Every Raid Now

Needing to see people’s mains and parses is not important to the discussion. Either you trust people or don’t. The goalposts are just going to move anyway even if a high parsing warrior argues with you. Then people, maybe not even you but certainly others, who feel the need are going to use that information to stalk people in-game and harass them.


Proving you’ve done what you say you have is.

Or maybe, you know, you should not toy with someone who’s clearly done more HM content than you. Just a thought.

I don’t care if no one asked. I’m going to warn people.

I quit the game but there’s a 0% chance I’m quitting the forums while stuff like this goes on.

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That sounds like a s*** job, not gonna lie. And you’re doing it for free.

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Because it gives him a sense of power.

He’s one of the fakest people on these forums


Are we talking Emperor Palpatine levels of POOOOWWAAAHHH? Where he can shoot force lightning and cleanse the forums?

I think he’s a forum mod.

He kind of follows me around like a lost puppy

Wait, isn’t that stalking?

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He will attempt to insult me with passive aggressive remarks and then go to my manager


Forums to me are just a hobby. I’ve done an official forum mod job though and I liked it. :slight_smile:

Honestly really comes down to just not liking bullies. So yeah I usually don’t say anything but if I see that has a potential to happen I’ll say something. I’d have a problem with anyone acting that way. Anyway, that’s all I’m posting in this thread.

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Are you done spamming the thread yet?

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He also was a GM of a very serious semi hardcore 0/9 hard mode guild.


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The ego shines bright. HMs are not hard in a 15 year old game.

Its adorable how they always default to the victim card

And yet you refuse to prove you’ve done them.

Yep, except he isn’t. He mocked me, and is apparently surprised I responded back

Well, its easy to be aggressive until someone claps back. They tab targetted onto an elite by accident :rofl:

They should stick to the only things theyre good at, spamming anti gdkp rhetoric and believing the earth is flat.

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I have been posting on my main for years, even switch who I post on depending on what character I’m playing, and I have never had people “stalk” or “harass” me in game for something on the forums.

And yes, people’s mains and parses is important to a discussion about this game. Depending on the players skills, and what class they play, it will alter there opinion on a topic.

If the point is to prove that I know the fights or what I’m talking about then expand on the discussion where that knowledge is important. Asking for mains is just an excuse to move goalposts.

No one has “clapped back”. They are fishing for a information to “expose” people’s mains and harass them. You’re one of the people who would likely be interested to learn who my main is as you are clearly still upset that I’ve mentioned the degenerate rmt aspect of Classic.

You aren’t getting any information out of me :clown_face:


Are you assuming that you carry any value to where I care who your main is?

You clearly still harbor a grudge about my stance on GDKPs and rmt in Classic…

So yes

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