m starting to see a pattern with these warrior threads.

The 8.4k forum degens out here “exposing” people’s mains. Certainly not creepy stalker behavior guys. It’s what well adjusted adults do when others don’t agree with them about a video game.

You could simply admit you haven’t done any hardmodes and bow put of your lie.

I have actually posted on my main before here, with the high parses. It won’t change the degen forum troll’s outlook though. They’ll just shift goalposts and then stalk you in-game.

Sure you have.

Sure you do

Aaand Welcome to Final Jeopardy round!

Tesalyn, please pick a catergory!


"It’s what well adjusted adults do when others don’t agree with them about a video game."

…hmmm…Not name their characters after a consumable (or Deethkngt/Bizzard/Legolassx/Illidans etc)


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It’s also funny you brought up parses when that isn’t when anyone was asking for.

They were asking you how many hard mode you did

Heh, nice.

Exactly. Nobody cares about a 95+ parse on Ignis.

I’ll take a green parse on Algalon anyday, assuming mechanics were followed, etc.

and I answered that. To which was responded to by asking for mains.

Thanks for demonstrating the goalpost shifting though.

You think I read every single reply here?

I am certain you do, based on you being in every thread


I’m just saying while you are hiding talk is on the 99 cent menu.

I’m sorry, but Google translate couldn’t figure out what language you are attempting to use.

See, this is what Fish does. He mocks people, then when any scrutiny is placed on him, he screams “STOP HARASSING ME!”

Right… sure… that’s the “reason” but that would be taken to harassment over many threads. Which is basically your MO.

This may all be feigned as “I am bored at work” but really it comes down to having an internal drive to feel power over others, and this is the outlet, which sure in a way is better than having an outlet elsewhere but it doesn’t make for a healthy forum.

I’ve never cared what avatar people post on but recent events have shown that it’s better for people to just use alts and never share any other info.


It’s better than your passive aggressive style.

Also no one asked.

Thought you quit 88 times already.